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OCTGN Python API Reference

brine edited this page Dec 29, 2022 · 49 revisions

This document outlines the Python API version used by OCTGN's scripting engine. Previous API versions are no longer documented or officially supported by OCTGN.

A list of functional changes to API from can be found here:


Global Class Generic functions
Player Class Require a Player object to be passed
Group Class Accepts Table or Pile objects
Table Class Requires the Table object to be passed
Pile Class Requires a Pile object to be passed
Card Class Requires a Card object to be passed
Event Functions Special functions that receive variables from game events
Event Override Functions Special functions that change the default behavior of common OCTGN actions


2022-12-28 card.defaultProperty() NEW
2020-11-27 table.refit() NEW
2020-11-27 table.reset() NEW
2020-11-22 card.isSelected() NEW
2020-11-22 softResetGame() NEW
2020-07-03 card.peekers NEW
2020-05-21 CHANGED
2020-05-21 clearSelection() NEW
2020-05-21 card.hasProperty() NEW
2020-05-21 pile.collapsed CHANGED
2020-05-21 pile.viewState NEW
2018-01-29 choosePack() API function was added September 2016 but has been undocumented until now
2018-01-29 generatePack() API function was added September 2016 but has been undocumented until now
2018-01-29 queryCard() API function was added July 2017 but has been undocumented until now
2018-01-28 rndArray() NEW
2017-08-12 getActivePlayer() NEW
2017-08-12 setActivePlayer() NEW
2017-08-12 getStop() NEW
2017-08-12 setStop() NEW
2017-08-12 nextTurn() NEW

askCard() Shows a dialog box of cards from the database matching certain parameters
cardDlg() Creates a dialog box of card objects from a list for the user to choose from
askChoice() Shows a dialog box with multiple buttons that the user can choose from
askInteger() Creates a dialog box to input a number
askMarker() Shows a dialog box so that the user can choose a marker type and quantity
askString() Creates a dialog box to input a string
choosePack() Shows a dialog box to choose a card package NEW! 2016-09-07
currentGameName() returns the user-defined name for this game
currentPhase() Returns the index number of the current phase
setPhase() Sets the current game phase
getStop() Checks if the local player has a stop set in the defined phase NEW! 2017-08-12
setStop() Sets a stop in the defined phase NEW! 2017-08-12
nextTurn() Passes the turn to the defined player NEW! 2017-08-12
getActivePlayer() Gets the active turn player NEW! 2017-08-12
setActivePlayer() Sets the active turn player NEW! 2017-08-12
confirm() Creates a yes/no dialog box
gameVersion Returns the game definition's current version
generatePack() Generates a card package and returns the card GUIDs NEW! 2016-09-07
getGlobalVariable() Returns the value of a game-defined global variable
getSetting() Returns a saved game setting
mute() Mute's OCTGN's automatic chat log notifications
notify() Sends a notification message to all players
notifyBar() Sends a notification message to all players
openUrl() Opens the URL in your default browser
getPlayers() Returns a list of all players in the game
playSound() Plays a pre-defined sound file
queryCard() Queries the game's card database for all cards matching specified parameters NEW! 2017-07-07
remoteCall() Invokes a function remotely for a specific player
resetGame() Reset the game
rnd() Generates a single random number between two integers
rndArray() Generates a list of random number between two integers NEW! 2018-01-28
setGlobalVariable() Sets the value of a game-defined global variable
setSetting() Saves a game setting
softResetGame() Soft-resets the game, reloading the original decks ** NEW! Nov 2020 **
turnNumber() Returns the internal turn count
version Returns OCTGN's current version
webRead() Reads the contents of a URL and the HTTP status code
whisper() Sends a notification message to the local player
update() Forces the Python engine to wait until OCTGN's queued networking processes are finished.
clearSelection() Clears any active card selections in the game state NEW! MAY 2020


Prevents OCTGN from logging its default messages to the chat log. This will affect all further API calls until the function finishes execution.

This function is useful if you want to use your own chat log notifications for functions such as shuffling, adding markers to cards, increasing counters, or moving cards.

Note that mute() only affects the scope of the executing function, and will not persist outse of the function. By default it will mute all API-based messages from the point it is invoked onwards. To selectively mute a section of code, either break it into it's own function, or use python's with block syntax.


Argument Type Description
message string a customized message to send to the chat log of all players.

Sends a customized message to the chat log of all players. You can use Python's str.format() method to include variables in the string.

If you pass a Player object as a variable, OCTGN will replace it with the player's nickname. If you pass a Card object, OCTGN will replace it with the card's name, and you can 'Hover' over the name to preview the card's image.

notify("{} plays {} from his hand.".format(me, card))
>>> "Joe plays Ace of Spades from his hand."

Important: Some users have reported that OCTGN will crash if you start a notify message with a line break \n. To prevent unnecessary crashes, it is recommended to add whitespace in front of the line break..

notifyBar(color, message)

Argument Type Description
color string the font color for the message, MUST be in the #HEX color format.
message string a customized message to send to the chat log of all players.

Sends a customized message to the alert bar above the playtable. This is only seen by the local player, use remoteCall() to send to other players.

If you pass a Player object as a variable, OCTGN will replace it with the player's nickname. If you pass a Card object, OCTGN will replace it with the card's name, and you can 'hover' over the name to preview the card's image.

notifyBar("#FF0000", "{} plays {} from his hand.".format(me, card))
>>> "Joe plays Ace of Spades from his hand."


Argument Type Description
message string a customized message to send to the local player's chat log.

Sends a customized message to the chat log of the local player only. You can use Python's str.format() method to include variables in the string.

If you pass a Player object as a variable, OCTGN will replace it with the player's nickname. If you pass a Card object, OCTGN will replace it with the card's name, and you can 'Hover' over the name to display the card's image.

whisper("You can't play {}, {}.".format(card, me))
>>> "You can't play Blue Bunny, Dave."

NOTE: Since whisper() doesn't send through the server network, it sometimes appears in the chat log before notify() messages will, even if whisper() is processed first.

rnd(min, max)

Argument Type Description
min integer The lowest possible integer to be selected
max integer The highest possible integer to be selected

Returns a random INTEGER value between min and max, inclusive. The random number is generated by the server instead of the local client, which is more secure but not as fast as a number generated via python's RNG methods.

num = rnd(3, 6)
print num
>>> 5

rndArray(min, max, count)

Argument Type Description
min integer The lowest possible integer to be selected
max integer The highest possible integer to be selected
count integer How many numbers to be randomly generated

Returns a list of randomly generated INTEGER value between min and max using OCTGN's PRNG method.

Example: Rolling multiple dice

def rollXDice(group, x = 0, y = 0):
    dicecount = askInteger("Roll how many dice?", 2)
    if dicecount > 0:
    rolls = rndArray(1, 6, dicecount)
    for roll in rolls:
        notify("{} rolls a {}.".format(me, roll))

webRead(url, timeout = 0)

Argument Type Description
url string The URL of a web page
timeout integer (OPTIONAL) The length of time (in milliseconds) to wait before timing out.

Reads the contents of a web page

Returns a tuple (contents, code) where STRING contents is the contents of the web page, and INT code is the HTTP code of that page (currently supports 200, 403, 404, 500).

contents, code = webRead('', 5000)
print contents
>>> 'Welcome to my webpage!'
print code
>>> 200

NOTE: The intended purpose of this method is to allow python to read simple text web pages hosted online, to allow more dynamic scripting without having to force game definition updates. There may be many other uses as well.


Argument Type Description
url string The URL of a web page

Opens the user's default web browser to the URL given. It will always ask for the user's permission first, to allow for URL verification. Please be responsible when using this method.



Read-only: Returns the current turn number as an INTEGER (from the internal turn counter).

turn = turnNumber()
print turn
>>> 7


Read-only: Returns the data regarding the current game phase as a tuple (name, index). name is the STRING name given to that phase, and index is an INTEGER index value, corresponding to the sequential order of the game phases defined in the XML. The index starts at 1, as 0 is a null default phase.

turn = currentPhase()
print currentPhase
>>> ('Draw Step', 2)


Argument Type Description
index integer the index number of the desired phase

Sets the current phase to the indexed value corresponding to the sequential order of the game phases defined in the XML. The index starts at 1, as setting 0 will set it to the default null phase.

Note that this function follows the same interactions as manually changing the phase via the Phase Toolbar: Only the active player will be able to change the game phase, and will trigger the pause and prevent changing phases if a player has the current phase paused.

