- clone repository
npm install
- if error 127 occurs:
apt-get install nodejs-legacy
- if error 127 occurs:
cd server
npm install
- Use
to- populate ES index oparl from Ratsinfo-scraped data
- apply pdftohtml
npm start
- then visit http://localhost:3000/
- Frontend:
- Always test with Chrome and Firefox!
- calendar & meeting_view
- front_page:
- recent annotation with secondaryText, eg. user, time
- "demnächst zur Entscheidung"
- statt RecentPapers: "Aktualisierte Anträge und Vorlagen": nur noch A*/V*, sort by file.date
- search:
- complete rework
- indicate annotated files
- input completion
- paper_view:
- multiple speakers
- first re-paragraph
- then leave no ref/speaker behind
- fix http://localhost:3000/paper/8268 http://localhost:3000/file/175634
- Per person summaries in Popups
- show all refs if file pertains only to this paper
- more refs, inline, render refs per paragraph
- more info, more pretty
- optimization: /api/file/241251/annotations/${paper.id}
- more like this
- pie chart
- diffing annotation.text
- suggest meetings with date
- part onClick=go
- Timeline
- multiple speakers
- doc_view:
- date: metadata
- create annotations: auto-rm white-space
- metadata/context? eg. agendaItems
- allow editing tags
- keyboard control
- annotate_bar: just one metadata suggestion? auto-accept!
- annotate_bar: switching of type with same metadata kind is buggy?
- fetch: declarative, progressive loading, updates pushed by service-worker
- Provide raw exports
- Favicon
- Progressive Web App
- OG/LD metadata in html header
- Update to Reactv15
- Help/Tutorial: Short screencasts
- Backend:
- Improve search
- Highscore agg not with terms but full ids
- Cache headers for production
- Journaling/RecentChanges
- annotations aggregations by file for pretty badges
- Scraper:
- Scrape titles from http://www.dresden.de/de/rathaus/politik/beigeordnete.php
- Add static addendums in es_upload