Hi there 👋. My name is Óscar Criado de la Torre.
I've spent the last 5+ years working as Senior Software Engineer into 📡 GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite Systems) in the most impact European projects:
🚓 GRC (Galileo Reference Centre): In this project, we act as guardians of Galileo constellation, monitoring and reporting to the European Comission.
🚀 TGVF-X (Time and Geodetic Validation Facility - Explotation Phase) : This project is like a sandbox of new algorithms to be apply into future generations of Galileo constellation and monitoring the performance of the current version of satellites to detect and analyse any anomaly in their behaviour.
🔒 GSC (Galileo Service Centre): This project is the point of contact of Galileo users and the segment, providing reference documentation, products and services such as OSNMA and HAS:
- OSNMA (Open Service Navigation Message Authentication): This service ensures that the signal received is coming from a GNSS satellite.
- HAS (High Accuracy Service): This service provides a set of measurements providing a positioning precision under 10 cm.