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Exercise 06

Geometry Processing Research in Python

Halfedges and adjacency

In exercise 06 we learned how to compute a variety of basic geometric quantities of meshes. These were all either per-vertex or per-face quantities. This exercise delves into halfedges and edges.


If you have a triangle mesh V,F, Gpytoolbox gives you an easy way to get a list of all edges as a polyline into the vertex list V with its edges function:

import gpytoolbox as gpy, numpy as np, polyscope as ps
V,F = gpy.read_mesh("data/penguin.obj")
E = gpy.edges(F)
ps_penguin = ps.register_surface_mesh("penguin", V, F)
ps_penguin_edges = ps.register_curve_network("penguin edges", V, E)

This displays:

The edges of a penguin plotted as a curve network


The edges returned by the edges function are polylines that reference the vertex list. There is no simple one-to-one correspondence from edges to faces, since the number of edges is generally independent of the number of faces in a triangle mesh. There is however, an edge-like feature of a mesh that directly corresponds to the triangles: the halfedge.

If you draw each edge multiple times, once for each triangle that it is contained in, these multiple edges are called halfedges. Each halfedge is associated with one triangle in particular, and each triangle has three halfedges. By convention, the i-th halfedge is opposite the i-th vertex in a face.

While edges do not have a canonical orientation (the orientation returned by Gpytoolbox's edges is arbitrary), halfedges are oriented by the vertex indices in the face list F: The 0 halfedge of face i goes from vertex F[i,1] to vertex F[i,2].

Gpytoolbox's halfedges function computes halfedges for every triangle in the mesh. he = gpy.halfedges(F) is a (m,3,2) NumPy array:

  • The first axis is over all faces of the mesh (there is a triple of halfedges per face).
  • The second axis has dimension 3 and contains the 3 halfedges of each face.
  • The third axis contains the actual indices of the first and second vertices of the halfedge.

So, he[i,0,0] is the first vertex of the 0 halfedge of face i, i.e., the vertex with index F[i,1].

Each halfedge is uniquely identified by its index in the array he. This convention is maintained all throughout Gpytoolbox: The halfedge (i,j) is the edge connecting the vertices he[i,j,0] and he[i,j,1].

import gpytoolbox as gpy
V,F = gpy.read_mesh("data/penguin.obj")
he = gpy.halfedges(F)
print(f"Halfedge (2,1) goes from vertex {he[2,1,0]} to {he[2,1,1]}. It is opposite the vertex {F[2,1]} in the face {F[2,:]}.")

This prints:

Halfedge (2,1) goes from vertex 10092 to 1466. It is opposite the vertex 10085 in the face [ 1466 10085 10092].

Gpytoolbox can compute correspondences between edges and halfedges, if desired, using the halfedge_edge_map function. It returns two index vectors:

  • he_to_E is a array that tells you which row in E corresponds to which unique halfedge (i,j), as he[i,j,:] == E[he_to_E[i,j],:].
  • E_to_he is an array that tells you which halfedges correspond to the edge e. E[e,:] == he[E_to_he[e,0,0],E_to_he[e,0,1],:], and, if E corresponds to two halfedges (i.e., it is not a boundary edge), then E[e,:] == he[E_to_he[e,1,0],E_to_he[e,1,1],:]. If E only corresponds to one halfedge, then E_to_he[e,1,0] == E_to_he[e,1,1] == -1.
import gpytoolbox as gpy
V,F = gpy.read_mesh("data/penguin.obj")
he,E,he_to_E,E_to_he = gpy.halfedge_edge_map(F)
print(f"Halfedge (2,1) is the same as edge {he_to_E[2,1]}: {he[2,1,:]} == {E[he_to_E[2,1],:]}.")
print(f"Edge 5 is the same as halfedges {E_to_he[5,0,:]} and {E_to_he[5,1,:]}: {E[5,:]} == {he[E_to_he[5,0,0],E_to_he[5,0,1],:]} == {he[E_to_he[5,1,0],E_to_he[5,1,1],:]}.")

This prints:

Halfedge (2,1) is the same as edge 8872: [10092  1466] == [10092  1466].
Edge 5 is the same as halfedges [2828    1] and [3459    2]: [3367    0] == [3367    0] == [   0 3367].


An edge manifold mesh is a mesh where every edge is contained in at most two faces. Many geometry processing methods require an edge manifold mesh as input. In Gpytoolbox you can easily check whether a mesh is edge manifold or not using the function non_manifold_edges:

import gpytoolbox as gpy, numpy as np, polyscope as ps
V,F = gpy.read_mesh("data/manifold_cube.obj")
ne = gpy.non_manifold_edges(F)
print(f"nonmanifold edges: {ne}")
ps_manifold_cube = ps.register_surface_mesh("manifold cube", V, F)
V,F = gpy.read_mesh("data/non_manifold_cube.obj")
ne = gpy.non_manifold_edges(F)
print(f"nonmanifold edges: {ne}")
ps_non_manifold_cube = ps.register_surface_mesh("nonmanifold cube", V, F)

This prints:

nonmanifold edges: []
nonmanifold edges: [[2 7]]

and displays (enabling the two surfaces separately):

A manifold and a nonmanifold cube

NOTE: halfedge_edge_map, as described above, expects a manifold mesh as input. If your mesh is not manifold, you can pass the argument assume_manifold=False to it, which will slightly change the output of the function - refer to the documentation for details.


For many applications you might be interested in knowing which triangles are adjacent to which triangles. Gpytoolbox exposes this information in a more accessible format with its triangle_triangle_adjacency function. It returns two index arrays:

  • TT, an array specifying which face is adjacent to the halfedge (i,j) in face i (or -1 if there is no adjacent face).
  • TTi, an array specifying the j-index of the halfedge adjacent to the halfedge (i,j) (or -1 if there is no adjacent face).

So, for any halfedge (i,j) with an adjacent halfedge, (TT[i,j], TTi[i,j]) == (i,j):

import gpytoolbox as gpy
V,F = gpy.read_mesh("data/penguin.obj")
TT, TTi = gpy.triangle_triangle_adjacency(F)
print(f"Halfedge {(TT[6,2], TTi[6,2])} is adjacent to halfedge {(6,2)}.")
print(f"Triangle {6} has the 3 neighbors {TT[6,0]}, {TT[6,1]}, and {TT[6,2]}.")

This prints:

Halfedge (3366, 1) is adjacent to halfedge (6, 2).
Triangle 6 has the 3 neighbors 20166, 13632, and 3366.

That's it!

The next exercise, exercise_07, is all about how to deal with randomness.

Oded Stein 2024. Geometry Processing Research in Python