Wrapper workflow for the WGS Analysis Pipeline
- bcl2fastq
- fastqc 0.11.8
- bwa 0.7.12
- samtools 1.9
- cutadapt 1.8.3
- slicer 0.3.0
- picard 2.21.2
- python 3.6
- bam-qc-metrics 0.2.5
- mosdepth 0.2.9
- gatk
- gatk 3.6-0
- python 3.7
- bedtools 2.27
- rstats 3.6
java -jar cromwell.jar run wgsPipeline.wdl --inputs inputs.json
Parameter | Value | Description |
bwaMemMetas |
Array[bwaMemMeta] | ReadGroups for bwaMemMeta |
rawBamQCMetas |
Array[bamQCMeta] | Metadata for the raw bamQC run |
processedBamQCMetas |
Array[bamQCMeta] | Metadata for the processed bamQC run |
bcl2fastq.mismatches |
Int | Number of mismatches to allow in the barcodes (usually, 1) |
bcl2fastq.modules |
String | The modules to load when running the workflow. This should include bcl2fastq and the helper scripts. |
bwaMem.runBwaMem_bwaRef |
String | The reference genome to align the sample with by BWA |
bwaMem.runBwaMem_modules |
String | Required environment modules |
rawBamQC.bamQCMetrics_workflowVersion |
String | Workflow version string |
rawBamQC.bamQCMetrics_refSizesBed |
String | Path to human genome BED reference with chromosome sizes |
rawBamQC.bamQCMetrics_refFasta |
String | Path to human genome FASTA reference |
bamMergePreprocessing.baseQualityScoreRecalibration_knownSites |
Array[String] | Array of VCF with known polymorphic sites used to exclude regions around known polymorphisms from analysis. |
bamMergePreprocessing.indelRealign_knownAlleles |
Array[String] | Array of input VCF files with known indels. |
bamMergePreprocessing.realignerTargetCreator_knownIndels |
Array[String] | Array of input VCF files with known indels. |
bamMergePreprocessing.intervalsToParallelizeByString |
String | Comma separated list of intervals to split by (e.g. chr1,chr2,chr3+chr4). |
bamMergePreprocessing.reference |
String | Path to reference file. |
callability.normalMinCoverage |
Int | Normal must have at least this coverage to be considered callable. |
callability.tumorMinCoverage |
Int | Tumor must have at least this coverage to be considered callable. |
callability.intervalFile |
File | The interval file of regions to calculate callability on. |
processedBamQC.bamQCMetrics_workflowVersion |
String | Workflow version string |
processedBamQC.bamQCMetrics_refSizesBed |
String | Path to human genome BED reference with chromosome sizes |
processedBamQC.bamQCMetrics_refFasta |
String | Path to human genome FASTA reference |
Parameter | Value | Default | Description |
doBcl2fastq |
Boolean | true | Whether to use fastqs or bcls |
bcl2fastqMetas |
Array[bcl2fastqMeta]? | None | Samples, lanes, and runDirectory for bcl2fastq |
fastqInputs |
Array[FastqInput]? | None | Name and list of fastqs |
Parameter | Value | Default | Description |
bcl2fastq.process_threads |
Int | 8 | The number of processing threads to use when running BCL2FASTQ |
bcl2fastq.process_temporaryDirectory |
String | "." | A directory where bcl2fastq can dump massive amounts of garbage while running. |
bcl2fastq.process_memory |
Int | 32 | The memory for the BCL2FASTQ process in GB. |
bcl2fastq.process_ignoreMissingPositions |
Boolean | false | Flag passed to bcl2fastq, allows missing or corrupt positions files. |
bcl2fastq.process_ignoreMissingFilter |
Boolean | false | Flag passed to bcl2fastq, allows missing or corrupt filter files. |
bcl2fastq.process_ignoreMissingBcls |
Boolean | false | Flag passed to bcl2fastq, allows missing bcl files. |
bcl2fastq.process_extraOptions |
String | "" | Any other options that will be passed directly to bcl2fastq. |
bcl2fastq.process_bcl2fastqJail |
String | "bcl2fastq-jail" | The name ro path of the BCL2FASTQ wrapper script executable. |
bcl2fastq.process_bcl2fastq |
String | "bcl2fastq" | The name or path of the BCL2FASTQ executable. |
bcl2fastq.basesMask |
String? | None | An Illumina bases mask string to use. If absent, the one written by the instrument will be used. |
bcl2fastq.timeout |
Int | 40 | The maximum number of hours this workflow can run for. |
fastQC.secondMateZip_timeout |
Int | 1 | Timeout, in hours, needed to override imposed limits. |
fastQC.secondMateZip_jobMemory |
Int | 2 | Memory allocated to this task. |
fastQC.secondMateHtml_timeout |
Int | 1 | Timeout, in hours, needed to override imposed limits. |
fastQC.secondMateHtml_jobMemory |
Int | 2 | Memory allocated to this task. |
fastQC.secondMateFastQC_modules |
String | "perl/5.28 java/8 fastqc/0.11.8" | Names and versions of required modules. |