>>> It is now Fred's Draw Step

nextTurn(player = None, force = False)

Argument Type Description
player Player object optional, default None, The initial Active Turn Player for the next turn
force boolean optional, default False, tells the server to ignore any active stops

Passes the turn to the defined player. If player is set to None, then there will be no active turn player set in the new turn. This is functionally similar to clicking the green "Pass Turn" button on the player's tab: Only the active turn player will be able to pass the turn, and if successful it will increment the current turn counter by 1.

NOTE: This call respects any stops set by players in a phase AFTER the current phase, and the end of turn stop. It will stop at the next sequential stopped phase instead of passing to the next turn. If you want to ignore all stops, set force to True.

nextTurn(me, False)
>>> - Turn 1: Dale -


Returns the active turn player. Will return None if there is no active player.

setActivePlayer(player = None)

Argument Type Description
player Player object optional, default None, The Active Turn Player

Sets the active turn player, or removes the active turn player if player is set to None.

NOTE: Only the active turn player can change this.


Argument Type Description
id integer The phase's ID value

Returns True if the local player has a stop set at the defined phase. If the id is set to 0, it will return True if there's a stop set at the end of turn instead.

NOTE: You can't see the stops set by other players.

setStop(id, stop)

Argument Type Description
id integer The phase's ID value
stop boolean The toggle status of the phase's stop

Sets a stop at the defined phase. If the id is set to 0, it will set an end-of-turn stop instead.

If stop is TRUE, it will set the stop. If FALSE, it will remove the stop instead.

NOTE: You cannot change the stops by other players.


Read-only: Returns the name that the hosting player gave to the currently hosted game.

name = currentGameName()
print name
>>> "Beginners Game: No Pros!"


Argument Type Description
message string a customized message to display in the dialog box.

Displays a dialog window with the message, and YES/NO buttons as inputs.

Returns True if the user chooses 'YES', False if the user chooses 'NO', and None if they close the window.

choice = confirm("Do you want to play {}?".format(
print choice
>>> False

askInteger(message, defaultAnswer)

Argument Type Description
message string a customized message to display in the dialog box.
defaultAnswer integer the default number to display in the input box.

Displays a dialog box with the message, and an input box to enter in a POSITIVE INTEGER value.

Returns the inputted INTEGER, or None if the user closes the window instead.

count = askInteger("Draw how many cards?", 10)
if count == None: return
print count
>>> 10

askString(message, defaultAnswer)

Argument Type Description
message string a customized message to display in the dialog box.
defaultAnswer string the default word to display in the input box.

Displays a dialog box with the message, and an input box to enter in a STRING value.

Returns the inputted STRING, or None if the user closes the window instead.

name = askString("What is your name?", "Bob")
if name == None: return
print name
>>> "Greg"


Displays a dialog box with all markers defined by the game, so that the user can create a new marker and assign a quantity to it.

Returns a tuple (id, quantity), where STRING id is the unique identifier for the chosen marker, and INTEGER quantity is the chosen quantity. (None, 0) will be returned if the user doesn't choose a marker (closes the window).

The dialog will save any custom markers created by the user, allowing them to access them again for future uses.

marker, qty = askMarker()
if qty == 0: return
card.markers[marker] += qty
print marker
>>> 'damage'
print qty
>>> 4

askChoice(message, buttonList, colorList, customButtons = [])

Argument Type Description
message string a customized message to display in the dialog box.
buttonList list<string> A list of STRING values specifying the labels of each choice button.
colorList list<string> a list of STRING values specifying the color of each button's background. The color values MUST be in the #HEX color format.
customButtons list<string> (OPTIONAL) A list of STRING values specifying the labels for custom buttons at the bottom of the window.

Displays a multiple-choice dialog box with a list of buttons that the user can choose from. Optional customButton confirmation-style buttons can also be defined which returns a special case.

Returns 0 if the window is closed, or an INTEGER value (starting with 1) corresponding to the chosen button's placement in the window. If customButtons are defined, then clicking one of those will return a negative number, (starting with -1) ordered similarly to buttonList.

(NOTE: that the returning integer will always be 1 greater than the index of that label in the original choice List)

choiceList = ['Heart', 'Diamond', 'Spade', 'Club']
colorsList = ['#FF0000', '#FF0000', '#000000', '#000000'] 
choice = askChoice("Pick a suit:", choiceList, colorsList, customButtons = ["Nah I'm good"])
print choice
>>> 2

NOTE: The colors list must be the exact same length as the choice list, as they correspond to the same indexes. If the lengths are different, then the colors will not appear.

askCard(properties = {}, operator = None, title = "Choose card")

FUNCTION; Displays a dialog so that the user can choose a card and quantity. Cards are pulled from the card database and filtered based on property matches listed in the dictionary.

Argument Type Description
properties dictionary<string:string> A dictionary of property:value pairs that filter the viewable cards in the window.
operator string (OPTIONAL) Only accepts "and" or "or", as operators for the filtered list.
title string (OPTIONAL) A custom title to give to the dialog box.

This function is case insensitive

Returns a tuple (guid, quantity), where STRING guid is the GUID of the chosen card, and INTEGER quantity is the chosen quantity. (None, 0) will be returned if the user doesn't choose a card (closes the window).

The properties parameter should follow the proper Python syntax for dictionaries. The dictionary Keys are STRINGs of the card properties you want to match. You can use any custom property defined in the game, or you can also query card "Name" or "Model" (GUID).

Dictionary Values are the property value you wish to match. They can be a STRING, or a LIST of STRINGS. If a List is used, askCard will match any of the strings in the list (using OR operator).

The optional operator parameter defines how multiple properties are filtered, and only accepts "or" and "and". It will default to "and" if no operator is given.

The optional title is a STRING title given to the dialog box. The default value is "Choose card".

Example: Shows only cards where Color == Red and Rank == Queen

card, quantity = askCard({"Color":"Red","Rank":"Queen"}, "and")
>>> choices are [Queen of Hearts, Queen of Diamonds]

Example: Shows all cards where Suit == Heart or Rank == Queen

card, quantity = askCard({"Suit":"Heart","Rank":"Queen"}, "and")
>>> choices are [Ace - King of Hearts, Queen of Hearts, Queen of Diamonds, Queen of Spades, Queen of Clubs]

Example: Shows only cards where Color == Red and Rank == Queen or King

card, quantity = askCard({"Color":"Red","Rank":["Queen", "King"]}, "and")
>>> choices are [Queen of Hearts, Queen of Diamonds, King of Hearts, King of Diamonds]

queryCard(properties = {}, exact = False)

FUNCTION; Returns a LIST of GUIDs of cards in the game's database which matches a specified set of properties.

Argument Type Description
properties see below A dictionary of property:value pairs to search for.
exact boolean (OPTIONAL) default False; Forces an exact match to the property's value if True.

The properties parameter must be a properly formatted Python Dictionary.

  • The dictionary Keys are case-insensitive STRINGs of the card properties you want to match. You can use any custom property defined in the game, or the card's Name.
  • Dictionary Values are the property values you wish to match. Most common usage are STRING values. You can also use a LIST containing multiple STRING values, which can be used to match (via an OR operation) multiple possible values for that property.

The optional exact boolean can be used to force exact string matches for every property value. By default it is False, allowing partial matches.

Example: Query for all Red Queen cards

cards = queryCard({"Color":"Red","Rank":"Queen"}, True)
return cards
>>> [a9bf4eaf-389a-48c7-966d-a6c523b903e7, 7302af84-6ea9-43aa-8b50-f9f875854501]
>>> returns GUIDs for [Queen of Hearts, Queen of Diamonds]

Example: Query for all Red Queens or Red Kings

cards = queryCard({"Color":"Red","Rank":["Queen", "King"]}, True)
return cards
>>> [a9bf4eaf-389a-48c7-966d-a6c523b903e7, 7302af84-6ea9-43aa-8b50-f9f875854501, eb7a9dd8-cf5c-4aa3-b945-3c828fbad381, 6da3d68a-cd87-46ba-9d10-6da0da48989e]
>>> returns GUIDs for [Queen of Hearts, Queen of Diamonds, King of Hearts, King of Diamonds]

cardDlg(list, bottomList = None)

Class; Creates a cardDlg object defining a customized card selection dialog window. This dialog window can support one or two subgroups (selection boxes) of cards, and can allow players to drag-and-drop cards between the two selection boxes, or re-order the contents of one box. Players can also select one or more cards from a box which will be returned as a list.

