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moyodiallo committed Sep 18, 2023
1 parent 02ae26b commit 396718b
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Showing 8 changed files with 79 additions and 63 deletions.
44 changes: 22 additions & 22 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -18,17 +18,23 @@ let describe_bin_of_entries =
|> Describe_entries.entries_of_sexp
|> Describe_entries.items_bin_of_entries)

let has_dune_subproject = function
| "." | "" -> false
| dir -> Sys.file_exists (Filename.concat dir "dune-project")
let has_dune_subproject path =
if Fpath.is_current_dir path then false
Fpath.(path / "dune-project")
|> Bos.OS.Path.exists
|> Result.get_ok

let parent_path path = if Fpath.is_current_dir path then None else Some (Fpath.parent path)

let rec should_use_dir ~dir_types path =
match Hashtbl.find_opt dir_types path with
| Some x -> x
| None ->
let r =
match Astring.String.cut ~sep:"/" ~rev:true path with
| Some (parent, _) ->
match parent_path path with
| Some parent ->
if should_use_dir ~dir_types parent then (
not (has_dune_subproject path)
) else false
Expand All @@ -44,7 +50,7 @@ let copy_rules () =
(fun d_item ->
|> Describe_external_lib.get_item
|> (fun (item:Describe_external_lib.item) -> item.source_dir "/dune")
|> (fun (item:Describe_external_lib.item) -> Fpath.(item.source_dir / "dune"))
|> (Dune_rules.Copy_rules.get_copy_rules))
|> Dune_rules.Copy_rules.copy_rules_map

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -83,14 +89,10 @@ let resolve_internal_deps d_items items_pkg =
let d_items_lib =
|> List.filter_map (fun d_item ->
match is_lib_item d_item with
| true ->
|> get_item
|> (fun (item:Describe_external_lib.item) ->
( ".lib", Lib item))
|> Option.some
| false -> None)
if is_lib_item d_item then
let item = get_item d_item in
Some ( ^ ".lib", Lib item)
else None)
|> List.to_seq |> Hashtbl.of_seq
let rec add_internal acc = function
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -118,8 +120,8 @@ let get_dune_items dir_types ~pkg ~target =
let item = Describe_external_lib.get_item d_item in
if Describe_external_lib.is_exe_item d_item && Option.is_none item.package
match find_package_of_exe item with
| None -> d_item
match find_package_of_exe item with
| None -> d_item
| Some pkg -> Describe_external_lib.Exe { item with package = Some pkg }
else d_item)
|> (fun d_items ->
Expand All @@ -140,9 +142,8 @@ let get_dune_items dir_types ~pkg ~target =
in d_items, unresolved_entries)
|> (fun (d_items, unresolved_entries) ->
|> (fun d_item ->
match d_item with
| Describe_external_lib.Exe item ->
|> (function
| Describe_external_lib.Exe item as d_item ->
|> List.find_map (fun extension ->
Item_map.find_opt ( extension) unresolved_entries)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -173,9 +174,8 @@ let lib_deps ~pkg ~target =
get_dune_items (Hashtbl.create 10) ~pkg ~target
|> Describe_external_lib.get_item
|> List.fold_left (fun libs (item:Describe_external_lib.item) -> (fun dep ->
(fst dep, item.source_dir)) item.external_deps
|> List.fold_left (fun acc (lib,path) -> (fun dep -> fst dep, item.source_dir) item.external_deps
|> List.fold_left (fun acc (lib, path) ->
if Astring.String.take ~sat:((<>) '.') lib <> pkg then
let dirs = Libraries.find_opt lib acc |> Option.value ~default:Dir_set.empty in
Libraries.add lib (Dir_set.add path dirs) acc
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion dune
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
(public_name opam-dune-lint)
(name main)
(libraries astring fmt fmt.tty bos opam-format opam-state cmdliner stdune sexplib str))
(libraries astring fmt fmt.tty bos opam-format opam-state cmdliner stdune sexplib str fpath))
44 changes: 32 additions & 12 deletions dune-project
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,24 +1,44 @@
(lang dune 3.10)