fastQC.secondMateFastQC_timeout |
Int | 20 | Timeout in hours, needed to override imposed limits. |
fastQC.secondMateFastQC_jobMemory |
Int | 6 | Memory allocated to fastqc. |
fastQC.firstMateZip_timeout |
Int | 1 | Timeout, in hours, needed to override imposed limits. |
fastQC.firstMateZip_jobMemory |
Int | 2 | Memory allocated to this task. |
fastQC.firstMateHtml_timeout |
Int | 1 | Timeout, in hours, needed to override imposed limits. |
fastQC.firstMateHtml_jobMemory |
Int | 2 | Memory allocated to this task. |
fastQC.firstMateFastQC_modules |
String | "perl/5.28 java/8 fastqc/0.11.8" | Names and versions of required modules. |
fastQC.firstMateFastQC_timeout |
Int | 20 | Timeout in hours, needed to override imposed limits. |
fastQC.firstMateFastQC_jobMemory |
Int | 6 | Memory allocated to fastqc. |
fastQC.outputFileNamePrefix |
String | "" | Output prefix, customizable. Default is the first file's basename. |
fastQC.r1Suffix |
String | "_R1" | Suffix for R1 file. |
fastQC.r2Suffix |
String | "_R2" | Suffix for R2 file. |
bwaMem.adapterTrimmingLog_timeout |
Int | 48 | Hours before task timeout |
bwaMem.adapterTrimmingLog_jobMemory |
Int | 12 | Memory allocated indexing job |
bwaMem.indexBam_timeout |
Int | 48 | Hours before task timeout |
bwaMem.indexBam_modules |
String | "samtools/1.9" | Modules for running indexing job |
bwaMem.indexBam_jobMemory |
Int | 12 | Memory allocated indexing job |
bwaMem.bamMerge_timeout |
Int | 72 | Hours before task timeout |
bwaMem.bamMerge_modules |
String | "samtools/1.9" | Required environment modules |
bwaMem.bamMerge_jobMemory |
Int | 32 | Memory allocated indexing job |
bwaMem.runBwaMem_timeout |
Int | 96 | Hours before task timeout |
bwaMem.runBwaMem_jobMemory |
Int | 32 | Memory allocated for this job |
bwaMem.runBwaMem_threads |
Int | 8 | Requested CPU threads |
bwaMem.runBwaMem_addParam |
String? | None | Additional BWA parameters |
bwaMem.adapterTrimming_timeout |
Int | 48 | Hours before task timeout |
bwaMem.adapterTrimming_jobMemory |
Int | 16 | Memory allocated for this job |
bwaMem.adapterTrimming_addParam |
String? | None | Additional cutadapt parameters |
bwaMem.adapterTrimming_modules |
String | "cutadapt/1.8.3" | Required environment modules |
bwaMem.slicerR2_timeout |
Int | 48 | Hours before task timeout |
bwaMem.slicerR2_jobMemory |
Int | 16 | Memory allocated for this job |
bwaMem.slicerR2_modules |
String | "slicer/0.3.0" | Required environment modules |
bwaMem.slicerR1_timeout |
Int | 48 | Hours before task timeout |
bwaMem.slicerR1_jobMemory |
Int | 16 | Memory allocated for this job |
bwaMem.slicerR1_modules |
String | "slicer/0.3.0" | Required environment modules |
bwaMem.countChunkSize_timeout |
Int | 48 | Hours before task timeout |
bwaMem.countChunkSize_jobMemory |
Int | 16 | Memory allocated for this job |
bwaMem.outputFileNamePrefix |
String | "output" | Prefix for output file |
bwaMem.numChunk |
Int | 1 | number of chunks to split fastq file [1, no splitting] |
bwaMem.doTrim |
Boolean | false | if true, adapters will be trimmed before alignment |
bwaMem.trimMinLength |
Int | 1 | minimum length of reads to keep [1] |
bwaMem.trimMinQuality |
Int | 0 | minimum quality of read ends to keep [0] |
bwaMem.adapter1 |
bwaMem.adapter2 |
rawBamQC.collateResults_timeout |
Int | 1 | hours before task timeout |
rawBamQC.collateResults_threads |
Int | 4 | Requested CPU threads |
rawBamQC.collateResults_jobMemory |
Int | 8 | Memory allocated for this job |
rawBamQC.collateResults_modules |
String | "python/3.6" | required environment modules |
rawBamQC.cumulativeDistToHistogram_timeout |
Int | 1 | hours before task timeout |
rawBamQC.cumulativeDistToHistogram_threads |
Int | 4 | Requested CPU threads |
rawBamQC.cumulativeDistToHistogram_jobMemory |
Int | 8 | Memory allocated for this job |
rawBamQC.cumulativeDistToHistogram_modules |
String | "python/3.6" | required environment modules |
rawBamQC.runMosdepth_timeout |
Int | 4 | hours before task timeout |
rawBamQC.runMosdepth_threads |
Int | 4 | Requested CPU threads |
rawBamQC.runMosdepth_jobMemory |
Int | 16 | Memory allocated for this job |
rawBamQC.runMosdepth_modules |
String | "mosdepth/0.2.9" | required environment modules |
rawBamQC.bamQCMetrics_timeout |
Int | 4 | hours before task timeout |
rawBamQC.bamQCMetrics_threads |
Int | 4 | Requested CPU threads |
rawBamQC.bamQCMetrics_jobMemory |
Int | 16 | Memory allocated for this job |
rawBamQC.bamQCMetrics_modules |