Start by initializing a new cardDlg object, by assigning it to a variable and passing a list of card objects as so:

dlg = cardDlg(list)

To initialize a two-box cardDlg, pass a second list instead (either list can be empty):

dlg = cardDlg(list, bottomList)

The following are optional properties which can be get/set to the cardDlg object to customize the appearance and functionality of the dialog window:

Property Type Description
title string The title label of the dialog window (default is "Choose Card")
text string The contents of the multi-line text box above the card selection boxes
label string The label that appears above the first card selection box (beside the filter box)
bottomLabel string The label on the lower card selection box, if enabled
min integer The min number cards allowed in selection (for single box) or in upper box (for double box)
max integer The max number cards allowed in selection (for single box) or in upper box (for double box)
list List<Card object> The list of cards to appear in the upper selection box
bottomList List<Card object> The list of cards to appear in the lower selection box

For single selection boxes, min and max are defaulted to 1.

  • If both min and max are 1, then the dialog window is in Single Selection mode. While in this mode, players can only select one card. Double-clicking on a card will automatically choose that card and close the window, returning that card as the only item in the list.
  • If both min and max are 0, then the dialog window is in Re-order mode. While in this mode, players can only rearrange the cards in the box. Confirming the box will update the contents of the list dlg property to the newly rearranged order.
  • If any other value, the dialog is in Multi Selection mode. While in this mode, players can click to select/unselect multiple cards in the dialog. Confirming the dialog will return a list of all selected cards (in the order they were selected).

For double selection boxes, min is defaulted to 0 and max is defaulted to the total quantity of cards in both boxes. This means that there will be no limitation to the number of cards in either box.

  • Setting the max or min to any other value will enforce a maximum or minimum number of cards allowed in the UPPER selection box. If the count of cards in the upper box does not fall between these two values, then the user will not be able to confirm the selection.
  • Confirming the selection will update the list and bottomList dlg properties to their new contents. It will also return the selected card (if available) in a list, although this does not have much purpose.

call the show() function on the cardDlg object to display the dialog window. It will return a list of Card objects that were selected by the dialog window.

cardsSelected =

WARNING: The dialog box will show the card image of all cards in cardList, even if the card is not currently visible to the player (i.e. if it is face-down or in a hidden zone). Ensure that hidden cards are filtered out of the cardList if the player is not supposed to be able to see them.


dlg = cardDlg([c for c in me.Discard]
dlg.title = "These cards are in your discard pile:"
dlg.text = "Select a Card"
cards =
return cards
>>> ["Three of Hearts"]


(Check out the wiki page for card packs for more information on OCTGN's card packs.)

Opens a dialog box, allowing the user to select a card pack.

Returns a tuple, with the following items:

  1. The STRING name of the selected pack's Set
  2. The STRING name of the selected pack
  3. The STRING GUID of the selected pack

or None if no pack was selected.


packTuple = choosePack()
print packTuple
>> ("Base Set", "Booster Pack", "2a28ad7d-8559-4d13-b401-371b577dd3d2") 


(Check out the wiki page for card packs for more information on OCTGN's card packs.)

Generates a card pack and returns a list of GUIDs for the card contents. This uses the same generation methods as OCTGN's limited deck editor.

Property Type Description
model string the GUID of the desired card pack

Returns a list of card GUIDs from the pack's contents.


Returns a list of all Player objects currently connected to the game. Note that this list is UNSORTED, that is, the local player (You) is always first in this list.

This method is different from the players constant because it is dynamic, and will change if a player leaves or joins the game. players will always return the original list of players when the game started.


Returns the STRING version of OCTGN that the user is using.

print version
>>> ""


Returns the STRING version of the game definition that the user is using.

print gameVersion
>>> ""


Resets the game to its original state, deleting all card objects and returning all player counters to their default values.


Resets the game, returning all player counters to their original values and restoring the previously-loaded decks into their corresponding piles.

NOTE: This function will delete all cards from memory and create new ones for the reloaded decks. Python will treat these as new card objects, so existing script references to the previous game's cards will be lost.


(see this link for more information on OCTGN's GlobalVariable system.)

Argument Type Description
name string The name of a game-defined Global Variable

Returns the STRING stored data that is defined in the Game Definition as **.

NOTE: name is stored in OCTGN as a STRING, and will probably need to be converted back into its original type. You can do this with Python's eval(var) method.

cards = eval(getGlobalVariable("cardList"))
print cards
>>> ["Queen", "Jack", "10"]

setGlobalVariable(name, value)

(see this link for more information on OCTGN's GlobalVariable system.)

Argument Type Description
name string The name of a game-defined Global Variable
value string The value to store into the Global Variable

NOTE: The variable MUST be converted to a STRING before it is stored via setGlobalVariable(). You can do this with Python's str(var) method.

cards = ["Queen", "Jack", "10"]
setGlobalVariable("cardList", str(cards))

setSetting(name, value)

Argument Type Description
name string The name of a game setting
value any type A variable object to store into the named setting

Stores a variable as a local game setting, identifiable by its name. All standard python object types are supported (string, int, list, etc...) EXCEPT DICTIONARIES (see note below). Game settings are stored permanently and are retained when a game is closed, but are only readable by the local player.

examples of use:

setSetting("MaleGender", True) // Stores a boolean True/False, in this case to store the player's gender.
setSetting("PlayerAge", 25)  // Stores an integer value

NOTE!!! Python dictionaries currently break the settings file. If you want to store a dictionary object as a setting, you MUST convert it to a .NET dictionary first! When you use getSetting, it will return as a Python Dictionary.

example of conversion:

   pythonDict = {"key": 3, "anotherkey": 73}
   netDict = Dictionary[str,int](pyDict)

getSetting(name, defaultValue)

Argument Type Description
name string The name of a game setting
defaultValue any type A default value to return, if the setting doesn't exist yet

Retrieves a previously-stored Game Setting with the specified name. A defaultValue must be included, in the case where that Game Setting has not yet been created or stored, and should match the object type that would be expected.

Warning: Keep in mind bug #968

examples of use:

age = getSetting("PlayerAge", 20) // Will return the stored variable, else default to 20.


(see this link for more information on OCTGN's Sound system.)

Argument Type Description
name string The name of a game-defined Sound

Plays a sound with name as defined in the game definition.


remoteCall(player, function, arguments)

Argument Type Description
player Player object The player who will end up invoking the function
function string The name of the function that will be invoked
arguments list A list of arguments (of any object type) that will be passed to the remote player's function

Invokes a specific function on another players game. This is the only safe way to interact with objects(cards, piles, groups, tokens, etc) that are not controlled by the player calling this method (me).

Note: You have to pass the arguments list even if the remote function will have no argument. In this case simply pass an empty list object e.g.



# This is a function that exists inside one of your definitions python files
def soundOff(id, play):
  notify("[{}]Sounds off {} (Started by {})".format(me,id,play));

# this is the call you would make to make all the players sounds turn off
def invokeSoundOff()
  for p in players

Then, if the host runs invokeSoundOff(), You would get results like:

[player1]Sounds off 1 (Started by player1)
[player2]Sounds off 2 (Started by player1)

Note: there are no guarantees what order these will appear in, while multiple calls to the same player will arive in order, different players may recive remote calls faster than others.


This function forces any networked based functionality executed by previous lines of code to complete. This is a useful way of forcing OCTGN to 'catch up' for certain processes to finish. Examples of issues which may be remedied by this function can be found here: #412 and #110.


This function clears any active selections on all cards in the game state. Card selections can occur from ctrl+clicking a card, using a selection box from drag-clicking, or from the method.


All API functions in the Player Class require a Player object to be specified. Player objects are indexed in OCTGN by their INTEGER _id value, which is assigned whenever the Player object is created.

Python can return the Player object using Player(_id), making the _id integer value useful for storing player information with functions such as setGlobalVariable().

The Player class provides case-insensitive dynamic properties as shortcuts to game-defined piles and counters, assuming their names contains some invalid symbol such as a dot or a space)

    me.deck  --> me.piles['Deck']
    me.score --> me.counters['Score']

players is an unordered list of all Player objects that existed when the game was created. players[0] is ALWAYS the local player, and is shortcutted by using me as the player object. For example, players[0].name == == "your name". Note that a player that leaves the game will still retain their Player object in players, and will cause errors when the list is used.