(name opam-dune-lint)

(formatting disabled)

(generate_opam_files true)
(source (github ocurrent/opam-dune-lint))
(authors "")
(maintainers "")

(github ocurrent/opam-dune-lint))



(license ISC)

(cram enable)

(name opam-dune-lint)
(synopsis "Ensure dune and opam dependencies are consistent")
"opam-dune-lint checks that all ocamlfind libraries listed as dune dependencies have corresponding opam dependencies listed in the opam files. If not, it offers to add them (either to your opam files, or to your dune-project if you're generating your opam files from that).")
(astring (>= 0.8.5))
(sexplib (>= v0.14.0))
(cmdliner (>= 1.1.0))
(stdune (>= 3.10.0))
(ocaml (>= 4.08.0))
(bos (>= 0.2.0))
(fmt (>= 0.8.9))
(opam-state (>= 2.1.0))
(>= 0.7.3))
(>= 0.8.5))
(>= v0.14.0))
(>= 1.1.0))
(>= 3.10.0))
(>= 4.08.0))
(>= 0.2.0))
(>= 0.8.9))
(>= 2.1.0))
34 changes: 13 additions & 21 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ module Describe_external_lib = struct
package: string option;
external_deps : (string * Kind.t) list;
internal_deps : (string * Kind.t) list;
source_dir: string;
source_dir: Fpath.t;
extensions: string list

Expand All @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ module Describe_external_lib = struct
package = None;
external_deps = [];
internal_deps = [];
source_dir = "";
source_dir = Fpath. v ".";
extensions = []

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -58,21 +58,19 @@ module Describe_external_lib = struct

let decode_item sexps =
let items =
List.fold_left (fun items sexps ->
match sexps with
List.fold_left (fun items -> function
| Sexp.List [Atom "names"; List sexps] -> (fun name -> {dump_item with name = name}) ( string_of_atom sexps)
| _ -> items) [] sexps
List.fold_left (fun items sexps ->
match sexps with
List.fold_left (fun items -> function
| Sexp.List [Atom "names"; List _] -> items
| Sexp.List [Atom "package"; List [Atom p] ] -> (fun item -> {item with package = Some p}) items
| Sexp.List [Atom "package"; List [] ] -> (fun item -> {item with package = None}) items
| Sexp.List [Atom "source_dir"; Atom s] -> (fun item -> {item with source_dir = s}) items (fun item -> {item with source_dir = Fpath.v s}) items
| Sexp.List [Atom "extensions" ; List sexps] -> (fun item -> {item with extensions = string_of_atom sexps}) items
| Sexp.List [Atom "external_deps" ; List sexps] ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -101,7 +99,7 @@ end
module Describe_entries = struct

type item = {
source_dir: string;
source_dir: Fpath.t;
bin_name: string;
kind: string;
dst: string;
Expand All @@ -111,7 +109,7 @@ module Describe_entries = struct

let dump_item = {
source_dir = "";
source_dir = Fpath.v ".";
bin_name = "";
kind = "";
dst = "";
Expand All @@ -128,22 +126,16 @@ module Describe_entries = struct
| Sexp.Atom s -> s
| s -> Fmt.failwith "%s is an atom" (Sexp.to_string s)

(* With "default/lib/bin.exe" or "default/lib/bin.bc.js" gives bin, it gives "bin.exe" *)
let bin_name s =
Astring.String.cut ~sep:"/" ~rev:true s
|> snd |> Option.get
(* With "default/lib/bin.exe" or "default/lib/bin.bc.js", it gives "bin.exe" or "bin.bc.js" *)
let bin_name = Filename.basename