String | "bam-qc-metrics/0.2.5" | required environment modules |
rawBamQC.bamQCMetrics_normalInsertMax |
Int | 1500 | Maximum of expected insert size range |
rawBamQC.markDuplicates_timeout |
Int | 4 | hours before task timeout |
rawBamQC.markDuplicates_threads |
Int | 4 | Requested CPU threads |
rawBamQC.markDuplicates_jobMemory |
Int | 16 | Memory allocated for this job |
rawBamQC.markDuplicates_modules |
String | "picard/2.21.2" | required environment modules |
rawBamQC.markDuplicates_picardMaxMemMb |
Int | 6000 | Memory requirement in MB for running Picard JAR |
rawBamQC.markDuplicates_opticalDuplicatePixelDistance |
Int | 100 | Maximum offset between optical duplicate clusters |
rawBamQC.downsampleRegion_timeout |
Int | 4 | hours before task timeout |
rawBamQC.downsampleRegion_threads |
Int | 4 | Requested CPU threads |
rawBamQC.downsampleRegion_jobMemory |
Int | 16 | Memory allocated for this job |
rawBamQC.downsampleRegion_modules |
String | "samtools/1.9" | required environment modules |
rawBamQC.downsample_timeout |
Int | 4 | hours before task timeout |
rawBamQC.downsample_threads |
Int | 4 | Requested CPU threads |
rawBamQC.downsample_jobMemory |
Int | 16 | Memory allocated for this job |
rawBamQC.downsample_modules |
String | "samtools/1.9" | required environment modules |
rawBamQC.downsample_randomSeed |
Int | 42 | Random seed for pre-downsampling (if any) |
rawBamQC.downsample_downsampleSuffix |
String | "downsampled.bam" | Suffix for output file |
rawBamQC.findDownsampleParamsMarkDup_timeout |
Int | 4 | hours before task timeout |
rawBamQC.findDownsampleParamsMarkDup_threads |
Int | 4 | Requested CPU threads |
rawBamQC.findDownsampleParamsMarkDup_jobMemory |
Int | 16 | Memory allocated for this job |
rawBamQC.findDownsampleParamsMarkDup_modules |
String | "python/3.6" | required environment modules |
rawBamQC.findDownsampleParamsMarkDup_customRegions |
String | "" | Custom downsample regions; overrides chromosome and interval parameters |
rawBamQC.findDownsampleParamsMarkDup_intervalStart |
Int | 100000 | Start of interval in each chromosome, for very large BAMs |
rawBamQC.findDownsampleParamsMarkDup_baseInterval |
Int | 15000 | Base width of interval in each chromosome, for very large BAMs |
rawBamQC.findDownsampleParamsMarkDup_chromosomes |
Array[String] | ["chr12", "chr13", "chrXII", "chrXIII"] | Array of chromosome identifiers for downsampled subset |
rawBamQC.findDownsampleParamsMarkDup_threshold |
Int | 10000000 | Minimum number of reads to conduct downsampling |
rawBamQC.findDownsampleParams_timeout |
Int | 4 | hours before task timeout |
rawBamQC.findDownsampleParams_threads |
Int | 4 | Requested CPU threads |
rawBamQC.findDownsampleParams_jobMemory |
Int | 16 | Memory allocated for this job |
rawBamQC.findDownsampleParams_modules |
String | "python/3.6" | required environment modules |
rawBamQC.findDownsampleParams_preDSMultiplier |
Float | 1.5 | Determines target size for pre-downsampled set (if any). Must have (preDSMultiplier) < (minReadsRelative). |
rawBamQC.findDownsampleParams_precision |
Int | 8 | Number of decimal places in fraction for pre-downsampling |
rawBamQC.findDownsampleParams_minReadsRelative |
Int | 2 | Minimum value of (inputReads)/(targetReads) to allow pre-downsampling |
rawBamQC.findDownsampleParams_minReadsAbsolute |
Int | 10000 | Minimum value of targetReads to allow pre-downsampling |
rawBamQC.findDownsampleParams_targetReads |
Int | 100000 | Desired number of reads in downsampled output |
rawBamQC.indexBamFile_timeout |
Int | 4 | hours before task timeout |
rawBamQC.indexBamFile_threads |
Int | 4 | Requested CPU threads |
rawBamQC.indexBamFile_jobMemory |
Int | 16 | Memory allocated for this job |
rawBamQC.indexBamFile_modules |
String | "samtools/1.9" | required environment modules |
rawBamQC.countInputReads_timeout |
Int | 4 | hours before task timeout |
rawBamQC.countInputReads_threads |
Int | 4 | Requested CPU threads |
rawBamQC.countInputReads_jobMemory |
Int | 16 | Memory allocated for this job |
rawBamQC.countInputReads_modules |
String | "samtools/1.9" | required environment modules |
rawBamQC.updateMetadata_timeout |
Int | 4 | hours before task timeout |
rawBamQC.updateMetadata_threads |
Int | 4 | Requested CPU threads |
rawBamQC.updateMetadata_jobMemory |
Int | 16 | Memory allocated for this job |
rawBamQC.updateMetadata_modules |
String | "python/3.6" | required environment modules |
rawBamQC.filter_timeout |
