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track files: refactor to not use ref, add directory handling, some doc
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rjbou committed Feb 4, 2021
1 parent 5b8f05e commit 220a335
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Showing 3 changed files with 183 additions and 94 deletions.
202 changes: 133 additions & 69 deletions src/client/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ open OpamProcess.Job.Op
module PackageActionGraph = OpamSolver.ActionGraph

(* Install the package files *)
let process_dot_install ~installed_files st nv build_dir =
let process_dot_install ?(track_installed=false) st nv build_dir =
let root = st.switch_global.root in
let (warning, had_windows_warnings) =
if OpamFormatConfig.(!r.strict) then
Expand All @@ -40,7 +40,8 @@ let process_dot_install ~installed_files st nv build_dir =
(OpamSystem.default_install_warning, (fun () -> false))
if OpamStateConfig.(!r.dryrun) then
OpamConsole.msg "Installing %s.\n" (OpamPackage.to_string nv)
(OpamConsole.msg "Installing %s.\n" (OpamPackage.to_string nv);
if OpamFilename.exists_dir build_dir then OpamFilename.in_dir build_dir (fun () ->

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -78,79 +79,122 @@ let process_dot_install ~installed_files st nv build_dir =
let install_files exec dst_fn files_fn =
let dst_dir = dst_fn root st.switch name in
let files = files_fn install in
if not (OpamFilename.exists_dir dst_dir) && files <> [] then (
log "creating %a" (slog OpamFilename.Dir.to_string) dst_dir;
OpamFilename.mkdir dst_dir;
List.iter (fun (base, dst) ->
let (base, append) =
if exec && not (OpamFilename.exists (OpamFilename.create build_dir base.c)) then
let base' =
{base with c = OpamFilename.Base.add_extension base.c "exe"} in
if OpamFilename.exists (OpamFilename.create build_dir base'.c) then begin
OpamConsole.warning ".install file is missing .exe extension for %s" (OpamFilename.Base.to_string base.c);
(base', true)
end else
(base, false)
let installed_dir =
if files = [] then None else
Some (dst_dir,
(OpamFilename.Dir.to_string dst_dir))
if not (OpamFilename.exists_dir dst_dir) && files <> [] then
( log "creating %a" (slog OpamFilename.Dir.to_string) dst_dir;
OpamFilename.mkdir dst_dir);

let install_file ?(bef_install_item=fun _ -> None) base dst =
let (base, append) =
if exec &&
not (OpamFilename.exists (OpamFilename.create build_dir base.c))
let base' =
{base with c = OpamFilename.Base.add_extension base.c "exe"} in
OpamFilename.exists (OpamFilename.create build_dir base'.c)
".install file is missing .exe extension for %s"
(OpamFilename.Base.to_string base.c);
(base', true))
(base, false) in
let src_file = OpamFilename.create build_dir base.c in
if append then warning (OpamFilename.to_string src_file) `Add_exe;
let dst_file = match dst with
| None -> OpamFilename.create dst_dir (OpamFilename.basename src_file)
| Some d ->
if append && not (OpamFilename.Base.check_suffix d ".exe") then
OpamFilename.create dst_dir (OpamFilename.Base.add_extension d "exe")
OpamFilename.create dst_dir d in
if check ~src:build_dir ~dst:dst_dir base then begin
begin match installed_files with
| None -> ()
| Some installed_files ->
let item =
try Some (OpamDirTrack.item_of_filename (OpamFilename.to_string dst_file))
with _ -> None
(base, false)
(base, false) in
let src_file = OpamFilename.create build_dir base.c in
if append then warning (OpamFilename.to_string src_file) `Add_exe;
let dst_file = match dst with
| None ->
OpamFilename.create dst_dir (OpamFilename.basename src_file)
| Some d ->
if append && not (OpamFilename.Base.check_suffix d ".exe") then
OpamFilename.create dst_dir
(OpamFilename.Base.add_extension d "exe")
OpamFilename.create dst_dir d in
if check ~src:build_dir ~dst:dst_dir base then
(let item = bef_install_item dst_file in
OpamFilename.install ~warning ~exec ~src:src_file ~dst:dst_file ();
Some (dst_file, item))
if track_installed then
let installed_files =
List.fold_left (fun tfiles (base, dst) ->
let bef_install_item dst_file =
(OpamFilename.to_string dst_file)
installed_files := (dst_file, item) :: !installed_files
OpamFilename.install ~warning ~exec ~src:src_file ~dst:dst_file ();
) files in
match install_file ~bef_install_item base dst with
| Some item -> item::tfiles
| None -> tfiles)
[] files
Some (installed_dir, installed_files)
(List.iter (fun (base, dst) ->
ignore @@ install_file base dst) files;

let module P = OpamPath.Switch in
let module I = OpamFile.Dot_install in
let instdir_gen fpath r s _ = fpath r s st.switch_config in
let instdir_pkg fpath r s n = fpath r s st.switch_config n in

let to_install = [
(* bin *)
install_files true (instdir_gen P.bin) I.bin;
true, (instdir_gen P.bin), I.bin;

