Morse Decoder is a Python program that allows you to encode English text into Morse code and decode Morse code back into English. It provides a command-line interface for easy interaction and supports basic punctuation marks, numbers, and uppercase letters.
- Encode English text into Morse code.
- Decode Morse code into English text.
- Preserve spaces between words during encoding and decoding.
- Handle invalid inputs gracefully and skip unrecognized characters or codes.
- Copy the result to the clipboard for easy sharing and pasting.
Clone the repository
Install the required pyperclip dependencies (to copy the coding result):
$ pip install pyperclip
- Follow the prompts to encode or decode your text using Morse code. Enter '0' to encode or '1' to decode.
- For encoding, provide the text you want to convert into Morse code. For decoding, enter the Morse code, separating letters with '|' and words with spaces.
- After encoding or decoding, you will be prompted to copy the result to the clipboard. Enter 'Yes' or 'No' to proceed.
Contributions to Morse Decoder are welcome! If you have any ideas, improvements, or bug fixes, please submit a pull request. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss the proposed changes.
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