Int | 4 | hours before task timeout |
rawBamQC.filter_threads |
Int | 4 | Requested CPU threads |
rawBamQC.filter_jobMemory |
Int | 16 | Memory allocated for this job |
rawBamQC.filter_modules |
String | "samtools/1.9" | required environment modules |
rawBamQC.filter_minQuality |
Int | 30 | Minimum alignment quality to pass filter |
rawBamQC.outputFileNamePrefix |
String | "bamQC" | Prefix for output files |
bamMergePreprocessing.mergeSplitByIntervalBams_modules |
String | "gatk/" | Environment module name and version to load (space separated) before command execution. |
bamMergePreprocessing.mergeSplitByIntervalBams_timeout |
Int | 6 | Maximum amount of time (in hours) the task can run for. |
bamMergePreprocessing.mergeSplitByIntervalBams_cores |
Int | 1 | The number of cores to allocate to the job. |
bamMergePreprocessing.mergeSplitByIntervalBams_overhead |
Int | 6 | Java overhead memory (in GB). jobMemory - overhead == java Xmx/heap memory. |
bamMergePreprocessing.mergeSplitByIntervalBams_jobMemory |
Int | 24 | Memory allocated to job (in GB). |
bamMergePreprocessing.mergeSplitByIntervalBams_additionalParams |
String? | None | Additional parameters to pass to GATK MergeSamFiles. |
bamMergePreprocessing.collectFilesBySample_modules |
String | "python/3.7" | Environment module name and version to load (space separated) before command execution. |
bamMergePreprocessing.collectFilesBySample_timeout |
Int | 1 | Maximum amount of time (in hours) the task can run for. |
bamMergePreprocessing.collectFilesBySample_cores |
Int | 1 | The number of cores to allocate to the job. |
bamMergePreprocessing.collectFilesBySample_jobMemory |
Int | 1 | Memory allocated to job (in GB). |
bamMergePreprocessing.applyBaseQualityScoreRecalibration_modules |
String | "gatk/" | Environment module name and version to load (space separated) before command execution. |
bamMergePreprocessing.applyBaseQualityScoreRecalibration_timeout |
Int | 6 | Maximum amount of time (in hours) the task can run for. |
bamMergePreprocessing.applyBaseQualityScoreRecalibration_cores |
Int | 1 | The number of cores to allocate to the job. |
bamMergePreprocessing.applyBaseQualityScoreRecalibration_overhead |
Int | 6 | Java overhead memory (in GB). jobMemory - overhead == java Xmx/heap memory. |
bamMergePreprocessing.applyBaseQualityScoreRecalibration_jobMemory |
Int | 24 | Memory allocated to job (in GB). |
bamMergePreprocessing.applyBaseQualityScoreRecalibration_additionalParams |
String? | None | Additional parameters to pass to GATK ApplyBQSR. |
bamMergePreprocessing.applyBaseQualityScoreRecalibration_suffix |
String | ".recalibrated" | Suffix to use for recalibrated bams. |
bamMergePreprocessing.analyzeCovariates_modules |
String | "gatk/" | Environment module name and version to load (space separated) before command execution. |
bamMergePreprocessing.analyzeCovariates_timeout |
Int | 6 | Maximum amount of time (in hours) the task can run for. |
bamMergePreprocessing.analyzeCovariates_cores |
Int | 1 | The number of cores to allocate to the job. |
bamMergePreprocessing.analyzeCovariates_overhead |
Int | 6 | Java overhead memory (in GB). jobMemory - overhead == java Xmx/heap memory. |
bamMergePreprocessing.analyzeCovariates_jobMemory |
Int | 24 | Memory allocated to job (in GB). |
bamMergePreprocessing.analyzeCovariates_outputFileName |
String | "gatk.recalibration.pdf" | Recalibration report file name. |
bamMergePreprocessing.analyzeCovariates_additionalParams |
String? | None | Additional parameters to pass to GATK AnalyzeCovariates |
bamMergePreprocessing.gatherBQSRReports_modules |
String | "gatk/" | Environment module name and version to load (space separated) before command execution. |
bamMergePreprocessing.gatherBQSRReports_timeout |
Int | 6 | Maximum amount of time (in hours) the task can run for. |
bamMergePreprocessing.gatherBQSRReports_cores |
Int | 1 | The number of cores to allocate to the job. |
bamMergePreprocessing.gatherBQSRReports_overhead |
Int | 6 | Java overhead memory (in GB). jobMemory - overhead == java Xmx/heap memory. |
bamMergePreprocessing.gatherBQSRReports_jobMemory |
Int | 24 | Memory allocated to job (in GB). |
bamMergePreprocessing.gatherBQSRReports_outputFileName |
String | "gatk.recalibration.csv" | Recalibration table file name. |
bamMergePreprocessing.gatherBQSRReports_additionalParams |
String? | None | Additional parameters to pass to GATK GatherBQSRReports. |
