This companion package (SfMiASaAEM) for the adaptTo() 2020 session contains all bundles and sample configurations to run Apache Sling Clam on AEM 6.5.5.
Install Docker (on Mac OS with Homebrew)
brew install docker
Start Docker application (daemon)
Start Clam daemon
docker run -d -p 3310:3310 mkodockx/docker-clamav:alpine
Start AEM (set admin
password to admin
to use the below commands unchanged)
java -jar cq-quickstart-6.5.0.jar
Install Service Pack 6.5.5
curl -u admin:admin -F file=@"" -F install=true http://localhost:4502/crx/packmgr/service.jsp
Build and install SfMiASaAEM Package
git clone
cd sfmiasaaem-package
mvn clean package
curl -u admin:admin -F file=@"target/" -F install=true http://localhost:4502/crx/packmgr/service.jsp
Set up Apache Sling Commons Crypto and Apache Sling Commons Messaging Mail for use with MailSendingScanResultHandler
(requires SMTP account with SSL/TLS enabled).