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okamsn edited this page Aug 21, 2021
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NOTE: As Loopy develops, these examples and results might become out of date. For the most up-to-date information, refer to this package's documentation, which is installed with the package as the Info file loopy
Below are some examples on how one could use loopy
. Feel free to add you own.
Table of Contents
Selectrum is a completion framework that aims to work better with Emacs's existing completion features. Completion usually involves working with a list of candidates, and Loopy is a good tool for producing candidates.
The below commands need the following to run:
(require 'loopy)
(require 'selectrum)
(defvar selectrum-should-sort)
(defvar selectrum-swiper-history)
(defvar selectrum-outline-history)
(declare-function selectrum-read "ext:selectrum")
(autoload 'selectrum-read "ext:selectrum")
Other versions of these commands can be found on the Selectrum wiki.
(defun loopy-examples-selectrum-swiper ()
"Search for a matching line and jump to the beginning of its text.
The default candidate is the line closest to the current one.
Obeys narrowing."
(loopy (with (current-line-number (line-number-at-pos (point) t))
(buffer-text-lines (split-string (buffer-string) "\n"))
(format "L%%0%dd: "
(length (number-to-string
(line-number-at-pos (point-max) t))))))
;; Loop through lines in the buffer.
(list line-text buffer-text-lines)
(expr line-num (line-number-at-pos (point-min) t) (1+ line-num))
(unless (string-empty-p line-text)
;; Once the distance between candidates and the current line starts
;; to increase, select the previously formatted candidate (i.e., the
;; candidate closest to the current line) as the default.
;; There are a few different ways that you could express this idea.
(when (null default-candidate)
(expr prev-dist +1.0e+INF dist-to-default-cand)
(expr dist-to-default-cand (abs (- current-line-number
(when (> dist-to-default-cand prev-dist)
;; Note that we don't need to declare `default-candidate'.
(expr default-candidate formatted-candidate)))
;; Format the current line.
(expr formatted-candidate
(propertize (format number-format line-num)
'face 'completions-annotations)
'line-num line-num))
;; Create a list of formatted candidates.
(collect formatted-candidate))
(let* ((selectrum-should-sort nil)
0 'line-num
(selectrum-read "Jump to matching line: "
:default-candidate default-candidate
:history 'selectrum-swiper-history
:require-match t
:no-move-default-candidate t))))
(push-mark (point) t)
(forward-line (- chosen-line-number current-line-number))
(beginning-of-line-text 1)))))
(defcustom selectrum-outline-formats
;; Groups: (1) level determinant, (2) heading text.
;; The top level is 0, for a zero-length determinant.
. "^;;;\\(?1:;*\\)[[:blank:]]*\\(?2:[[:alnum:]][^z-a]*\\)\\'")
. "^;;;\\(?1:;*\\)[[:blank:]]*\\(?2:[[:alnum:]][^z-a]*\\)\\'")
(gfm-mode ; Github Flavored Markdown
. "^#\\(?1:#*\\)[[:blank:]]*\\(?2:[[:alnum:]][^z-a]*\\)\\'")
. "^#\\(?1:#*\\)[[:blank:]]*\\(?2:[[:alnum:]][^z-a]*\\)\\'")
. "^\\*\\(?1:\\**\\)[[:blank:]]*\\(?2:[[:alnum:]][^z-a]*\\)\\'")
;; For Org, see also ‘org-goto’.
. "^\\*\\(?1:\\**\\)[[:blank:]]*\\(?2:[[:alnum:]][^z-a]*\\)\\'")
. "^##\\(?1:\\**\\|#*\\)[[:blank:]]*\\(?2:[[:alnum:]][^z-a]*\\)\\'"))
"Alist of regexps used for identifying outline headings in each major mode.
The ‘car’ of an item in the list should be a symbol of the major mode.
The ‘cdr’ should be a regular expression with two required match groups:
1. Match group 1, whose length determines the outline level of that heading.
For best formatting, the top level should be level 0 for zero length.
2. Match group 2, which is the actual heading text.
A heading is assumed to be on only one line."
:group 'selectrum
:type '(alist
:key-type (symbol :tag "Major mode symbol")
:value-type (string :tag "Regexp")))
(defun loopy-examples-selectrum-outline ()
"Jump to a heading. Regexps are pre-defined. Obeys narrowing."
(let ((heading-regexp (alist-get major-mode selectrum-outline-formats)))
;; Signal a `user-error' if we don't have a regexp for this major mode. We
;; could also check this in a `before-do' macro argument to `loopy', but
;; that would happen /after/ the `with' variables are defined, which is
;; inefficient.
(unless heading-regexp
(user-error "Selectrum-outline: No heading regexp for mode %s" major-mode))
(with (default-heading)
(buffer-lines (split-string (buffer-string) "\n"))
(concat "L%0"
(length (number-to-string (length buffer-lines))))
"d: "))
(current-line-number (line-number-at-pos (point))))
;; Iterate through a list of lines.
(list text-line buffer-lines)
;; Keep track of the line number of the candidate.
(expr line-number 1 (1+ line-number))
(when (string-match heading-regexp text-line)
(expr prev-heading-text nil heading-text)
(expr prev-heading-level nil heading-level)
(expr heading-text (match-string-no-properties 2 text-line))
(expr heading-level (length (match-string 1 text-line)))
;; Decide whether to update the prefix list and the previous
;; heading level.
;; If we've moved to a greater level (further down the tree),
;; add the previous heading to the heading prefix list so
;; that we can prepend it to the current heading when
;; formatting.
((> heading-level (or prev-heading-level
(push-into backwards-prefix-list
((< heading-level (or prev-heading-level
;; Otherwise, if we've moved to a lower level (higher up the
;; tree), and need to remove the most recently added prefix
;; from the list (i.e., go from '(c b a) back to '(b a)).
(loop (repeat (- prev-heading-level heading-level))
(do (pop backwards-prefix-list)))))
;; Finally, add to list of formatted headings.
;; Create heading of form "L#: a/b/c" as:
;; - having a text property holding the line number
;; - prepended with a formatted line number,
;; with the face ‘completions-annotations’.
(expr formatted-heading
(concat (string-join (reverse backwards-prefix-list) "/")
(and backwards-prefix-list "/")
'line-number line-number
(format line-number-format line-number)
'face 'completions-annotations)))
;; If needed, set default candidate.
(when (and (null default-heading)
(> line-number current-line-number))
(expr default-heading formatted-heading))
;; Collect formatted heading into `loopy-result'.
(collect formatted-heading))
(let* ((selectrum-should-sort nil)
(selectrum-read "Jump to heading: "
:default-candidate default-heading
:history 'selectrum-outline-history
:require-match t
:no-move-default-candidate t)))
;; Push mark, in case we want to return to current location. This
;; needs to happen /after/ the user has made it clear that they
;; want to go somewhere.
(push-mark (point) t)
;; Move to beginning of chosen line.
(forward-line (- (get-text-property 0 'line-number chosen-heading)
(beginning-of-line-text 1)))))))