When scripts are to refer to the local player, ALWAYS use me.

_id Returns the unique identifier for the player
color Returns the color associated with that player
counters Returns dictionary of all the player's counters and their values
isActive Returns TRUE if it's currently the player's turn (Active Player)
isInverted Returns TRUE if the player is on the "inverted" side B of a two-sided table.
isSubscriber Checks if the player is a subscriber.
name Returns the player's name.
piles Returns dictionary of all the player's piles and their OBJECTS for manipulations
getGlobalVariable() Returns the value of a player's game-defined global variable
setActive() Passes the Active Turn status to another player.
setGlobalVariable() Sets the LOCAL PLAYER ONLY's game-defined global variable.


Returns the unique INTEGER identity value assigned to the Player object. This identifier is generated by OCTGN when the Player object is created. The player with _id of 1 is always the hosting player.

id = player._id
print id
>>> 1

Returns the STRING nickname of this player.

name =
print name
>>> "Bobby86"


Returns a STRING representing the color assigned to the player, in #HEX notation (i.e. #000000).

color = player.color
print color
>>> "#3A3A00"

Sets the player's color, only accepts hex notation (i.e. #000000) NOTE: Only the local player's color can be set this way.

player.color = '#000000'



Read-only; dictionary containing this player's counters. Keys are names (case-insensitive); Values are Counter object, that have two properties: name and value (settable). If the counter name is a valid Python identifier, its value can be accessed directly from the Player object.

      me.Score = 10
      me.counters['Score'].value += 1



Read-only; Returns dictionary containing this player's piles. In this dictionary, the keys are pile names (case-insensitive); the values are the Pile object for that pile name.

NOTE: shared.piles will return a dictionary of all shared piles.


READ-ONLY PROPERTY, Returns a boolean value determining if the player has an inverted table; True if the player is on the "inverted side" (side B) of a two-sided table.

Will always return False if the table is not two-sided.

isInverted = me.isInverted
print isInverted
>>> True


READ-ONLY PROPERTY; returns True if the player is currently set as the active player (if it is their turn).

isActive = me.isActive
print isActive
>>> False


FUNCTION; passes the turn to the player. This function works identically to clicking the green "end turn" buttons on the player tabs, and will do nothing if you try to pass to the player who is already the active player.

NOTE: You cannot use this to take control of the turn, so me.setActive() will NEVER DO ANYTHING!

notify("{} passes the turn to {}.".format(me, players[1]))
>>> "Hugo passes the turn to Gamer331."


READ-ONLY PROPERTY; returns True if the player is a subscriber.


(see this link for more information on OCTGN's Player GlobalVariable system.)

Argument Type Description
name string The name of a game-defined Global Variable

Returns the STRING stored data that is defined in the Game Definition as **.

NOTE: name is stored in OCTGN as a STRING, and will probably need to be converted back into its original type. You can do this with Python's eval(var) method.

score = eval(me.getGlobalVariable("Score"))
print score
>>> 12

player.setGlobalVariable(name, value)

(see this link for more information on OCTGN's Player GlobalVariable system.)

Argument Type Description
name string The name of a game-defined Global Variable
value string The value to store into the Global Variable

Stores the value into the Player's game-defined GlobalVariable. NOTE: You can only set your own Player GlobalVariable, all other players are READ-ONLY.

NOTE: The variable MUST be converted to a STRING before it is stored via player.setGlobalVariable(). You can do this with Python's str(var) method.

score = me.counters['Score'].value
me.setGlobalVariable("Score", str(score))


All API functions in the Group Class require a Group object to be specified.

In OCTGN, the Group class includes the Table object and all Pile objects. Group classes behave like read-only collections. You can count the number of cards len(table), access a specific card me.Deck[3], take a slice me.hand[2:5] or iterate them for c in table.

Note that you can't modify this collection directly, use card.moveTo() and card.moveToTable instead.

The <groupaction> game action defined by the game definition will pass the Group object that the action is executed from as a parameter. However, the bulk of these calls get filtered down to either the Table class or the Pile class, depending on what group the function was executed from.

controller the active controller of the group.
name Returns the group's name.
player Returns the owner of the group.
viewers Returns a list of players who can see the group
visibility the visibility setting of the group
random() Returns a random card inside the group.
[addViewer()] (#groupaddviewer) Show group cards to a player
[removeViewer()] (#groupremoveviewer) Hide group cards from a player

Returns the name of the Group.

name =
print name
>>> "Hand"


Returns the Player object of the owner of this Group.

owner = group.player
notify("{} owns this card.".format(owner))
>>> "Marcel owns this card."


Returns a random Card object inside the group, or None if the group is empty.

card = group.random()
notify("{} randomly chose {}'s {} and moves it to the Table.".format(me, card.owner, card))


PROPERTY the player who is currently controlling (note: not owning) that group.


Returns the player object of the group's current controller.


Sets the active controller of the group to the specified Player object.


PROPERTY; the visibility of the pile. There are four available visibility settings available:

  • none - no player can see the card
  • all - every player can see the card
  • me - only the local player can see the card
  • undefined - the default visibility setting


an additional visibility setting, custom, can occur if a player has manually added themselves to the list of viewers (via right-click menu).


Will set the visibility to one of the four settings. Note that me will change visibility exclusively to the player calling the function, removing the other players from visibility.


Returns a list of players who are allowed visibility for the cards in the group.


Argument Type Description
player player The player object to grant visibility to.

Adds the player to the list of players who can see the cards in the group.


Argument Type Description
player player The player object to deny visibility to.

Removes the player from the list of players who can see the cards in the group.

group.create(guid, quantity = 1)

Argument Type Description
guid string The GUID of the card you want to create
quantity integer (OPTIONAL) The number of cards to create (defaults to 1)

This method will create a card in the group with the specified arguments. It also returns the Card object (or list of Card objects if quantity is greater than 1) of the newly-created card(s).

Cards created through group.create() will always persist when moved out of the group. Use card.delete() to delete the card if necessary.

If the GUID doesn't exist in the database, or quantity is 0, this method will return None instead.

NOTE: to create cards on the table, use table.create() instead.

cards = me.hand.create('dfa86825-5f00-414f-89ae-d5745a4efc8e', quantity = 2)
for card in cards:
    notify("{} created {}.".format(me, card))
>>> "James created Bossdude."
>>> "James created Bossdude."


All API functions in the Table Class require the Table object to be specified.

The <groupaction> game action defined by the game definition will pass the Table object to the python function as a parameter, if the action is being executed from the Table.

invertBackground Inverts the background image
board the current game board image layered over the table
boards gets the list of all boards available in the game
create() creates new cards onto the table, then Returns those cards
isTwoSided() Returns TRUE if 'Use Two-Sided Table" was enabled.
refit() recalculates the table's visible area to fit all cards NEW! NOV 2020
reset() restores the table's visible area to the original size NEW! NOV 2020

table.create(guid, x, y, quantity = 1, persist = False)

Argument Type Description
guid string The GUID of the card you want to create
x integer The table's x-coordinate to place the card
y integer The table's y-coordinate to place the card
quantity integer (OPTIONAL) The number of cards to create (defaults to 1)
persist boolean (OPTIONAL) Specify if the card should still exist after being moved off the table (defaults to False)

This method will create a card on the table with the specified arguments. It also returns the Card object (or list of Card objects if quantity is greater than 1) of the newly-created card.

As long as persist is False, the cards will vanish from the game when they leave the table via any method.

NOTE: If the GUID doesn't exist in the database, or quantity is 0, this method will return None instead.

cards = table.create('dfa86825-5f00-414f-89ae-d5745a4efc8e', 6, 100, quantity = 2, persist = False)
for card in cards:
    notify("{} created {}.".format(me, card))
>>> "Zack created Cakeman."
>>> "Zack created Cakeman."

Use this function in tandem with askCard() if you want the player to choose a card to create from a filtered list of the card database.

guid = askCard({'Type': 'Token', 'HP': '25'}, 'and')
card = table.create(guid, 0, 0, 1)
notify("{} created {}.".format(me, card))
>>> "Bruce created Cakezilla."


Returns True if the table was set to two-sided mode, else False.

if table.isTwoSided():
    notify("The table is two-sided.")
    notify("The table is NOT two-sided.")
>>> "The table is NOT two-sided.")


Recalculates the table's visible area (zoom and position) so that all cards currently on the table are visible.