(* With "default/lib/bin.exe", it gives "default/lib" *)
let source_dir s =
Astring.String.cut ~sep:"/" ~rev:true s
|> fst |> (Astring.String.cut ~sep:"/" ~rev:false) |> Option.join |> snd
|> function None -> "." | Some dir -> dir
let source_dir = Fpath.parent

let decode_item sexps =
List.fold_left (fun item sexps ->
match sexps with
List.fold_left (fun item -> function
| Sexp.List [Atom "src"; List [_; Atom p] ] ->
{item with source_dir = source_dir p; bin_name = bin_name p}
{item with source_dir = source_dir (Fpath.v p); bin_name = bin_name p}
| Sexp.List [Atom "kind"; Atom p ] -> {item with kind = p}
| Sexp.List [Atom "dst"; Atom p ] -> {item with dst = p}
| Sexp.List [Atom "section"; Atom p ] -> {item with section = p}
Expand All @@ -154,7 +146,7 @@ module Describe_entries = struct

let decode_items : Sexp.t list -> entry list =
List.filter_map (function
| Sexp.List [List [Atom "source"; List [Atom "User" ; _ ]]; List [Atom "entry"; List sexps]] -> Some (decode_item sexps)
| Sexp.List [List [Atom "source"; List [Atom "User" ; _ ]]; List [Atom "entry"; List sexps]]
| Sexp.List [List [Atom "entry"; List sexps]; List [Atom "source"; Atom "User"]] -> Some (decode_item sexps)
| Sexp.List [List [Atom "source"; Atom "Dune"]; List _ ] -> None
| s -> Fmt.failwith "%s is not a good format decoding items" (Sexp.to_string s))
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ open Types
module Copy_rules = struct

let sexp_of_file file =
try Sexp.load_sexps file with
try Sexp.load_sexps @@ Fpath.to_string file with
| Sexp.Parse_error _ as e ->
( "Error parsing 'dune file' output:\n"; raise e)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ module Copy_rules = struct

let get_copy_rules file =
match Hashtbl.find_opt rules file with
| None when Sys.file_exists file ->
| None when OS.Path.exists file |> Result.get_ok ->
let copy_rules = copy_rules_of_sexp (sexp_of_file file) in
Hashtbl.add rules file copy_rules; copy_rules
| None -> Hashtbl.add rules file []; []
Expand Down
3 changes: 1 addition & 2 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -210,10 +210,9 @@ let main force dir =
get_opam_files ()
|> Paths.to_seq
|> List.of_seq
|> (fun (path, opam) ->
|> List.concat_map (fun (path, opam) ->
let pkg_name = (OpamPackage.Name.of_string (Filename.chop_suffix path ".opam")) in
Dune_constraints.check_dune_constraints ~errors:[] ~dune_version pkg_name opam)
|> List.flatten
|> (fun errors ->
try Dune_constraints.print_msg_of_errors errors with
| Failure msg -> Fmt.epr "%s@." msg; exit 1
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions opam-dune-lint.opam
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ homepage: ""
bug-reports: ""
depends: [
"dune" {>= "3.10"}
"fpath" {>= "0.7.3"}
"astring" {>= "0.8.5"}
"sexplib" {>= "v0.14.0"}
"cmdliner" {>= "1.1.0"}
Expand Down
10 changes: 7 additions & 3 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
module Dir_set = Set.Make(String)
module Dir_set = Set.Make(Fpath)

module Paths = Map.Make(String)

Expand All @@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ module Sexp = Sexplib.Sexp

module Stdune = Stdune

include Bos

module Change = struct
type t =
[ `Remove_with_test of OpamPackage.Name.t
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -52,7 +54,9 @@ module Change_with_hint = struct
| `Add_test_dep _ -> true

let pp f (c, dirs) =
let dirs = (function "." -> "/" | x -> x) dirs in
let dirs = (fun path -> if Fpath.is_current_dir path then Fpath.v "/" else path) dirs
let change, hint =
match c with
| `Remove_with_test name -> Fmt.str "%a" pp_name name, ["(remove {with-test})"]
Expand All @@ -62,7 +66,7 @@ module Change_with_hint = struct
let hint =
if Dir_set.is_empty dirs then hint
else Fmt.str "[from @[<h>%a@]]" Fmt.(list ~sep:comma string) (Dir_set.elements dirs) :: hint
else Fmt.str "[from @[<h>%a@]]" Fmt.(list ~sep:comma Fpath.pp) (Dir_set.elements dirs) :: hint
if hint = [] then
Fmt.string f change
Expand Down

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