(* sbin *)
install_files true (instdir_gen P.sbin) I.sbin;
true, (instdir_gen P.sbin), I.sbin;

(* lib *)
install_files false (instdir_pkg P.lib) I.lib;
install_files true (instdir_pkg P.lib) I.libexec;
install_files false (instdir_gen P.lib_dir) I.lib_root;
install_files true (instdir_gen P.lib_dir) I.libexec_root;
false, (instdir_pkg P.lib), I.lib;
true, (instdir_pkg P.lib), I.libexec;
false, (instdir_gen P.lib_dir), I.lib_root;
true, (instdir_gen P.lib_dir), I.libexec_root;

(* toplevel *)
install_files false (instdir_gen P.toplevel) I.toplevel;
false, (instdir_gen P.toplevel), I.toplevel;

install_files true (instdir_gen P.stublibs) I.stublibs;
true, (instdir_gen P.stublibs), I.stublibs;

(* Man pages *)
install_files false (instdir_gen P.man_dir);
false, (instdir_gen P.man_dir),;

(* Shared files *)
install_files false (instdir_pkg P.share) I.share;
install_files false (instdir_gen P.share_dir) I.share_root;
false, (instdir_pkg P.share), I.share;
false, (instdir_gen P.share_dir), I.share_root;

(* Etc files *)
install_files false (instdir_pkg P.etc) I.etc;
false, (instdir_pkg P.etc), I.etc;

(* Documentation files *)
install_files false (instdir_pkg P.doc) I.doc;
false, (instdir_pkg P.doc), I.doc;
] in

let installed_files =
let dirs, files =
OpamStd.List.filter_map (fun (exec, dst_fn, files_fn) ->
install_files exec dst_fn files_fn)
|> List.split
|> fun (dirs, files) ->
OpamStd.List.filter_map (fun x -> x) dirs,
List.flatten files
match dirs, files with
| [], [] -> None
| _, _ -> Some (dirs, files)

(* misc *)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -183,9 +227,12 @@ let process_dot_install ~installed_files st nv build_dir =
failwith msg

if had_windows_warnings () then
failwith "Strict mode is enabled - previous warnings considered fatal"
(if had_windows_warnings () then
failwith "Strict mode is enabled - previous warnings considered fatal");

else None

let download_package st nv =
log "download_package: %a" (slog OpamPackage.to_string) nv;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -879,22 +926,36 @@ let install_package t ?(test=false) ?(doc=false) ?build_dir nv =
| [] -> Done None
let install_job ~installed_files =
let root = t.switch_global.root in
let switch_prefix = OpamPath.Switch.root root t.switch in
let pre_install () =
(* let text = OpamProcess.make_command_text name "install" in
* OpamProcess.Job.with_text text *)
* OpamProcess.Job.with_text text *)
( (fun cmd () -> mk_cmd cmd)
(get_wrapper t opam wrappers OpamFile.Wrappers.pre_install))
@@+ fun error ->
(match error with
| None -> run_commands commands
| Some (_, result) -> Done (Some (OpamSystem.Process_error result)))
@@| function
let install_job () =
run_commands commands @@| function
| Some e -> Some e
| None -> try process_dot_install ~installed_files t nv dir; None with e -> Some e
| None ->
ignore @@ process_dot_install t nv dir;
with e -> Some e
let install_and_track_job () =
let empty_changes = OpamStd.String.Map.empty in
let changes =
match process_dot_install ~track_installed:true t nv dir with
| Some (dirs,files) ->
OpamDirTrack.track_files ~switch_prefix ~dirs files
| None -> empty_changes
Done (None, changes)
with e -> Done (Some e, empty_changes)
let root = t.switch_global.root in
let switch_prefix = OpamPath.Switch.root root t.switch in
let post_install error changes =
let local =
let added =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -934,14 +995,17 @@ let install_package t ?(test=false) ?(doc=false) ?build_dir nv =
OpamFilename.(Base.of_string (remove_prefix_dir switch_prefix
(OpamPath.Switch.meta root t.switch)))
(if OpamFile.OPAM.install opam = [] then
let installed_files = ref [] in
install_job ~installed_files:(Some installed_files)
@@+ fun exn -> Done (exn, OpamDirTrack.track_files ~switch_prefix !installed_files)
pre_install ()
@@+ fun error -> (* install *)
(match error with
| Some (_, result) ->
Done (Some (OpamSystem.Process_error result),
| None when commands = [] -> install_and_track_job ()
| _ ->
OpamDirTrack.track switch_prefix
~except:(OpamFilename.Base.Set.singleton rel_meta_dir)
(fun () -> install_job ~installed_files:None))
@@+ fun (error, changes) -> post_install error changes
@@+ function
| Some e, changes ->
Expand Down
53 changes: 33 additions & 20 deletions src/core/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -90,6 +90,10 @@ let item_of_filename ?precise f : item =
| Unix.S_CHR | Unix.S_BLK | Unix.S_FIFO | Unix.S_SOCK ->
Special Unix.(stats.st_dev, stats.st_rdev)