Resets the table's visible area (zoom and position) to the default settings from the start of the game.


PROPERTY; the inverted status of the background.


Returns True if the local player's background is inverted, else False.


If True, inverts the background for the local player. False will set the background to its normal orientation.


PROPERTY; the STRING game board name that is currently set on the table, as defined by the game board's Name attribute in the game definition.

The default game board is always denoted as "Default".


board = table.board
print board
>>> 'Default'


table.board = 'altBoard'

NOTE: Changing the game board will network the board change to all other players.


READ-ONLY PROPERTY; The List of all game boards available for the table, as defined by the game board's Name attribute in the game definition.

boardList = table.boards
print boardList
>>> ['Default', 'altBoard']


All API functions in the Pile Class require a Pile object to be specified.

All Piles are specifically defined in the Game Definition, and none are included with OCTGN. The Table is not considered to be a Pile.

The <groupaction> game action defined by the game definition will pass the Pile object to the python function as a parameter, if the action is being executed from a Pile.

collapsed Get or set the collapsed status of the pile.
viewState Get or set the current view state of the pile. NEW: May 2020
bottom() Returns bottom Card object in the pile if count = None, else a list of bottom 'count' cards.
lookAt() Open a window to look at the top (or bottom) X cards of the pile.
shuffle() Securely shuffles the pile.
top() Returns top Card object in the pile if count = None, else a list of top 'count' cards. = None)

Argument Type Description
count integer (OPTIONAL) Specifies how many cards from the top of the pile to select (default None)

Selects count number of cards from the top of the deck, and returns an Array of those cards as Card objects.

If count is None, or not specified, it will return the top Card object of the pile (not an Array).

Will return None if the pile is empty.

card =
cards =
for c cards:

pile.bottom(count = None)

Argument Type Description
count integer (OPTIONAL) Specifies how many cards from the bottom of the pile to select (default None)

Functionally similar to, except it starts from the bottom of the pile instead of the top.


Securely shuffles the pile.

>>> "Clark's Deck is shuffled"


Gets or sets the boolean collapsed state of the pile in the player's view of piles.

True is for the collapsed state. False is for the pile state.

NOTE: As of the May 2020 update, this feature has been deprecated in favor of the new viewState method. pile.collapsed will return False for both the pile and expanded view states, and setting it to False will only set it to the pile state.

print me.piles['Discard Pile'].collapsed
>>> False
me.piles['Discard Pile'].collapsed = True
print me.piles['Discard Pile'].collapsed
>>> True


NEW for May 2020

Gets or sets the string value representing the current view state of the pile.

The three different states are:

  1. collapsed (the pile is tucked to the right side of the screen, no cards are shown)
  2. pile (the pile shows as a single stack of cards)
  3. expanded (the cards fan out horizontally and the user can view the entire collection of cards at once.)

NOTE: The expanded viewState replaces the functionality of the previous Hand groups.

print me.piles['Discard Pile'].viewState
>>> "pile"
me.piles['Discard Pile'].viewState = "expanded"
print me.piles['Discard Pile'].viewState
>>> "expanded"

pile.lookAt(count, isTop)

Argument Type Description
count integer Specifies how many cards to look at. (default All)
isTop boolean (OPTIONAL) Look at the top (True) or bottom (False) of the pile. (default True)

Opens a card selector dialog with the top (or bottom) cards from the deck. Specifying a negative number will display all of the cards in the deck. Specifying 0 will give the local player a prompt of how many cards to look at. This is like using the "Look at" context menu items.


All API functions in the Card Class require a Card object to be specified. Card objects are indexed in OCTGN by their INTEGER _id value, which is assigned whenever the Card object is created.

Python can return the Card object using Card(_id), making the _id integer value useful for storing card information with functions such as setGlobalVariable().

The <cardaction> game action defined by the game definition will pass the Card object to the python function as a parameter, if the action is being executed from a card (in any location).

_id Returns the unique identity value of the card
alternate The card's alternate form.
alternates a LIST of all alternate forms of the card, identified by their 'type' string.
anchor Anchors the card to the table, preventing players from manually moving it
controller the player OBJECT of the card's current controller.
filter the current filter color as a string in #HEX color format.
group Returns the group OBJECT that the card is currently located in.
index the current index (z-value) of the card in the group it is in.
isFaceUp Returns or Sets the card's visibility status.
isSelected Returns the selection status of the card. NEW! Nov 2020
height Returns the card's height as defined by the game.
highlight the current highlight color as a string in #HEX color format.
markers Returns a DICTIONARY of all markers which can be edited via python. UPDATED May 2020
model Returns the GUID of the card
name Returns the chat-hoverable name of the card
orientation Returns or Sets the current rotation of a card in 90 degree intervals.
owner Returns the player OBJECT of the card's owner.
peekers Returns the players who are peeking at the card. **NEW! July 2020 **
position Returns the x,y coordinates of the card.
properties Returns dictionary of all the card's custom properties and their values
set The name of the expansion set that the card belongs to
setId The GUID of the expansion set that the card belongs to
size Returns the name of the card's current custom size
targetedBy Returns the player OBJECT who is targeting the card.
width Returns the card's width as defined by the game.
alternateProperty() Returns a property value from an alternate form of the card.
arrow() Draws an arrow from the card to another card. active = False will remove the arrow.
defaultProperty() Returns the unmodified property value from an alternate form of the card. NEW! Dec 2022
delete() Eliminates the card from the game.
hasProperty() Checks to see if a specific property is defined on the card. NEW! May 2020
isInverted() Checks to see if the card would be inverted at the given y coordinate
moveTo() Moves a card to a specified group. Top of piles if index = None.
moveToBottom() Moves a card to the BOTTOM of a specified PILE.
moveToTable() Moves a card to specified coordinates on the table.
offset() a new coordinate tuple (x,y) slightly offset from the card's current position
peek() Reveals the identity of the card to the local player while keeping it face-down.
resetProperties() Clears all changes made to card properties, restoring their original values
select() Adds the card to the current selection.
sendToBack() Sends the card behind all other cards on the TABLE ONLY
sendToFront() Sends the card in front of all other cards on the TABLE ONLY
target() Targets the card, or removes target if active = False.


Returns the unique INTEGER identity value assigned to the Card object. This identifier is generated by OCTGN when the Card object is created. It is different than the card's GUID, which is used to pull custom properties and image from the card database.

id = card._id
print id
>>> 65528


Returns the STRING GUID of the Card object.

guid = card.model
print guid
>>> "dfa86825-5f00-414f-89ae-d5745a4efc8e"

Returns the STRING name of the card. This is useful when trying to implement the the card's given name into other variable types, as the Card object only converts to the card's name in notify() and whisper() methods.

name =
print name
>>> "Ace of Diamonds"

NOTE: abides by the visibility setting of the card to the player accessing it. If the card's identity is hidden to the player, then it will return Card instead of the card's real name. You can force the access of the card's name by using the Name custom property (["Name"] or card.Name, noting the capitalization). See for more information on this feature.

Property; the dictionary of all custom card properties of the card as defined by the game and set definitions. In this dictionary, each Key is a property name (case-insensitive); each Value is the value of the property for that card.

A card's dictionary of custom properties can be accessed regardless of its current visibility settings, allowing python the ability to read a card's property values without requiring visibility of the card. Care should be taken to ensure that your game scripts do not accidentally reveal the data of cards that may be hidden from the player.

Every card includes the Name custom property by default, which is a cloned string of the card's name as defined in the set definition. This is made available to allow Python to view the card's given name without requiring visibility of the card.


To get a specific property value from a card, use the standard python dictionary syntax i.e.["Collector Number"] or["Type"].

The Card class also has a case-insensitive shorthand notation to more conveniently look up values of card properties that do not have spaces, periods, or other invalid characters in it. For example, you can look up the value of a property named "Type" by using card.Type, card.type, or the proper syntax["Type"].

properties =
print properties
>>> {'suit': 'Hearts', 'value': 'King', 'color': 'Red'}
print card.Suit
>>> 'Hearts'


You can change the properties of a card, which will override the default values given by the set definition. You can use either the full properties syntax, or the shorthand notation (if applicable) to set a card's property.

card.Suit = "Diamond"
print card.Suit
>> "Diamond"["Card Value"] = "Seven"
print["Card Value"]
>> "Seven"


FUNCTION; Removes all changes made to a card's properties, restoring them to their original values (from the set definition).