bamMergePreprocessing.baseQualityScoreRecalibration_modules |
String | "gatk/" | Environment module name and version to load (space separated) before command execution. |
bamMergePreprocessing.baseQualityScoreRecalibration_timeout |
Int | 6 | Maximum amount of time (in hours) the task can run for. |
bamMergePreprocessing.baseQualityScoreRecalibration_cores |
Int | 1 | The number of cores to allocate to the job. |
bamMergePreprocessing.baseQualityScoreRecalibration_overhead |
Int | 6 | Java overhead memory (in GB). jobMemory - overhead == java Xmx/heap memory. |
bamMergePreprocessing.baseQualityScoreRecalibration_jobMemory |
Int | 24 | Memory allocated to job (in GB). |
bamMergePreprocessing.baseQualityScoreRecalibration_outputFileName |
String | "gatk.recalibration.csv" | Recalibration table file name. |
bamMergePreprocessing.baseQualityScoreRecalibration_additionalParams |
String? | None | Additional parameters to pass to GATK BaseRecalibrator. |
bamMergePreprocessing.baseQualityScoreRecalibration_intervals |
Array[String] | [] | One or more genomic intervals over which to operate. |
bamMergePreprocessing.indelRealign_gatkJar |
String | "$GATK_ROOT/GenomeAnalysisTK.jar" | Path to GATK jar. |
bamMergePreprocessing.indelRealign_modules |
String | "python/3.7 gatk/3.6-0" | Environment module name and version to load (space separated) before command execution. |
bamMergePreprocessing.indelRealign_timeout |
Int | 6 | Maximum amount of time (in hours) the task can run for. |
bamMergePreprocessing.indelRealign_cores |
Int | 1 | The number of cores to allocate to the job. |
bamMergePreprocessing.indelRealign_overhead |
Int | 6 | Java overhead memory (in GB). jobMemory - overhead == java Xmx/heap memory. |
bamMergePreprocessing.indelRealign_jobMemory |
Int | 24 | Memory allocated to job (in GB). |
bamMergePreprocessing.indelRealign_additionalParams |
String? | None | Additional parameters to pass to GATK IndelRealigner. |
bamMergePreprocessing.realignerTargetCreator_gatkJar |
String | "$GATK_ROOT/GenomeAnalysisTK.jar" | Path to GATK jar. |
bamMergePreprocessing.realignerTargetCreator_modules |
String | "gatk/3.6-0" | Environment module name and version to load (space separated) before command execution. |
bamMergePreprocessing.realignerTargetCreator_timeout |
Int | 6 | Maximum amount of time (in hours) the task can run for. |
bamMergePreprocessing.realignerTargetCreator_cores |
Int | 1 | The number of cores to allocate to the job. |
bamMergePreprocessing.realignerTargetCreator_overhead |
Int | 6 | Java overhead memory (in GB). jobMemory - overhead == java Xmx/heap memory. |
bamMergePreprocessing.realignerTargetCreator_jobMemory |
Int | 24 | Memory allocated to job (in GB). |
bamMergePreprocessing.realignerTargetCreator_additionalParams |
String? | None | Additional parameters to pass to GATK RealignerTargetCreator. |
bamMergePreprocessing.realignerTargetCreator_downsamplingType |
String? | None | Type of read downsampling to employ at a given locus (NONE |
bamMergePreprocessing.preprocessBam_defaultRuntimeAttributes |
DefaultRuntimeAttributes | {"memory": 24, "overhead": 6, "cores": 1, "timeout": 6, "modules": "samtools/1.9 gatk/"} | Default runtime attributes (memory in GB, overhead in GB, cores in cpu count, timeout in hours, modules are environment modules to load before the task executes). |
bamMergePreprocessing.preprocessBam_splitNCigarReadsAdditionalParams |
String? | None | Additional parameters to pass to GATK SplitNCigarReads. |
bamMergePreprocessing.preprocessBam_readFilters |
Array[String] | [] | SplitNCigarReads read filters |
bamMergePreprocessing.preprocessBam_refactorCigarString |
Boolean | false | SplitNCigarReads refactor cigar string? |
bamMergePreprocessing.preprocessBam_splitNCigarReadsSuffix |
String | ".split" | Suffix to use for SplitNCigarReads bams. |
bamMergePreprocessing.preprocessBam_markDuplicatesAdditionalParams |
String? | None | Additional parameters to pass to GATK MarkDuplicates. |
bamMergePreprocessing.preprocessBam_opticalDuplicatePixelDistance |
Int | 100 | MarkDuplicates optical distance. |
bamMergePreprocessing.preprocessBam_removeDuplicates |
Boolean | false | MarkDuplicates remove duplicates? |
bamMergePreprocessing.preprocessBam_markDuplicatesSuffix |
String | ".deduped" | Suffix to use for duplicate marked bams. |
bamMergePreprocessing.preprocessBam_filterAdditionalParams |
String? | None | Additional parameters to pass to samtools. |
bamMergePreprocessing.preprocessBam_minMapQuality |
