Function name | Description | Grade |
mx_printchar |
Prints single character on the standard output. | 100 |
mx_print_unicode |
Prints ASCII and multibyte characters on standard output. | 100 |
mx_printstr |
Prints string of characters on the standard output. | 100 |
mx_print_strarr |
Print array of strings. | 100 |
mx_printint |
Function that prints integer values on the standard output. | 100 |
mx_pow |
Function that computes n raised to the power of zero or positive integer pow . |
100 |
mx_sqrt |
Function that computes the non-negative square root of x . Function must compute square root in less than 2 seconds. |
100 |
mx_nbr_to_hex |
Function that converts an unsigned long number into a hexadecimal. | 100 |
mx_hex_to_nbr |
Function that converts a hexadecimal string into an unsigned long number. | 100 |
mx_itoa |
Function that takes an integer and converts it to a string. | 100 |
mx_foreach |
Function applies the function f for each element of the array arr of the given size. |
100 |
mx_binary_search |
Function that searches string s in array arr with the given size. Uses the binary search algorithm assuming that input array has already been sorted in lexicographical order. |
100 |
mx_bubble_sort |
Function that sorts an array of strings in place in exicographical order using bubble sort algorithm. | 100 |
mx_quicksort |
Function that sorts an array of strings by their length in ascending order using algorithm of quick sort. Pick middle element of the array as pivot. You must not check if left and right are correct. |
100 |
Function name | Description | Grade |
mx_strlen |
Function that has the same behaviour as standard libc function strlen . |
100 |
mx_swap_char |
Function which will swap the characters of the string using pointers. Do nothing if s1 or s2 does not exist. |
100 |
mx_str_reverse |
Function which reverses string using pointers. Do nothing if string does not exist. | 80 |
mx_strdel |
Function that takes a pointer to string, then frees the string memory with free and sets string to NULL . |
100 |
mx_del_strarr |
Function that takes pointer to a NULL-terminated array of strings, deletes content of array, frees array memory with free and sets pointer to NULL . |
100 |
mx_get_char_index |
Function that finds index of the first occurrence of character c in a string str. String is a sequence of characters excluding the trailing \0 character. |
100 |
mx_strdup |
Function that has the same behaviour as standard libc function strdup . |
100 |
mx_strndup |
Function that has the same behaviour as standard libc function strdup . |
100 |
mx_strcpy |
Function that has the same behaviour as standard libc function strcpy . |
100 |
mx_strncpy |
Function that has the same behaviour as standard libc function strncpy . |
100 |
mx_strcmp |
Function that has the same behaviour as standard libc function strcmp . |
100 |
mx_strcat |
Function that has the same behaviour as standard libc function strcat . |
100 |
mx_strstr |
Function which has the same behaviour as standard libc function strstr . |
80 |
mx_get_substr_index |
Function that finds a index of substring. | 100 |
mx_count_substr |
Function that counts number of occurrences of substring in a string. | 70 |
mx_count_words |
Function which count words in the string. Word is a sequence of characters separated by delimiter. | 100 |
mx_strnew |
Function that: • allocates memory for a string of a specific size and one additional byte for terminating '\0' • initializes each character with '\0' • string of a specific size and terminated by '\0' • NULL if the creation fails.. |
100 |
mx_strtrim |
Function which creates new string without whitespace characters at the beginning and the end of the string and frees all unused memory with free . |
100 |
mx_del_extra_spaces |
Function that creates new string without whitespace characters in the beginning and at the end of a string. It puts in the new string exactly one space character between words and frees all unused memory. Word is a sequence of characters separated by whitespaces. | 100 |
mx_strsplit |
Function that converts a string s to the NULL-terminated array of words and frees all unused memory. |
100 |
mx_strjoin |
Create a function concatenates strings s1 and s2 into new string and terminates new string with '\0' . |
100 |
mx_file_to_str |
Function takes a filename as a parameter and then reads the data from file into the string. | 100 |
mx_replace_substr |
Function that replaces all occurrences of sub in str with eplace . |
72 |
mx_read_line |
0 |
Function name | Description | Grade |
mx_memset |
Function that has the same behaviour as standard libc function memset . |
100 |
mx_memcpy |
Function that has the same behaviour as standard libc function memcpy . |
100 |
mx_memccpy |
Function that has the same behaviour as standard stdlib function memccpy . |
100 |
mx_memcmp |
Function that has the same behaviour as standard stdlib function memcmp . |
100 |
mx_memchr |
Function that has the same behaviour as standard stdlib function memchr . |
100 |
mx_memrchr |
The mx_memrchr function is like the mx_memchr function, except that it searches backwardfrom the end of the n bytes pointed to by s instead of forward from the beginning. |
100 |
mx_memmem |
Function that has the same behaviour as standard libc function memmem . | 100 |
mx_memmove |
Function that has the same behaviour as standard libc function memmove . |
100 |
mx_realloc |
Function that has the same behaviour as standard stdlib function realloc . |
100 |
Function name | Description | Grade |
mx_create_node |
Function which creates a new node of linked list. Function must assign parameter data to the list variable data . |
100 |
mx_push_front |
Function that inserts a new node of t_list type with the given parameter data at the beginning of the linked list. |
100 |
mx_push_back |
Function that inserts a new node of t_list type with the given parameter data at the end of the linked list. |
100 |
mx_pop_front |
Function that removes the first node of the linked list and frees allocated for the node memory. P.S: Don't know what is the problem. | 0 |
mx_pop_back |
Function that removes the last node of the linked list and frees allocated for the node memory. P.S: Don't know what is the problem. | 0 |
mx_list_size |
Function that calculates the number of nodes in the linked list. | 100 |
mx_sort_list |
Function that sorts the list’s contents in ascending order. Function cmp returns true if a > b and false in other cases. |
100 |