Returns the Player object of the player who owns that card. The owner is the player who initially loaded the deck, or created it via create().

owner = card.owner
notify("{} is the owner of {}.".format(owner, card))
>>> "Bill is the owner of Ace of Spades."


PROPERTY; the Player object of the player who currently controls that card. Only the controller is able to manipulate the card manually, and Python will return a warning message if a script attempts to manipulate a card its controller does not control.


controller = card.controller
notify("{} is the controller of {}.".format(owner, card))
>>> Sam is the controller of Ace of Spades.


Setting control to a player mimics the functionality of the "pass control to --> " menu option when you right-click a card. The Player object will become the controller of the card.

While it is possible to take control of other player's cards, this will soon be removed from the code base.

card.controller = players[1]   #will pass control to your opponent (in two-player games)
notify("{} passes control of {} to {}.".format(me, card, players[1]))
>>> Joseph passes control of Six of Hearts to Jane.

Returns the specific group (as either a Pile object or a Table object) that the card is currently residing in. Note that this will never actually return a Group Object.

Note: since this is read-only, you cannot change a card's location with Instead, use methods like moveTo() or moveToTable().

group =
if group == table:
    notify("{} is currently in {}.".format(card, group))
>>> Three of Hearts is currently in table.


Returns a boolean value representing the visibility of the card.
Face-up cards on the table are visible to all players, and will show the card's image.
Face-down cards on the table are non-visible to all players, showing the card's default back image.
Face-up cards in piles are visible to the local player.
Face-down cards in piles are non-visible to the local player.

Python can identify the name and properties of face-up cards and their names are displayed when hovered. Names and properties of face-down cards can't be identified this way.

if card.isFaceUp:
    notify("{} is currently face-up.".format(card))
>>> Jack of Hearts is currently face-up.
if not card.isFaceUp:
    notify("{} is currently face-down.".format(card))
>>> Card is currently face-down.

It can also be used to set the visibility status of the card. Setting a card face-down will force Python to "forget" the card's name and properties.
Changing face-up status of a card always updates it for all players.

NOTE: If a card is being flipped face-down, make sure you place the notify text FIRST, otherwise you'll lose the name of the card.

notify("{} flips {} face-down.".format(me, card))
>>> Jen flips King of Clubs face-down.
card.isFaceUp = False
notify("{} flips {} face-down.".format(me, card))
>>> Jen flips Card face-down.


Returns a boolean value, true if the card is currently in a selection (yellow highlight border).

if card.isSelected:
    notify("{} is currently selected.".format(card))
>>> Jack of Hearts is currently selected.


PROPERTY; the STRING Alternate Form that the card is currently in, as defined by the alternate's Type in the set XML.

The card's default Form is denoted as an empty string.


alternate = card.alternate
print alternate
>>> ''


card.alternate = 'alt1'


READ-ONLY PROPERTY; The List of all Alternate Forms available on a card, as defined by the alternate's Type in the set XML. The card's default Form is denoted as an empty string.

alternateList = card.alternates
print alternateList
>>> ['', 'altA', 'altB']


READ ONLY PROPERTY; the STRING identifier name assigned to the card's custom size. If the card is using the default card size, it returns "Default".


READ ONLY PROPERTY; the current INTEGER width value of the card as defined by the card's custom size data in game definition.


READ ONLY PROPERTY; the current INTEGER height value of the card as defined by the card's custom size data in game definition.

card.hasProperty(prop, alt = None)

** NEW! ** May 2020

Argument Type Description
prop STRING The Custom Property to check.
alt STRING (OPTIONAL) Checks the property from a specific alternate on the card.

Returns a BOOLEAN if the given property exists on the card. A value of FALSE indicates that the property does not exist. This can happen when a property name does not match to any of the ones defined in the game definition xml, or if the card's XML data omitted that property.

If the optional alt property is set, then it will check the property in that alternate only. If it is not set, then it will check properties from the active alternate of the card.

NOTE: a null property value is different from an empty one. Python will return an empty string for both null and empty property values, so hasProperty is the best way of differentiating between the two.

<card name="Insect Man" id="7cb817d1-b7e4-4a30-aec6-1eef827003a2">
  <property name="Rules" value="" />
  <property name="Cost" />
print card.hasProperty("Rules")
>>> True
print card.hasProperty("Cost")
>>> False
print card.hasProperty("Undefined Property Name")
>>> False

card.alternateProperty(alt, prop)

Argument Type Description
alt STRING The Alternate Form to get the property from.
prop STRING The Custom Property to identify the value of.

Returns the STRING or INTEGER value of a Custom Property belonging to a specified Alternate Form of that card. This uses the current property value, which can be modified through game scripting. To view the default (original) property value instead, see card.defaultProperty().

altProperty = card.alternateProperty("A", "Suit")
print altProperty
>>> "Hearts"

card.defaultProperty(alt, prop)

Argument Type Description
alt STRING The Alternate Form to get the property from.
prop STRING The Custom Property to identify the value of.

Returns the STRING or INTEGER value of a Custom Property belonging to a specified Alternate Form of that card. This uses the original property value defined in the set XML, and ignores any overrides added via game scripting. To view the overwritten property value instead, see card.alternateProperty().

altProperty = card.defaultProperty("A", "Suit")
print defaultProperty
>>> "Hearts"


READ-ONLY PROPERTY; the STRING name of the expansion set that the card belongs to.


cardSet = card.set
print cardSet
>>> "Base Set"


READ-ONLY PROPERTY; the STRING GUID of the expansion set that the card belongs to.


cardSetId = card.setId
print cardSetId
>>> "6fafefa7-ca00-4a40-9940-4a57d8d26ae1"


New in Octgn 3

Reveals the identity of the card to the local player while keeping it face-down. This is identical to manually right-clicking and selecting "Peek at Card". An eye icon will appear on the card, and hovering over it will show who is peeking at it.

Peeking at a card will allow Python to access the card's name and properties as though it were face-up.

Peeking at face-up cards does not have any effect.

if not card.isFaceUp:
    notify("{} is peeking at {}.".format(me, card))
>>> Diane is peeking at Queen of Spades.


Returns a LIST of Player objects who have peek status of the card.


Returns the current orientation, or rotation, value of the card as an INTEGER value between 0 and 3. OCTGN has four pre-defined constants that represent each of these values, which are interchangable:

  • 0 = Rot0
  • 1 = Rot90
  • 2 = Rot180
  • 3 = Rot270
rotation = card.orientation
return rotation
>>> 2

It can also be used to SET the orientation of a card.

card.orientation = Rot180
notify("{} rotated {} upside-down.".format(me, card))
>>> Jacques rotated Ace of Spades upside-down.

Note that those constants can be used in mathematical expressions as well:

rotation = card.orientation
card.orientation = rotation + Rot90
notify("{} rotated {} by 90 degrees.".format(me, card))
>>> Jacques rotated Ace of Spades by 90 degrees.


PROPERTY; the color of the filter drawn over the card, affecting the visible tint of the card's image.

Filter colors are formatted as STRING hex values with the convention "#aarrggbb", where aa is the alpha transparency value of the filter (ff is fully opaque, 00 is fully transparent). A color value of "None" means there is no filter on the card.


color = card.filter
return color
>>> '#4433AAFF'


Sets the filter color for the card, replacing any previous color that may already be drawn. Setting a value of "None" will remove the filter from the card.

AttackFilter = "#44ff0000" # Red
card.filter = AttackFilter


PROPERTY; the color of the highlight border drawn around the card.

Highlight colors are formatted as STRING hex values with the convention "#rrggbb". A color value of "None" means there is no highlight on the card.


color = card.highlight
return color
>>> '#33AAFF'


Sets the highlight color for the card, replacing any previous color that may already be drawn. Setting a value of "None" will remove the highlight from the card.

AttackColor = "#ff0000" # Red
card.highlight = AttackColor


Returns a TUPLE representing the x and y coordinates (as INTEGERs) of the card's position on the table.

position = card.position
print position
>>> (3, 100)
x, y = card.position
print x
>>> 3
print y
>>> 100

NOTE: This will NOT move the card around on the table, use card.moveToTable() instead.

card.offset(x = card.position[0], y = card.position[1])

FUNCTION; Returns a tuple (x,y) of INTEGER coordinates, slightly offset with respect to the passed card's position on the table.

This method takes into account whether the table is two-sided, if the y coordinate is in the inverted area of the table, and the dimensions of the cards.

