The API was built mainly with vanilla Node.js No external dependencies except for testing Jest and supertest was installed for testing
API is currently deployed on Heroku
Please interact with the game at
You can interact with the API by making GET request to the API
To get started:
- The API only accepts query strings.
- An empty TicTacToe board format is represented by 9 empty spaces "+++++++++" (encoded)
- The board is indexed 0 - 8
- The server always plays as 'O'
- Anyone can play first
- The game is designed such that the server never loses a game therefore it always make the optimal move
Send a GEt request with the board as a query string to the API as such
- the server will respond with the board as a string including the server's move
- if there's a winner the server responds with whoever wins as such 'O Wins'
- If there is a tie, the server responds as such 'Tie'