Provides helpful definitions for dealing with Apt.
Install the build depends of a specified package.
apt::builddep { "glusterfs-server": }
Force a package to be installed from a specific release. Useful when using repositories like Debian unstable in Ubuntu.
apt::force { "glusterfs-server": release => "unstable", version => '3.0.3', require => Apt::Source["debian_unstable"], }
Add an apt pin for a certain release.
apt::pin { "karmic": priority => 700 } apt::pin { "karmic-updates": priority => 700 } apt::pin { "karmic-security": priority => 700 }
Add a ppa repository using add-apt-repository
. Somewhat experimental.
apt::ppa { "ppa:drizzle-developers/ppa": }
Set the default apt release. Useful when using repositories like Debian unstable in Ubuntu.
apt::release { "karmic": }
Add an apt source to /etc/apt/sources.list.d/
apt::source { "debian_unstable": location => "", release => "unstable", repos => "main contrib non-free", required_packages => "debian-keyring debian-archive-keyring", key => "55BE302B", key_server => "", pin => "-10", include_src => true }