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Release v4.8.16.0

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@oleg-shilo oleg-shilo released this 21 May 10:45
· 56 commits to master since this release
Deployment (installation Instructions)


Any OS

Install as .NET Tool

dotnet tool install --global cs-script.cli

After that, you can invoke the script engine as css.
You may need to add the folder of css to the system PATH, unless .NET SDK setup does it.
It can be one of these depending on your OS:

  • %USERPROFILE%\. dotnet\tools
  • ~/.dotnet/tools
  • $HOME/.dotnet/tools


  • before upgrading the already installed tool you may need to ensure the script engine is not running. You can do it with a simple command css -kill.
  • you may prefer to enable an optional build server (see css -server ?) to boost script compilation performance. On Windows, it's done automatically on the very first execution but on Linux it needs to be done manually (sudo css -server:add).


Ubuntu (terminal)

repo=; file=cs-script_4.8-16.deb; rm $file; wget $repo$file; sudo dpkg -i $file

Depending on the user context you may need to add permissions to the CS-Script temp dir sudo chmod -R 777 /tmp

You can also create a convenient alias (cs-script_x.x-x.deb package does it automatically):

alias css='dotnet /usr/local/bin/cs-script/cscs.dll'+

After that, you can invoke CS-Script engine from anywhere by just typing 'css'.


Chocolatey (pending approval

choco install cs-script

WinGet (pending approval)

winget install cs-script

Manual (Any OS)

Just unpack the corresponding 7z file and start using the script engine executable cscs.

When using on Windows, you can build an alias(shim) exe css.exe for an easy launch of the script engine process: cscs -self-alias.
The same shim is created if you are installing the CS-Script as a choco package.

Barebone distribution

The minimalistic manual distro on the target machine with .NET SDK installed is just a set of the script engine files:



Running: dotnet ./cscs.dll <script>

You can also create an alias for convenient access:

echo "alias css='dotnet /usr/local/bin/cs-script/cscs.dll'" >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc

And then you can run scripts with a simple: css <script>



Running: cscs.exe <script>


Release v4.8.16.0


  • Issue #371: Location of script file Unable to get correct results in hosted script
  • Issue #372: Execution with dotnet engine fails if the script has spaces in the name


  • Issue #371: Location of script file Unable to get correct results in hosted script