Int? | None | Samtools minimum mapping quality filter to apply. |
bamMergePreprocessing.preprocessBam_filterFlags |
Int | 260 | Samtools filter flags to apply. |
bamMergePreprocessing.preprocessBam_filterSuffix |
String | ".filter" | Suffix to use for filtered bams. |
bamMergePreprocessing.preprocessBam_temporaryWorkingDir |
String | "" | Where to write out intermediary bam files. Only the final preprocessed bam will be written to task working directory if this is set to local tmp. |
bamMergePreprocessing.splitStringToArray_modules |
String | "python/3.7" | Environment module name and version to load (space separated) before command execution. |
bamMergePreprocessing.splitStringToArray_timeout |
Int | 1 | Maximum amount of time (in hours) the task can run for. |
bamMergePreprocessing.splitStringToArray_cores |
Int | 1 | The number of cores to allocate to the job. |
bamMergePreprocessing.splitStringToArray_jobMemory |
Int | 1 | Memory allocated to job (in GB). |
bamMergePreprocessing.splitStringToArray_recordSeparator |
String | "+" | Interval interval group separator - this can be used to combine multiple intervals into one group. |
bamMergePreprocessing.splitStringToArray_lineSeparator |
String | "," | Interval group separator - these are the intervals to split by. |
bamMergePreprocessing.doFilter |
Boolean | true | Enable/disable Samtools filtering. |
bamMergePreprocessing.doMarkDuplicates |
Boolean | true | Enable/disable GATK4 MarkDuplicates. |
bamMergePreprocessing.doSplitNCigarReads |
Boolean | false | Enable/disable GATK4 SplitNCigarReads. |
bamMergePreprocessing.doIndelRealignment |
Boolean | true | Enable/disable GATK3 RealignerTargetCreator + IndelRealigner. |
bamMergePreprocessing.doBqsr |
Boolean | true | Enable/disable GATK4 BQSR. |
bamMergePreprocessing.preprocessingBamRuntimeAttributes |
Array[RuntimeAttributes] | [] | Interval specific runtime attributes to use as overrides for the defaults. |
bamMergePreprocessing.applyBaseQualityScoreRecalibration.outputFileName |
String | basename(bam,".bam") | Output files will be prefixed with this. |
callability.calculateCallability_modules |
String | "mosdepth/0.2.9 bedtools/2.27 python/3.7" | Environment module name and version to load (space separated) before command execution. |
callability.calculateCallability_timeout |
Int | 12 | Maximum amount of time (in hours) the task can run for. |
callability.calculateCallability_cores |
Int | 1 | The number of cores to allocate to the job. |
callability.calculateCallability_jobMemory |
Int | 8 | Memory allocated to job (in GB). |
callability.calculateCallability_outputFileName |
String | "callability_metrics.json" | Output callability metrics file name. |
callability.calculateCallability_outputFileNamePrefix |
String? | None | Output files will be prefixed with this. |
callability.calculateCallability_threads |
Int | 4 | The number of threads to run mosdepth with. |
insertSizeMetrics.collectInsertSizeMetrics_timeout |
Int | 12 | Maximum amount of time (in hours) the task can run for. |
insertSizeMetrics.collectInsertSizeMetrics_modules |
String | "picard/2.21.2 rstats/3.6" | Environment module names and version to load (space separated) before command execution. |
insertSizeMetrics.collectInsertSizeMetrics_jobMemory |
Int | 18 | Memory (in GB) allocated for job. |
insertSizeMetrics.collectInsertSizeMetrics_minimumPercent |
Float | 0.5 | Discard any data categories (out of FR, TANDEM, RF) when generating the histogram (Range: 0 to 1). |
insertSizeMetrics.collectInsertSizeMetrics_picardJar |
String | "$PICARD_ROOT/picard.jar" | The picard jar to use. |
wgsMetrics.collectWGSmetrics_timeout |
Int | 24 | Maximum amount of time (in hours) the task can run for. |
wgsMetrics.collectWGSmetrics_modules |
String | "picard/2.21.2 hg19/p13" | Environment module names and version to load (space separated) before command execution |
wgsMetrics.collectWGSmetrics_coverageCap |
Int | 500 | Coverage cap, picard parameter |
wgsMetrics.collectWGSmetrics_jobMemory |
Int | 18 | memory allocated for Job |
wgsMetrics.collectWGSmetrics_filter |
String | "LENIENT" | Picard filter to use |
wgsMetrics.collectWGSmetrics_metricTag |
String | "WGS" | metric tag is used as a file extension for output |
wgsMetrics.collectWGSmetrics_refFasta |
String | "$HG19_ROOT/hg19_random.fa" | Path to the reference fasta |
wgsMetrics.collectWGSmetrics_picardJar |
String | "$PICARD_ROOT/picard.jar" | Picard jar file to use |
