At first, this is a final project of networking.
The project contains 4 subprojects: app, client, dhcp and dns.
The app is server based RUDP for storage like FTP. The server support download, upload, list and delete requests.
In addition, the clients can be anonymously or with user name and password.
Client Help:
client is CLI client for custom app like "FTP" based on UDP.
client --help - print the help content
client [options] upload [--dest <destination>] <file / directory> - upload file or directory
client [options] download <remote file / directory> [destination] - download file or directory
client [options] list [remote directory] [--recursive] - print directory content
--user <user name> - set user name
--password <password> - set user password, require --user
--host <host> - set the server host address, defualt: localhost
--port <port> - set the server port, defualt: 30034
--client-host <host> - set the client host address, defualt: localhost
--client-port <port> - set the client port, defualt: 20985
- TCP Mode:
In src/app/ you can change into TCP Mode (by defualt is false - UDP Mode)
In this mode the app and the client will use TCP. but they will act like is UDP and all the parts of the RUDP
will stay. Warrning this mode is only for the university - it will make the system slow!.
Other Sub-projects:
- The DHCP server are simple DHCP that based on only python and json file for saving the data.
- The DNS is a local DNS server that has static domains and caching recodes that saved in a json file.
- docs - Extra information
- profiles - Contains the profile.json
- res - Resources directory
- src - Source code
- app - The application server
- client - Client CLI for the application server
- dhcp - The DHCP server
- dns - The DNS server
- lib - Shard lib for the other projects
- scripts - For CI/CD
- storage - The servers storage directory
- temp - Temporary for tests
- uploads - Testing files and directories for the application
- LICENSE - The MIT LICENSE of the project
- Makefile - CI / CD and Testing scripts
Support linux OS only.
- python 3.10.x
- poetry
Run the folow command in the terminal:
poetry config true
poetry install
This is server for storage files, the server and the client sending packets over the UDP. But, same like TCP is reliable and optimize the network speed.
The pockets are divided into three layers, Base Layer, RUDP layer and FTP layer. When the FTP layer exists only in the first packets. The flow, the client send request packet with the request fields (upload / download / list / delete) and the auth fields (anonymous, user name and password). The server response with "ok" and error mesage if is not ok. In addition, it sends the size and the amount of segments. So, the client and the server be coordinated.
Then, the sender - client if "upload" and server if "download" or "list" sends the packet according to Cubic and the other side return with ACK until it get all the segments. If it is upload then the server sends Close packet. Else, the client send Download Complited until the server sends Close.
The Environment Variables will be declaerd in src/app/.env
Name | Description |
APP_HOST | App host |
APP_PORT | App port |
APP_STORAGE_PATH | Relative path of the strore directory |
Run for open command in the terminal for opening the app server:
make start-app
At first, check that the server is running. after that run the folow commands in the terminal:
make test-client-help
make test-client-upload-all
make test-client-upload-10000
make test-client-upload-child-10000
make test-client-upload-range
make test-client-upload-user
make test-client-upload-user-multi
make test-client-upload-user-without-password
make test-client-download-all
make test-client-download-10000
make test-client-download-child-10000
make test-client-download-user
make test-client-download-user-without-password
make test-client-download-user-multi
make test-client-list
make test-client-list-recursive
make test-client-list-a
make test-client-list-a-c
make test-client-list-range
make test-client-list-user-multi
make test-client-list-user-without-password
make test-client-list-user-recursive
make test-client-delete-all
make test-client-delete-user
make test-client-delete-user-without-password
make test-client-delete-user-multi
make test-client-delete-root
make test-client-not-found
Every Request / Response are made from Base Layer and the content layer
- Upload - Upload File / Directory
- Download - Download File / Directory
- List
- Delete - Delete File / Directory
