Some small running examples and some short notes on it
Downloads some actor informations of a few movies from (german) Wikipedia (parsed with jsoup). Some temporary yaml-files will be created (loaded with Jackson) that will serve as input to OrientDB (submitted with Apache TinkerPop).
The following Screenshot (OrientDB Studio) depicts a shortest path between two movies:
Howto run: Start OrientDB
...orientdb-3.1.6/bin$ ./
and run the main class
examples/orientdb/tinkerpop$ mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass=io.github.orientdb.example.Main
You maybe need to create a demodb and use admin/admin as username/password - i can't remember. Otherwise change for your needs.
Check out the readme.txt for some simple queries and how to remove nodes.
An example for stackoverflow-question
originalinput is wxh: 5184x3888 Imagemagick:
convert originalinput.jpg -geometry 624x originalSmall.jpg originalSmall is wxh: 648x468
I created a "mirror image" of originalSmall using the following source code:
I downloaded a project called "Cylinder to Skybox" (easy to use jar-file) which creates 6 images for me
Screenshot of a private project (libgdx-example01 only contains a single colored cube)