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A* algorithm

Complete solution to find the shortest path to a target node


  • Put initial state in a priority queue
  • While priority queue is not empty: poll an element and inserts all neighbours
  • If target is reached, update a min variable

Priority is computed using the evaluation function: f(n) = h + g where h is an heuristic (local cost to visit a node) and g is the cost so far (length of the path so far)


Backedge definition

An edge from a node to itself or to an ancestor


Best-first search algorithm

Greedy solution (non-complete) to find the shortest path to a target node


  • Put initial state in a priority queue
  • While target not reached: poll an element and inserts all neighbours

Priority is computed using the evaluation function: f(n) = h where h is an heuristic (local cost to visit a node)

#graph #greedy

BFS & DFS graph traversal use cases

BFS: shortest path

DFS: does a path exist, does a cycle exist (memo: D for Does)

DFS stores a single path at a time, requires less memory than BFS (on average but same space complexity)


BFS and DFS graph traversal time and space complexity

Time: O(v + e) with v the number of vertices and e the number of edges

Space: O(v)

#complexity #graph

Bidirectional search

Run two simultaneous BFS, one from the source, one from the target

Once their searches collide, we found a path

If branching factor of a tree is b and the distance to the target vertex is d, then the normal BFS/DFS searching time complexity would we O(b^d)

Here it is O(b^(d/2))


Connected graph definition

If there is a path between every pair of vertices, the graph is called connected

Otherwise, the graph consists of multiple isolated subgraphs


Difference Best-first search and A* algorithms

Best-first search is a greedy solution: not complete // a solution can be not optimal

A*: complete


Dijkstra algorithm

Input: graph, initial vertex

Output: for each vertex: shortest path and previous node // The previous node is the one we are coming from in the shortest path. To find the shortest path between two nodes, we need to iterate backwards. Example: A -> C => E, D, A


  • Init the shortest distance to MAX except for the initial node
  • Init a priority queue where the comparator will be on the total distance so far
  • Init a set to store all visited node
  • Add initial vertex to the priority queue
  • While queue is not empty: Poll a vertex (mark it visited) and check the total distance to each neighbour (current distance + distance so far), update shortest and previous arrays if smaller. If destination was unvisited, adds it to the queue
void dijkstra(GraphAjdacencyMatrix graph, int initial) {
	Set<Integer> visited = new HashSet<>();

	int n = graph.vertex;
	int[] shortest = new int[n];
	int[] previous = new int[n];
	for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
		if (i != initial) {
			shortest[i] = Integer.MAX_VALUE;

	// Entry: key=vertex, value=distance so far
	PriorityQueue<Entry> minHeap = new PriorityQueue<>((e1, e2) -> e1.value - e2.value);
	minHeap.add(new Entry(initial, 0));

	while (!minHeap.isEmpty()) {
		Entry current = minHeap.poll();
		int source = current.key;
		int distanceSoFar = current.value;

		// Get neighbours
		List<GraphAjdacencyMatrix.Edge> edges = graph.getEdge(source);
		for (GraphAjdacencyMatrix.Edge edge : edges) {
			// For each neighbour, check the total distance
			int distance = distanceSoFar + edge.distance;
			if (distance < shortest[edge.destination]) {
				shortest[edge.destination] = distance;
				previous[edge.destination] = source;

			// Add the element in the queue if not visited
			if (!visited.contains(edge.destination)) {
				minHeap.add(new Entry(edge.destination, distance));




Dynamic connectivity problem

Given a set of nodes and edges: are two nodes connected (directly or in-directly)?

Two methods:

  • union(2, 5) // connect object 2 with object 5
  • connected(1 , 6) // is object 1 connected to object 6?

Further Reading


Dynamic connectivity problem - Quick-find solution

Array of integer of size N initialized with their index (0: 0, 1: 1 etc.).

If two indexes have the same value, they belong to the same group.

  • Is connected: id[p] == id[q] // O(1)
  • Union: change all elements in the array whose value is equals to id[q] and set them to id[p] // O(n)


Dynamic connectivity problem - Quick-union solution

Init: integer array of size N

Interpretation: id[i] is parent of i, root parent if id[i] == i

  • Is connected: check if p and q have the same parent // O(n)
  • Union: set the id of p's root to the id of q's root // O(n)


Dynamic connectivity problem - Weighted Quick-union solution

Modify quick-union to avoid tall tree

Keep track of the size of each tree (number of nodes): extra array size[i] to count number of objects in the tree rooted at i

O(n) extra space

  • Union: link root of smaller tree to root of larger tree // O(log(n))
  • Is connected: root(p) == root(q) // O(log(n))


Given n tasks from 0 to n-1 and a list of relations so that a -> b means a must be scheduled before b, how to know if it is possible to schedule all the tasks (no cycle)

Solution: topological sort

If there's a cycle in the relations, it means it is not possible to shedule all the tasks

There is a cycle if the produced sorted array size is different from n


Graph definition

A way to represent a network, or a collection of inteconnected objects

G = (V, E) with V a set of vertices (or nodes) and E a set of edges (or links)


Graph traversal: BFS

Traverse broad into the graph by visiting the sibling/neighbor before children nodes (one level of children at a time)

Iterative using a queue

Algorithm: similar with tree except we need to mark the visited nodes, can start with any nodes

Queue<Node> queue = new LinkedList<>();
Node first = graph.nodes.get(0);

while (!queue.isEmpty()) {
	Node node = queue.poll();

	for (Edge edge : node.connections) {
		if (!edge.end.visited) {


Graph traversal: DFS

Traverse deep into the graph by visiting the children before sibling/neighbor nodes (traverse down one single path)