let item_of_filename_opt ?precise f =
try Some (item_of_filename ?precise f)
with Unix.Unix_error _ -> None

let item_digest = function
| _perms, File d -> "F:" ^ d
| _perms, Dir -> "D"
Expand All @@ -99,27 +103,36 @@ let item_digest = function
let is_precise_digest d =
not (OpamStd.String.starts_with ~prefix:"F:S" d)

let track_files ~switch_prefix files =
let track_files ~switch_prefix ?(dirs=[]) files =
let files =
let map remove_prefix to_string =
OpamStd.List.filter_map (fun (file, prev_item) ->
Some (remove_prefix switch_prefix file,
item_of_filename (to_string file))
with Unix.Unix_error _ as e ->
log "Error at %s: %a" (to_string file) (slog Printexc.to_string) e;
map OpamFilename.remove_prefix_dir OpamFilename.Dir.to_string dirs
@ map OpamFilename.remove_prefix OpamFilename.to_string files
(fun acc (f, prev_item) ->
let full_path = OpamFilename.to_string f in
let f = OpamFilename.remove_prefix switch_prefix f in
match prev_item, item_of_filename full_path with
| None, item -> SM.add f (Added (item_digest item)) acc
| Some (perma, a), ((permb, b) as item) ->
if a = b then
if perma = permb then acc
else SM.add f (Perm_changed (item_digest item)) acc
match a, b with
| File _, File _ | Link _, Link _
| Dir, Dir | Special _, Special _ ->
SM.add f (Contents_changed (item_digest item)) acc
| _ -> SM.add f (Kind_changed (item_digest item)) acc
with Unix.Unix_error _ as e ->
log "Error at %s: %a" f (slog Printexc.to_string) e;
(fun acc (f, prev_item, item) ->
match prev_item, item with
| None, item -> SM.add f (Added (item_digest item)) acc
| Some (perma, a), ((permb, b) as item) ->
if a = b then
if perma = permb then acc
else SM.add f (Perm_changed (item_digest item)) acc
match a, b with
| File _, File _ | Link _, Link _
| Dir, Dir | Special _, Special _ ->
SM.add f (Contents_changed (item_digest item)) acc
| _ -> SM.add f (Kind_changed (item_digest item)) acc
SM.empty files

let track dir ?(except=OpamFilename.Base.Set.empty) job_f =
Expand Down
22 changes: 17 additions & 5 deletions src/core/opamDirTrack.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -41,6 +41,23 @@ val track:
OpamFilename.Dir.t -> ?except:OpamFilename.Base.Set.t ->
(unit -> 'a OpamProcess.job) -> ('a * t) OpamProcess.job

(* Permissions and file type *)
type item

val item_of_filename : ?precise:bool -> string -> item
val item_of_filename_opt : ?precise:bool -> string -> item option

(** [track_files ~switch_prefix ?dirs files] is similar to [track], but acts on
precise filename list of [files] and [dirs], in a given [switch_prefix]
directory. It is useful when there is no need to scan the whole switch
directory, but it needs a prior retrieving of previous state using
[item_of_filename]. *)
val track_files :
switch_prefix:OpamFilename.Dir.t ->
?dirs:(OpamFilename.Dir.t * item option) list ->
(OpamFilename.t * item option) list ->

(** Removes the added and kind-changed items unless their contents changed and
[force] isn't set, and prints warnings for other changes unless [verbose] is
set to [false]. Ignores non-existing files.
Expand All @@ -58,8 +75,3 @@ val check:
(** Reload all the digests from the directory [prefix]. Remove a file
from the map if it has been removed from the file-system. *)
val update : OpamFilename.Dir.t -> t -> t

type item
val item_of_filename : ?precise:bool -> string -> item
val track_files : switch_prefix:OpamFilename.Dir.t -> (OpamFilename.t * item option) list -> t

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