👋🏻 Hi there!
I'm Oksana, a skilled frontend developer with four years of commercial experience and over five years in programming. I hold a higher education degree in Information Systems and Technologies, which has provided me with a solid foundation of technical expertise. As an engineer, I excel at quickly learning and applying new technologies in practical settings. I prioritize working in environments that foster mutual respect and support, ensuring collaborative and productive teamwork.
🛠️ Technical skills:
HTML5: BEM methodology, Canvas
CSS3: SASS, Tailwind CSS
JavaScript: React.js, Next.js, jQuery, Redux, Zustand
Testing: Jest, Enzyme, React Testing Library, Cypress, Vitest
Build Tools: Webpack, Vite
DevOps Tools: Docker
Project Architecture: Feature-Sliced Design
Version Control: Git
Design and Prototyping Tools: Figma
CMS: Webflow, WordPress
✉️ How to reach me: