Repo for code and documentation related to the 2023-2024 Amazon Robotics SCOPE team at Olin College of Engineering.
- Install bazel by following: and ensure that the bazel major version is 6 with bazel --version
Download the kortex .whl file from by right-clicking the 2.6.0 .whl file.
Install the .whl file by navigating to the downloaded location in terminal and running: pip install [name of .whl file]
Then when running the teleop_demo, go into all of the collections.MutableMap errors and insert an abcto make it
- Follow the git lfs config instructions on the README and then clone this repo: navigate into the repo and run pip install -e .
pip install pyserial
git clone
cd serial
git checkout ros2
source /opt/ros/humble/setup.bash
[change the /tmp/usr/local to /usr/local in 3rd line of the Makefile]
sudo make install
pip install segment-anything-fast
pip install PyYAML
No such package “@@environ//” or related
Check Bazel version and install 6.1.1 if the version is too new.
sudo apt install bazel-6.1.1 sudo rm /usr/bin/bazel sudo ln -s /usr/bin/bazel-6.1.1 /usr/bin/bazel bazel --version