This project has not been updated in a couple of years, there is a chance that some parts of the project are redundant. If you would like to help out by maintaining this project and taking ownership of ODK-X Scan please let us know. We totally appreciate you!
This project is upgraded to be compatible with the ODK-X tool suite but it is not actively checked for compatibility of every version of Android during release process. If you would like to help out and take ownership of Scan testing and fixing please let us know.
Scan is part of the ODK-X Android tools suite. Scan takes an image of a filled-in mark-sense form and converts it into a data row accessible from ODK-X Tables or ODK-X Survey. Scan forms are generated with the scan form designer.
Instructions on how to use ODK-X Scan can be found here.
The release notes and issues tracker are located under the Tool Suite X repo project.
This app makes use of the NDK, which is not yet fully integrated into the Android Studio/Gradle environment. Rebuilding the C++ is not necessary if you only want to modify the Java side, but to do NDK work you will need to complete the below steps until Android Studio fully supports NDK development.
We currently have only tested this process on Linux and Mac.
Install swig. If you are using Linux it can be obtained for your package manager:
sudo apt-get install swig
If you are using a Mac you can use Homebrew to install swig.
homebrew install swig
If you are using Windows, we recommend using Cygwin for a terminal. In the installer you will want to include the swig, make, and gcc.
Install the Android NDK.
Set the NDK path in
General instructions for setting up an ODK-X environment can be found at our DevEnv Setup wiki page.
Install Android Studio and the SDK.
This project depends on ODK-X's androidlibrary and androidcommon projects; their binaries will be downloaded automatically fom our maven repository during the build phase. If you wish to modify them yourself, you must clone them into the same parent directory as scan. You directory stucture should resemble the following:
|-- odk
|-- androidcommon
|-- androidlibrary
|-- scan
- Note that this only applies if you are modifying the library projects. If you use the maven dependencies (the default option), the projects will not show up in your directory.
ODK-X Services MUST be installed on your device, whether by installing the APK or by cloning the project and deploying it. ODK-X Survey and ODK-X Tables also integrate well with ODK-X Scan, but are not required.
Now you should be ready to build.
NOTE Building the C++ components is NOT necessary. The app comes bundled with prebuilt .so files.
To build, open a terminal in the scan/bubblebot_lib directory.
To clean the C++ components:
make clean
To build the C++ components:
This will generate new .so files in the scan/src/main/jniLibs directory.
Open the Scan project in Android Studio. As long as androidlibrary and androidcommon are in the same parent directory, you should be able to select Build->Make Project to build the app.
Be sure to install ODK-X Services onto your device before attempting to run Scan.
The first time Scan is run it will take a few minutes to create its file structure and initialize its state. Subsequent launches should be much faster.
The initial training data (except for the number classifier, which uses a neural net) and form texmplates are included in the assets folder. When a new version of the app is first launched they are installed into the ODKScan directory by RunSetup.
The processing pipeline includes 3 main components:
- PhotographForm launches the camera app to get a picture of the form, removes duplicates photos and launches the processing services.
- ProcessInBG is a service that runs the ODKScan-core cord in background threads, outside of the activity, and creates notifications when it is complete.
- DisplayProcessedForm displays the marked-up form image and allows the user to save the data to the ODK database accessible by the rest of the 2.0 tools. It is launched from the notifications ProcessInBG creates.
Quick description of the content in the root folder:
|-- bubblebot_lib -- Source tree for C++ components
|-- OpenCV-2.3.1 -- OpenCV library
|-- -- Build configuration and local path to NDK
|-- -- Default build properties
|-- Makefile -- Makefile for C++ components
|-- jni -- Source tree for C++ components
|-- scan_app -- Source tree for Java components
|-- src
|-- main
|-- jniLibs -- C++ build output
|-- res -- Source tree for Android resources
|-- java
|-- org
|-- opendatakit
|-- scan
|-- android -- The most relevant Java code lives here
- Eleanor O'Rourke (
- Nicola Dell (
- Vincent Lung (
- VillageReach (
- Aijia, Baron, and Steve