Basic Layer
Type | Sub Type | Request ID |
1 Bytes | 1 Bytes | 8 Bytes |
- Type: type of RUDP layer
- Sub type: type of the application layer, the defualt is 0
Request Layer
Full Pocket Size | Max Single Segment Size |
8 Bytes | 8 Bytes |
Anonymous | User Name Length | User Name | Password Length | Password |
1 Byte | 4 Bytes | (User Name Length) * Bytes | 4 Bytes | (User Name Length) * Bytes |
Type: 1
Response Layer
OK | Error Message Length | Error Message |
1 Bytes | 1 Bytes | (Error Message Length) * Bytes |
Data Size | Segments Amount | Single Segment Size |
8 Bytes | 8 Bytes | 8 Bytes |
Type: 2
- If Segments Amount is 0 then, not exists ACK's and Close pockets
Ready For Downloading
Type: 3
Segment Layer
Segment ID | Segment Size | Data |
8 Bytes | 8 Bytes | Segment Size * Bytes |
Type: 4
AKC Layer
Segment ID |
8 Bytes |
Type: 5
Download Complited
Type: 6
Type: 7
Upload Request Layer
Path Length | Path |
4 Bytes | (Path Length) * Bytes |
Type: Request Layer Path: path of file or directory on the server
The Uploaded Data:
If the first byte is 1 then its file
Else, if the first byte is 0 its a directory
- If exists file or directory, delete it
- Create the file / directory
Download Request Layer
Path Length | Path |
4 Bytes | (Path Length) * Bytes |
Type: Request Layer Path: path of file or directory on the server
The Uploaded Data:
If the first byte is 1 then its file
Else, if the first byte is 0 its a directory
- Can't download file / directory that dos not exists
List Request Layer
Path Length | Path | Recursive |
4 Bytes | (Path Length) * Bytes | 1 Byte |
Type: Request Layer Path: path of the directory on the server
List Data
The full combine segments is:
list of directories and files, when directory present
Is Directory - 1 | Name Length | Name | Updated At |
1 Byte | 4 Bytes | (Name Length) * Bytes | 8 Bytes |
and file is
Is Directory - 0 | Name Length | Name | Updated At | File Size |
1 Byte | 4 Bytes | (Name Length) * Bytes | 8 Bytes | 8 Bytes |
Delete Request Layer
Path Length | Path |
4 Bytes | (Path Length) * Bytes |
Type: Request Layer Path: path of file or directory on the server
Delete Response Layer
Is File |
1 Byte |
Type: Request Layer
The Environment Variables will be declaerd in src/dhcp/.env
Name | Description |
SERVER_PORT | DHCP port - 67 |
CLIENT_PORT | DHCP port - 68 |
DATABASE_PATH | Relative path of the dhcp.json |
Run for open command in the terminal for opening the DHCP server:
make start-dhcp
Recive from port 67 and reply on port 68
dhcp.json fields:
- server_address - DHCP server IP Address
- network_interface - DHCP listening network interface
- lease_time - DHCP IP Address Lease Time in seconds
- renewal_time - DHCP Renewal Rime Time in seconds
- rebinding_time - DHCP Rebinding Time Time in seconds
- router - The IP of the router / gateway
- subnet_mask - The subnet mask
- dns - IP of a DNS Server or null, this field is optional
- broadcast_address - IP for broadcasting or null, this field is optional
- pool_range - Range for the last part of the IP that the DHCP server returns
- ip_address_leases - All the leases that the server gives
At first, check that the server is running. after that run the folow commands in the terminal:
ip a
sudo dhclient -r
ip a
sudo dhclient
ip a
sudo dhclient
ip a
sleep 40
ip a
sudo dhclient -r
ip a
sudo dhclient
ip a
sudo dhclient -r
ip a
Description on the packets:
The exists 6 types of packets in this server, and more that dos not used in this project. The
types are: Discover, Offer, Request, ACK, NAK and Relese. \
The Environment Variables will be declaerd in src/dns/.env
Name | Description |
SERVER_PORT | DNS port - 53 |
PARENT_PORT | Port of the coonection to the parent |
DATABASE_PATH | Relative path of the dns.json |
Run for open command in the terminal for opening the DNS server:
make start-dns
Recive from port 53
dns.json fields:
- parent_dns - IP Address of parent DNS server of this server
- static_ttl - The Time To Live in seconds for the domains of this server
- static_records - Static Records of this server, the key is the domain of the record
- ip_address - IP Address of the domain
- cache_records - Cashed A Records, the key is the domain of the record
- ip_address - IP Address of the domain
- expired_time - When the record is expired in seconds
At first, check that the server is running. after that run the folow commands in the terminal:
make test-dns-all
- Python Struct:
- DHCP Wikipedia:
- DHCP defied and who it works:
- DHCP Leases:
- DNS Wikipedia:
- DNS RFC 1035:
- Omer Priel
- ...