processedBamQC.collateResults_timeout |
Int | 1 | hours before task timeout |
processedBamQC.collateResults_threads |
Int | 4 | Requested CPU threads |
processedBamQC.collateResults_jobMemory |
Int | 8 | Memory allocated for this job |
processedBamQC.collateResults_modules |
String | "python/3.6" | required environment modules |
processedBamQC.cumulativeDistToHistogram_timeout |
Int | 1 | hours before task timeout |
processedBamQC.cumulativeDistToHistogram_threads |
Int | 4 | Requested CPU threads |
processedBamQC.cumulativeDistToHistogram_jobMemory |
Int | 8 | Memory allocated for this job |
processedBamQC.cumulativeDistToHistogram_modules |
String | "python/3.6" | required environment modules |
processedBamQC.runMosdepth_timeout |
Int | 4 | hours before task timeout |
processedBamQC.runMosdepth_threads |
Int | 4 | Requested CPU threads |
processedBamQC.runMosdepth_jobMemory |
Int | 16 | Memory allocated for this job |
processedBamQC.runMosdepth_modules |
String | "mosdepth/0.2.9" | required environment modules |
processedBamQC.bamQCMetrics_timeout |
Int | 4 | hours before task timeout |
processedBamQC.bamQCMetrics_threads |
Int | 4 | Requested CPU threads |
processedBamQC.bamQCMetrics_jobMemory |
Int | 16 | Memory allocated for this job |
processedBamQC.bamQCMetrics_modules |
String | "bam-qc-metrics/0.2.5" | required environment modules |
processedBamQC.bamQCMetrics_normalInsertMax |
Int | 1500 | Maximum of expected insert size range |
processedBamQC.markDuplicates_timeout |
Int | 4 | hours before task timeout |
processedBamQC.markDuplicates_threads |
Int | 4 | Requested CPU threads |
processedBamQC.markDuplicates_jobMemory |
Int | 16 | Memory allocated for this job |
processedBamQC.markDuplicates_modules |
String | "picard/2.21.2" | required environment modules |
processedBamQC.markDuplicates_picardMaxMemMb |
Int | 6000 | Memory requirement in MB for running Picard JAR |
processedBamQC.markDuplicates_opticalDuplicatePixelDistance |
Int | 100 | Maximum offset between optical duplicate clusters |
processedBamQC.downsampleRegion_timeout |
Int | 4 | hours before task timeout |
processedBamQC.downsampleRegion_threads |
Int | 4 | Requested CPU threads |
processedBamQC.downsampleRegion_jobMemory |
Int | 16 | Memory allocated for this job |
processedBamQC.downsampleRegion_modules |
String | "samtools/1.9" | required environment modules |
processedBamQC.downsample_timeout |
Int | 4 | hours before task timeout |
processedBamQC.downsample_threads |
Int | 4 | Requested CPU threads |
processedBamQC.downsample_jobMemory |
Int | 16 | Memory allocated for this job |
processedBamQC.downsample_modules |
String | "samtools/1.9" | required environment modules |
processedBamQC.downsample_randomSeed |
Int | 42 | Random seed for pre-downsampling (if any) |
processedBamQC.downsample_downsampleSuffix |
String | "downsampled.bam" | Suffix for output file |
processedBamQC.findDownsampleParamsMarkDup_timeout |
Int | 4 | hours before task timeout |
processedBamQC.findDownsampleParamsMarkDup_threads |
Int | 4 | Requested CPU threads |
processedBamQC.findDownsampleParamsMarkDup_jobMemory |
Int | 16 | Memory allocated for this job |
processedBamQC.findDownsampleParamsMarkDup_modules |
String | "python/3.6" | required environment modules |
processedBamQC.findDownsampleParamsMarkDup_customRegions |
String | "" | Custom downsample regions; overrides chromosome and interval parameters |
processedBamQC.findDownsampleParamsMarkDup_intervalStart |
Int | 100000 | Start of interval in each chromosome, for very large BAMs |
processedBamQC.findDownsampleParamsMarkDup_baseInterval |
Int | 15000 | Base width of interval in each chromosome, for very large BAMs |
processedBamQC.findDownsampleParamsMarkDup_chromosomes |
Array[String] | ["chr12", "chr13", "chrXII", "chrXIII"] | Array of chromosome identifiers for downsampled subset |
processedBamQC.findDownsampleParamsMarkDup_threshold |
Int | 10000000 | Minimum number of reads to conduct downsampling |
processedBamQC.findDownsampleParams_timeout |
Int | 4 | hours before task timeout |
processedBamQC.findDownsampleParams_threads |
Int | 4 | Requested CPU threads |
processedBamQC.findDownsampleParams_jobMemory |
Int | 16 | Memory allocated for this job |
processedBamQC.findDownsampleParams_modules |
String | "python/3.6" | required environment modules |
processedBamQC.findDownsampleParams_preDSMultiplier |
