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Pixhawk PX4 Documentation

Isaac Vandor edited this page Feb 2, 2017 · 4 revisions

Pixhawk PX4 Documentation

Last edited on 7/27/2016

PX4 Setup- Parts Breakdown

Pixhawk PX4


DSM X Spectrum Satellite Receiver


Paired Telemetry Antennae


PX4 Speaker


3DR’s BEC Power module

Note: Connects to POWER on PX4


Motor Safety Switch


Mini SD Card in Pixhawk


GPS module- Connects to CAN & GPS


4 ESC Speed controllers

Consult Ardupilot for your specific type of quadcopter and plug the ESCs into your Pixhawk's MAIN OUT channels 1-4 in the correct order.


Minimum Requirements

This is a list of the absolute minimum number of parts you need installed to operate your vehicle safely in different modes.


To fly in Stabilize Mode (on a copter) or drive in Manual mode (on a rover) you will need...

  • A Pixhawk with correct firmware and calibration uploaded
  • A battery, typically a 3 cell (11.1 volts, 5100 milliamp-hours)
  • BEC voltage regulator
  • The appropriate number of motors for your vehicle
  • The same number of ESCs as motors (Quad, Hex, Octo, etc etc -Copters only)
  • A motor controller, such as a Sabertooth or a Kangaroo (Ground vehicles only)
  • An RC receiver radio, preferably a DSMX or equivalent
  • A RC transmitter that has been bound to the RC receiver

To fly in Loiter or Auto Mode, or drive in Hold or Auto Mode, you will need...

  • All of the above
  • A GPS
  • A Compass (Your Pixhawk contains an internal compass.)

Use of a Buzzer and Telemetry equipment is optional, but highly encouraged, as they make debugging a lot easier (and safer!)

Click here for information on changing your Telemetry Net ID

Installing the Firmware

Click here for instructions from Ardupilot on how to install the firmware

Calibrating Settings

Calibrate these before your first flight.

Compass Calibration Instructions

Radio Calibration Instructions

Accelerometer Calibration Instructions

Setting your Flight Modes