Socketbox is real time socket layer framework inspired by express.You can simulate socket messages like as restful request, build router system according to a specific protocol and write middleware to this routers.
import Socketbox from 'socketbox';
// First create your own socket server.
const ws = new WebSocket.Server( { port : 8080 } );
// you give socket server instance to socketbox
const app = new Socketbox();
app.createServer( ws );
//you create router
const router = Socketbox.Router();
//you activate router on this websocket server.
app.use( '/', router );
This is a Node.js module available through the npm registry.
Before installing, download and install Node.js. Node.js 7 or higher is required.
$ npm install socketbox
- Websocket
const app = new Socketbox(opts);
Events | Description |
ping |
(boolean) ping-pong activate, server send ping message automatic |
pingTimeout |
(number) seconds, ping sending timeout |
// client connect to server
var wsClient = new WebSocket('ws://localhost:8080', opts);
// example Web browser websocket
wsClient.onmessage = function(message){
if( === 'ping') {
app.on(<events>, (client) => {
console.log(`${client.ip} is connected`);
Events | Description |
connected |
Emitted client connected |
disconnected |
Emitted client disconnected |
Your each client have own session object.You can edit session add and remove directly. You can write data to client session.
// example:
// you validate client and returned user object.You
// can put user to client session.You can access session in each request
// session everytime stored until client disconnect
router.register( '/validate/token', ( req, res ) => {
req.session.user = validate(req.body.token); //use session.user on each request
} );
You need to adjust some rules while send message to this socket server from client. Your socket message architecture below;
url: 'ws://', // hostname and protocol is required current version
body: {
to: 'x',
from: 'y',
message: 'hi!'
Property | Description |
url |
( required ) your defined url on backend server |
body |
( optional ) if you want put data to your message |
url: 'ws://'
router.register( '/message/write', ( req, res ) => {
res.send( { statusCode : 200 } );
} );
you can use params while register route path.
router.register( '/message/write/:userid', ( req, res ) => {
* Access to params
* req.params.userid
* If you have query in request;
* req.query.[<your query name>]
res.send( { statusCode : 200 } );
} );
You can add property to request object on middleware.
const mid1 = ( req, res, next ) => {
req.user = {};
req.user.username = 'dmomer';
router.register( '/profile', mid1, ( req, res ) => {
res.send( req.user );
} );
You can access socketbox cache but recommend only use the following methods. Cache class is static class and read-only.Clients is stored in a Map object.
// return everytime same cache class.
const cache = Socketbox.Cache();
Method: cache.clients()
- Returns: All clients in a Array.
don't take parameters.
Method: cache.filter(key)
- key
<string> | <Function>
You will be passed to key string or direct working filter function. - Returns: All clients in a Array.
Following is two differenct parameter example:
// we have map , which is [['1', {name: 'omer'}], ['2', {name: 'demircan'}]]
// use string key
cache.filter('1'); // return only values [{name: 'omer'}]
// use own filter function;
// following function filter objects, which contains name key is 'omer'
cache.filter((item) => {
// item[1] is value.
return item[1].name === 'demircan'
}) // return [{name: 'demircan'}];
You can bind clients to channels.You can send message to channel if you want.
Method: join( cname )
- cname
channel name for join
// if channel is not exist, method create channel.
// ex:
// you can listen join router
router.register('/join?room=223', (req, res) => {
Method: sendTo(message, cname)
- message
message content - cname
channel name to go
res.sendTo({message: x}, 'channel1');
You can use some request properties.
req.body; //you can access message body
// if url is /a/b?keyword=omer
// you can access req.query.keyword (value is omer)
req.query; //this is object
// if url is /a/b/:name
// you can access (value is any)
req.params; //this is object
// if your url is wss://
req.protocol; //wss:; //
req.hostname; //
req.port; // null
req.path; // /p/a/t/h?query=string
req.pathname // /p/a/t/h
req.href; // wss://
req.query; // 'query=string'
req.hash; // #hash
You can put string, json or buffer to message.
// you can send Object or raw string
res.send({name: 'omer'});
res.send(new Buffer('omer'));
Method: leave( cname )
- cname
channel name for leave
If client is leaved, return true otherwise return false.
// res is client reference on all request, you can access to client object using res.