Argument Type Description
x integer OPTIONAL x coordinate to offset from
y integer OPTIONAL y coordinate to offset from

An OPTIONAL set of x and y coordinates can be passed which will replace the x and y values pulled from the card's position.

card.isInverted(y = card.position[1])

FUNCTION; Returns a BOOLEAN value if the card is inverted (upside down) on the table.

Argument Type Description
y integer OPTIONAL y-coordinate on the table

An OPTIONAL y coordinate argument can be passed. The function will return TRUE if the card would be inverted at the specified y-coordinate.


PROPERTY; the non-negative INTEGER index value of the card in the group it is currently located in.

On the table, an index of 0 is the card furthest to the back (behind all other cards).

In expanded piles, an index of 0 is the right-most card.

In non-expanded piles, an index of 0 is the top of the pile.


cardIndex = card.index
print cardIndex
>> 3


Moves the card to the specified index value on the table.

NOTE: This setter only works for cards on the table. For cards in piles, use card.moveTo() instead.

card.index = 5


Forces the card's index to 0, placing it behind all other cards.

NOTE: This function only works for cards on the table. For cards in piles, use card.moveToBottom() instead.


Forces the card's index large enough to be placed above all other cards.

NOTE: This function only works for cards on the table. For cards in piles, use card.moveTo() instead.


Returns the Marker Object for the card -- a dictionary of markers items that have been set on the card. This dictionary can be modified with Python to add or remove markers from the card.

Each Key in the Marker dictionary represents one of the markers displayed on the card. Marker keys are stored as (name, id) tuples, where STRING name is the given name for that marker, and STRING id is the unique identifier for that marker's icon image.

The corresponding Value for each Key is the INTEGER quantity of that marker. This number is displayed next to the marker's icon on the card.

Marker icons are defined in the game definition XML. These ids are used to specify the image used by the marker.

If the specified id is not defined in the game XML, then a randomly-assigned default marker color will be used for that icon. These specific colors can also be accessed by using the following id values:

  "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001" - white
  "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002" - blue
  "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000003" - black
  "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000004" - red
  "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000005" - green
  "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000006" - orange
  "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000007" - brown
  "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000008" - yellow

Example: Using Python to return marker quantities:

quantity = card.markers[("Damage Marker", "damage")]
print quantity
>>> 3

If two Keys contains the same marker id but a different name (or vice versa), OCTGN will treat these as different marker objects. As such, it is HIGHLY recommended to define constants for all of your markers in python scripts. This makes it easier to reference the marker you wish to use, and prevents unnecessary duplicates of dictionary keys.

Example: Defining a marker constant

damageMarker = ("Damage Marker", "damage")
quantity = card.markers[damageMarker]
print quantity
>>> 3

Since the Marker object is a Python Dictionary, standard dictionary operations can be used to change its contents. This includes adding new key:value pairs, or applying mathematical operations to change the Value quantity.

Setting a Value to 0 will remove that marker from the card.

Example: Changing the markers on a card

damageMarker = ("Damage Marker", "fabd2965-929e-4ee9-b69c-e278e3cd4098")
# Adding one marker
card.markers[damageMarker] += 1
# Removing one marker
card.markers[damageMarker] -= 1
# Setting the marker to a value
card.markers[damageMarker] = 4
print card.markers[damageMarker]
>>> 4

card.moveTo(group, index = None)

Argument Type Description
group Group Object The group where the card is moved to.
index Integer (OPTIONAL) A position within the group that the card is moved to.

NOTE: Only Pile objects can be the targets of the group argument. For the Table object, use moveToTable() instead.

Moves the card to the specified group. If an index is included, then the card will be placed at that index, starting at the top of non-expanded piles or from the right side of expanded piles.

The default index is 0 (the top of non-expanded piles and the right side of expanded piles).

# will move the card 1 below the top card of a deck
card.moveTo(me.Deck, 1)
# will move the card to your hand


Argument Type Description
pile Pile object The pile where the card is moved to.

Moves the card to the bottom of the specified pile. Only Pile Objects can be used for this function, which does NOT include the Table object.


card.moveToTable(x, y, forceFaceDown = False)

Argument Type Description
x Integer The x-position to move the card to.
y Integer The y-position to move the card to.
forceFaceDown Boolean (OPTIONAL) Forces the card to move to the table face-down.

Moves the card to the table at the given (x, y) co-ordinates. If the forceFaceDown argument is given as False, the card will be securely moved face-down, preventing players from knowing its identity.

card.moveToTable(300, -150, True) = True)

*UPDATED May 2020

Argument Type Description
selection boolean (OPTIONAL) select or deselect the card (default is True)

Adds the card to current selection, or creates a selection if one is not already available. If the optional selection parameter is False, it will deselect the card instead.

This is the same behaviour as CTRL+click on a card or using the drag-click selection box.


BOOLEAN Property, anchors the card to the table, preventing players from manually moving it via drag-clicking. This will not prevent Python from moving the card via card.moveToTable().


isAnchored = card.anchor
return isAnchored
>>> False


card.anchor = True

return card.anchor
 >>> True = True)

Argument Type Description
active Boolean (OPTIONAL) Whether or not to draw a targeting reticle over the card (defaults to True)

Creates a targeting reticule icon on the card. If active is False, it will remove all targets from the card instead.


Read-only, returns the Player object of the player who is targeting this card, or None if the card is not targeted.

if card.targetedBy == me:
   card.markers[ChargeMarker] += 1

card.arrow(target, active = True)

Argument Type Description
target Card object The card that the arrow will point to.
active Boolean (OPTIONAL) Whether or not to draw an arrow or remove an existing one (defaults to True)

If active is set to True, this will draw an arrow from the card, pointing to the target Card object.

If active is set to False, it will remove all targeting arrows originating from the card (currently, the target card is irrelevant in this case). It will not remove arrows pointing to it.


Eliminates the card from the game. This works the same way as creating cards through table.create() with persist = False.

Note that this is irreversible, so cards that are deleted cannot be recovered.


These are specialized functions that are executed when specific game events are triggered. They all require the game event to be defined in the <events> tag of the game's definition xml. For each event defined in the XML, you MUST include the correspondingly named function in your scripts file(s).

The following events are listed by their XML EVENT NAME, as used in the name attribute in the <event> element. The name of the corresponding Python function is defined as you choose in the action attribute. As an example:

<event name="OnCardsMoved" action="moveCards" />

would use the OnCardsMoved event, and passes the arguments as a variable to the action python function:

def moveCards(args):
    cards =

For events that include arguments, those arguments are passed to Python as a specialized dictionary object. If the event does not pass any arguments (the OnTableLoaded event, for example), then no arguments should be included in the python function.

OnTableLoaded Triggers when the table initally loads
OnGameStarted Triggers when the table initially loads, and after each game restart
OnPlayerConnected Triggers when a player reconnects to a game
OnPlayerQuit Triggers when a player leaves a game
OnDeckLoaded Triggers when a player loads a deck
OnCounterChanged Triggers when a player's counter value is adjusted
OnPhasePassed Triggers when the current game phase changes
OnPhasePaused Triggers when a player has interrupted the passing of the current phae
OnTurnPassed Triggers when a player ends their turn
OnTurnPaused Triggers when a player has interrupted the ending of a turn
OnCardTargeted Triggers when a player targets a card
OnCardArrowTargeted Triggers when a player draws a target arrow between two cards
OnCardsMoved Triggers when one or more cards are simultaneously moved from one location to another manually
OnScriptedCardsMoved Triggers when a python script moves one or more cards
OnPlayerGlobalVariableChanged Triggers when a player's global variable changes
OnGlobalVariableChanged Triggers when a global variable changes
OnCardClicked Triggers when a player clicks a card
OnCardDoubleClicked Triggers when a player double-clicks a card
OnMarkerChanged Triggers when a card's markers change
OnCardControllerChanged Triggers when a card's controller changes


Triggers when the table is loaded up for the first time. It will not trigger when you restart a game.

OnTableLoaded passes no arguments.


Triggers when the table is initially loaded, as well as during a game restart.

OnGameStarted passes no arguments.


Triggers when a player successfully reconnects to the game.

Parameter Type Description
player Player object The player that reconnected to the game.


This event triggers when a player leaves the game, either through a disconnection, or by terminating the game window (intentionally or through a crash).

Parameter Type Description
player Player object The player leaving the game.

NOTE that since the player is no longer in the game, elements of their Player object data may be unusable or missing.