Walk through a path, backtrack until we found a new path

Algorithm: recursive or iterative using a stack (same algo than BFS except we use a queue instead of a stack)


How to compute the shortest path between two nodes in an unweighted graph

BFS traversal by using an array to keep track of the min distance distances[i] gives the shortest distance between the input node and the node of id i

Algorithm: no need to keep track of the visited node, it is replaced by a test on the distance array

Queue<Node> queue = new LinkedList<>();
int[] distances = new int[graph.nodes.size()];
Arrays.fill(distances, -1);
distances[] = 0;

while (!queue.isEmpty()) {
	Node node = queue.poll();
	for (Edge edge : node.connections) {
		if (distances[] == -1) {
			distances[] = distances[] + 1;


How to detect a cycle in a directed graph

Using DFS by marking the visited nodes, there is a cycle if a visited node is also part of the current stack

The stack can be managed as a boolean array

boolean isCyclic(DirectedGraph g) {
	boolean[] visited = new boolean[g.size()];
	boolean[] stack = new boolean[g.size()];

	for (int i = 0; i < g.size(); i++) {
		if (isCyclic(g, i, visited, stack)) {
			return true;
	return false;

boolean isCyclic(DirectedGraph g, int node, boolean[] visited, boolean[] stack) {
	if (stack[node]) {
		return true;

	if (visited[node]) {
		return false;

	stack[node] = true;
	visited[node] = true;

	List<DirectedGraph.Edge> edges = g.getEdges(node);
	for (DirectedGraph.Edge edge : edges) {
		int destination = edge.destination;
		if (isCyclic(g, destination, visited, stack)) {
			return true;

	// Backtrack
	stack[node] = false;

	return false;


How to detect a cycle in an undirected graph

Using DFS

Idea: for every visited vertex v, if there is an adjacent u such that u is already visited and u is not the parent of v, then there is a cycle

public boolean isCyclic(UndirectedGraph g) {
	boolean[] visited = new boolean[g.size()];
	for (int i = 0; i < g.size(); i++) {
		if (!visited[i]) {
			if (isCyclic(g, i, visited, -1)) {
				return true;
	return false;

private boolean isCyclic(UndirectedGraph g, int v, boolean[] visited, int parent) {
	visited[v] = true;

	List<UndirectedGraph.Edge> edges = g.getEdges(v);
	for (UndirectedGraph.Edge edge : edges) {
		if (!visited[edge.destination]) {
			if (isCyclic(g, edge.destination, visited, v)) {
				return true;
		} else if (edge.destination != parent) {
			return true;
	return false;


How to name a graph with directed edges and without cycle

Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG)


How to name a graph with few edges and with many edges

Sparse: few edges

Dense: many edges


How to name the number of edges

Degree of a vertex


How to represent the edges of a graph (structure and complexity)

  1. Using an adjacency matrix: two-dimensional array of boolean with a[i][j] is true if there is an edge between node i and j
  • Time complexity: O(1)
  • Space complexity: O(v²) with v the number of vertices


  • If graph is undirected: half of the space is useless
  • If graph is sparse, we still have to consume O(v²) space
  1. Using an adjacency list: array (or map) of linked list with a[i] represents the edges for the node i
  • Time complexity: O(d) with d the degree of a vertex
  • Space complexity: O(2*e) with e the number of edges


Topological sort complexity

Time and space: O(v + e)

#complexity #graph

Topological sort technique

If there is an edge from U to V, then U <= V

Possible only if the graph is a DAG


  • Create a graph representation (adjacency list) and an in degree counter (Map<Integer, Integer>)
  • Zero them for each vertex
  • Fill the adjacency list and the in degree counter for each edge
  • Add in a queue each vertex whose in degree count is 0 (source vertex with no parent)
  • While the queue is not empty, poll a vertex from it then decrement the in degree of its children (no removal)

To check if there is a cycle, we must compare the size of the produced array to the number of vertices

List<Integer> sort(int vertices, int[][] edges) {
	if (vertices == 0) {
		return Collections.EMPTY_LIST;

	List<Integer> sorted = new ArrayList<>(vertices);
	// Adjacency list graph
	Map<Integer, List<Integer>> graph = new HashMap<>();
	// Count of incoming edges for each vertex
	Map<Integer, Integer> inDegree = new HashMap<>();

	for (int i = 0; i < vertices; i++) {
		inDegree.put(i, 0);
		graph.put(i, new LinkedList<>());

	// Init graph and inDegree
	for (int[] edge : edges) {
		int parent = edge[0];
		int child = edge[1];

		inDegree.put(child, inDegree.get(child) + 1);

	// Create a source queue and add each source (a vertex whose inDegree count is 0)
	Queue<Integer> sources = new LinkedList<>();
	for (Map.Entry<Integer, Integer> entry : inDegree.entrySet()) {
		if (entry.getValue() == 0) {

	while (!sources.isEmpty()) {
		int vertex = sources.poll();

		// For each vertex, we will decrease the inDegree count of its children
		List<Integer> children = graph.get(vertex);
		for (int child : children) {
			inDegree.put(child, inDegree.get(child) - 1);
			if (inDegree.get(child) == 0) {

	// Topological sort is not possible as the graph has a cycle
	if (sorted.size() != vertices) {
		return new ArrayList<>();

	return sorted;

#graph #technique

Travelling salesman problem

Find the shortest possible route that visits every city (vertex) exactly once

Possible solutions:

  • Greedy: nearest neighbour
  • Dynamic programming: compute optimal solution for a path of length n by using information already known for partial tours of length n-1 (time complexity: n^2 * 2^n)


Two types of graphs

Directed graph (with directed edges)

Undirected graph (with undirected edges)
