Welcome to the new version of Old David's Beverage Shop!
On this new version, I recreated this project's visual appearence and functionalities. This project is a favorite of mine, since its first version was one of the first works on front-end development I've done when I started studying. For that, I recreated it entirely, preserving the original idea, but giving the site a new mockup and new ways of working by itself. With that, Old David's Shop is entirely remodeled with many new features and technologies.
You can also check the project's wireframe here!
- BlueWillow;
- Bootstrap;
- Docker;
- ESLint;
- Figma;
- GNU Image Manipulation Program (GIMP);
- Git;
- Imgur;
- O.O.P.;
- React (Vanilla);
- SplideJS / ReactSplide;
- TypeScript;
- NodeTs;
- Vite;
- Icons8 (Icons used on the site's navbar and newsletter): https://icons8.com/ ;
- UnSplash (Some of the images used on the site's banners and carousel);
- Products have its correponding sources by its names.