Triggers when a player loads a deck. Note that the event does not know which cards were loaded, just the groups in which cards were loaded into.

Parameter Type Description
player Player object The player that loaded the deck.
groups list<Group object> List of groups that cards were added to.


Triggers when a player's counter is changed. This will detect changes made by the local player, as well as other players.

Parameter Type Description
player Player object The player who performed the counter value adjustment.
counter Counter object The counter that was changed.
value integer The original value of the counter, before it was changed.
scripted boolean True if the counter was changed via a Python, False if it was changed manually via the player tab spinners.

Since the counter argument is a Python Counter object, its properties can be accessed or changed via scripting. For example, the current value of the counter can be read using counter.value, and the owner of the counter can be read using counter.player.


Triggers when a player interrupts the ending of a turn by toggling the yellow PAUSE symbol on the player tabs.

Parameter Type Description
player Player object The player who toggled the pause.


Triggers when the player passes the turn to another player.

Parameter Type Description
player Player object The player who is passing the turn.
turn integer The turn number of the previous turn being passed.
force boolean If stops were forced to skip via scripting


Triggers when a player interrupts the passing of phases by toggling the pause on the phase in the phase toolbar.

Parameter Type Description
player Player object The player who set the pause on the current phase.


Triggers when the active turn player changes the current phase.

Parameter Type Description
name string The name of the previous phase.
id integer the index value of the previous phase (based on defined position in game XML.)
force boolean If stops were forced to skip via scripting


Triggers when a card is targeted, or de-targeted. This will trigger for both the manual targetting (shift-click the card), and the python function.

Parameter Type Description
player Player object The player targeting the card
card Card object The card being targeted.
targeted boolean True if the card was targeted, False if it was de-targeted.
scripted boolean True if the card was targeted via Python.


Triggers when a target arrow is drawn between fromCard and toCard. This will trigger for both the manual targetting (shift-drag one card to the other), and the python card.targetArrow() function.

Parameter Type Description
player Player object The player targeting the card
fromCard Card object The card at the base of the arrow.
toCard Card object The card at the point of the arrow.
targeted boolean True if the arrow was drawn, False if it was removed.
scripted boolean True if the card was targeted via Python.


Triggers when a player's global variable gets changed via the python player.setGlobalVariable() function.

Parameter Type Description
player Player object The owner of the global variable
name Player object The name of the global variable
oldValue Player object The original value of the variable
value Player object The new value


Triggers when a global variable gets changed via the python setGlobalVariable() function.

Parameter Type Description
name Player object The name of the global variable
oldValue Player object The original value of the variable
value Player object The new value


Triggers whenever a card is clicked. mouseButton is an integer value, with 0 being the left button and 2 being the right button. keysDown is a list of all key names being held while the card is clicked.

Parameter Type Description
card Card object The card being clicked
mouseButton integer the mouse button which clicked the card
keysDown list A list of STRING key names

NOTE: The 'middle' mouse button (scroll wheel) has reserved usage in OCTGN and will not trigger this event.


Triggers whenever a card is double-clicked. mouseButton is an integer, with 0 being the left button. keysDown is a list of all key names being held while the card is clicked.

Parameter Type Description
card Card object The card being clicked
mouseButton integer the mouse button which clicked the card
keysDown list A list of STRING key names

NOTE: The 'middle' mouse button (scroll wheel) has reserved usage in OCTGN and will not trigger this event. The 'right' mouse button does not trigger this event either.


Triggers whenever a marker's value is changed on a card. Note that this event returns a marker's name and ID as separate arguments, not a Marker object.

Parameter Type Description
card Card object The card whose markers are changed
marker string the name of the marker being changed
id string the unique identifier of the marker being changed
value integer The old value of the marker
scripted string True if the marker was changed via Python


Triggers whenever a card's controller changes to another player.

Parameter Type Description
card Card object The card changing controllers
player [Player object}(#playerClass) The new controller of the card
value [Player object}(#playerClass) The old controller


Triggers when one or more cards are simultaneously moved from one location to another manually. As cards in a selection can be moved simultaneously, many of the arguments are passed as lists in a single trigger. This will require the function to iterate through the lists to match up all values.

Parameter Type Description
player Player object The player moving the cards
cards list<Card object> the cards being moved
fromGroups list<Group object> the original groups of the cards
toGroups list<Group object> the new groups for the cards
indexs list<integer> the original z-indexes of the cards
xs list<integer> the old X coordinates of the cards
ys list<integer> the old Y coordinates of the cards
highlights list<string> the original highlight colors on the cards
filters list<string> the original filter colors on the cards
markers list<dictionary> the original marker dictionaries on the cards
faceups list<boolean> the faceup statuses of the card
alternates list<string> the original alternate state on the cards

An example of iterating through the lists, while matching the variables to the list index of the card:

def moveCardFunction(args):
	index = 0
	for card in
		oldCoords = (args.xs[index], args.ys[index])
		newCoords = (card.position[0], card.position[1])
		group = args.toGroups[index]
		highlight = args.highlights[index]
		notify("{} moves {} to {}.".format(args.player, card,
			>>> "Janson moves Ace of Spades to Deck"
		index += 1

NOTE: the highlight list items will be in a STRING HEX (#rrggbb) color format, or None if no highlight is currently on the card.

The marker list items will be in a STRING equivalent of the Marker object, and will need to be converted to the marker dictionary via eval()


Triggers when one or more cards are simultaneously moved from one location to another via a python function. See OnCardsMoved for functionality.


Event Overrides are a subset of Event Function which will interrupt the default OCTGN behavior of their respective events, and pass control over to the defined Python function. Event overrides are performed LOCALLY and do not network any messages to the other clients, although the containing python API calls might do so.

Override Events will not perform the actions they are replacing after the python function is executed. They must be performed within the function via the appropriate python API functions.

Similarly to event functions, they require to be defined in the <events> tag of the game's definition xml. For each event defined in the XML, you MUST include the correspondingly named function in your scripts file(s).

The following override events are listed by their XML EVENT NAME, as used in the name attribute in the <event> element. The name of the corresponding Python function is defined as you choose in the action attribute. As an example:

<event name="OverrideCardsMoved" action="MoveCards" />

would use the OverrideCardsMoved event, and passes the arguments as a variable to the action python function:

def MoveCards(args):
    cards =

For events that include arguments, those arguments are passed to Python as a specialized dictionary object. If the event does not pass any arguments (the OnTableLoaded event, for example), then no arguments should be included in the python function.

OverrideCardsMoved Triggers when a card is manually moved via drag-drop
OverrideTurnPassed Triggers when a player clicks the "Pass Turn" button
OverridePhaseClicked Triggers when a player clicks a phase button
OverrideGameReset Triggers when a player resets the game via the menu option


Triggers when one or more cards are simultaneously moved from one location to another via drag-drop. As cards in a selection can be moved simultaneously, many of the arguments are passed as lists in a single trigger. This will require the function to iterate through the lists to match up all values.

Parameter Type Description
cards list<Card object> the cards being moved
toGroups list<Group object> the new groups for the cards
indexs list<integer> the new z-indexes of the cards
xs list<integer> the new X coordinates of the cards
ys list<integer> the new Y coordinates of the cards
faceups list<boolean> The new faceup state of the cards


Triggers when the player clicks the green "Pass Turn" button on the player tabs.

Parameter Type Description
player Player object the player the turn is being passed to


Triggers when the player clicks a phase button.

Parameter Type Description
name string the name of the phase clicked
id integer the index ID value of the phase clicked


Triggers when the player chooses the Reset Game menu option. This override has no arguments.


Tip: how to select cards

Python has nice comprehensions to select objects. Here's a way to get all Land cards you control on the table:

tableLands = [card for card in table
         if card.controller == me
         and'\bLand\b', card.type)]

You can then iterate through them in a loop:

for card in tableLands: card.moveTo(me.Discard)

or count them

notify("You've got {} lands on the table".format(len(tableLands)))

you can even use on-the-fly list comprehensions to reveal cards from a player's hand without having to put them on the table first.

notify("{} is holding the following actions in their hand: {}".format(me,[ for card in me.hand if card.Type == 'Action']))



re is the Regular Expression engine built-into Python, which is very useful to perform text matching. You need to import it first:

    import re

The expression above:'\bHero\b', card.type) checks whether the word 'Hero' (\b are marking word boundaries in a RegExp) appears into card.type.

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