Float | 1.5 | Determines target size for pre-downsampled set (if any). Must have (preDSMultiplier) < (minReadsRelative). |
processedBamQC.findDownsampleParams_precision |
Int | 8 | Number of decimal places in fraction for pre-downsampling |
processedBamQC.findDownsampleParams_minReadsRelative |
Int | 2 | Minimum value of (inputReads)/(targetReads) to allow pre-downsampling |
processedBamQC.findDownsampleParams_minReadsAbsolute |
Int | 10000 | Minimum value of targetReads to allow pre-downsampling |
processedBamQC.findDownsampleParams_targetReads |
Int | 100000 | Desired number of reads in downsampled output |
processedBamQC.indexBamFile_timeout |
Int | 4 | hours before task timeout |
processedBamQC.indexBamFile_threads |
Int | 4 | Requested CPU threads |
processedBamQC.indexBamFile_jobMemory |
Int | 16 | Memory allocated for this job |
processedBamQC.indexBamFile_modules |
String | "samtools/1.9" | required environment modules |
processedBamQC.countInputReads_timeout |
Int | 4 | hours before task timeout |
processedBamQC.countInputReads_threads |
Int | 4 | Requested CPU threads |
processedBamQC.countInputReads_jobMemory |
Int | 16 | Memory allocated for this job |
processedBamQC.countInputReads_modules |
String | "samtools/1.9" | required environment modules |
processedBamQC.updateMetadata_timeout |
Int | 4 | hours before task timeout |
processedBamQC.updateMetadata_threads |
Int | 4 | Requested CPU threads |
processedBamQC.updateMetadata_jobMemory |
Int | 16 | Memory allocated for this job |
processedBamQC.updateMetadata_modules |
String | "python/3.6" | required environment modules |
processedBamQC.filter_timeout |
Int | 4 | hours before task timeout |
processedBamQC.filter_threads |
Int | 4 | Requested CPU threads |
processedBamQC.filter_jobMemory |
Int | 16 | Memory allocated for this job |
processedBamQC.filter_modules |
String | "samtools/1.9" | required environment modules |
processedBamQC.filter_minQuality |
Int | 30 | Minimum alignment quality to pass filter |
processedBamQC.outputFileNamePrefix |
String | "bamQC" | Prefix for output files |
Output | Type | Description |
fastQC_html_report_R1 |
Array[File?] | HTML report for the first mate fastq file. |
fastQC_zip_bundle_R1 |
Array[File?] | zipped report from FastQC for the first mate reads. |
fastQC_html_report_R2 |
Array[File?] | HTML report for read second mate fastq file. |
fastQC_zip_bundle_R2 |
Array[File?] | zipped report from FastQC for the second mate reads. |
bwaMem_log |
Array[File?] | a summary log file for adapter trimming. |
bwaMem_cutAdaptAllLogs |
Array[File?] | a file containing all logs for adapter trimming for each fastq chunk. |
rawBamQC_result |
Array[File] | JSON file of collated results. |
bamMergePreprocessing_recalibrationReport |
File? | Recalibration report pdf (if BQSR enabled). |
bamMergePreprocessing_recalibrationTable |
File? | Recalibration csv that was used by BQSR (if BQSR enabled). |
callability_callabilityMetrics |
File | Json file with pass, fail and callability percent (# of pass bases / # total bases). |
insertSizeMetrics_insertSizeMetrics |
Array[File] | Metrics about the insert size distribution (see https://broadinstitute.github.io/picard/picard-metric-definitions.html#InsertSizeMetrics). |
insertSizeMetrics_histogramReport |
Array[File] | Insert size distribution plot. |
wgsMetrics_outputWGSMetrics |
Array[File] | Metrics about the fractions of reads that pass base and mapping-quality filters as well as coverage (read-depth) levels (see https://broadinstitute.github.io/picard/picard-metric-definitions.html#CollectWgsMetrics.WgsMetrics). |
processedBamQC_result |
Array[File] | JSON file of collated results. |
This WDL workflow is wrapped in a Niassa workflow (https://github.com/oicr-gsi/pipedev/tree/master/pipedev-niassa-cromwell-workflow) so that it can used with the Niassa metadata tracking system (https://github.com/oicr-gsi/niassa).
- Building
mvn clean install
- Testing
mvn clean verify \
-Djava_opts="-Xmx1g -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:+UseStringDeduplication" \
-DrunTestThreads=2 \
-DskipITs=false \
-DskipRunITs=false \
-DworkingDirectory=/path/to/tmp/ \
-DschedulingHost=niassa_oozie_host \
-DwebserviceUrl=http://niassa-url:8080 \
-DwebserviceUser=niassa_user \
-DwebservicePassword=niassa_user_password \
For support, please file an issue on the Github project or send an email to gsi@oicr.on.ca .
Generated with generate-markdown-readme (https://github.com/oicr-gsi/gsi-wdl-tools/)