emosent-py is a Python utility package to get Sentiment Rankings for Unicode Emojis.
Based on the research by Kralj Novak P, Smailović J, Sluban B, Mozetič I (2015) on Sentiment of Emojis.
Journal Link: https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0144296
CSV Data acquired from CLARIN repository, Repository Link: http://hdl.handle.net/11356/1048
This project is inspired by emoji-sentiment, a similar utility written in JavaScript.
The complete listed of Emojis to Sentiment Ranking supported by this project can be found at Emoji Sentiment Ranking v1.0.
You can install emosent-py from using pip
pip install emosent-py
from emosent import get_emoji_sentiment_rank
{'unicode_codepoint': '0x2764',
'occurrences': 8050,
'position': 0.746943086,
'negative': 355.0,
'neutral': 1334.0,
'positive': 6361.0,
'unicode_name': 'HEAVY BLACK HEART',
'unicode_block': 'Dingbats',
'sentiment_score': 0.746}
from emosent import get_emoji_sentiment_rank
# This function returns the emoji sentiment rank
# mapped to the specified character.
{'unicode_codepoint': '0x1f602',
'occurrences': 14622,
'position': 0.805100583,
'negative': 3614.0,
'neutral': 4163.0,
'positive': 6845.0,
'unicode_name': 'FACE WITH TEARS OF JOY',
'unicode_block': 'Emoticons',
'sentiment_score': 0.221}
from emosent import get_emoji_sentiment_rank_multiple
# Parses the input text character by character and
# extracts emoji sentiment ranks and their respective positions in the text.
get_emoji_sentiment_rank_multiple('well done buddy! 😁👏')
# Here, the emojis are found at positions 17 and 18 in the specified text.
[{'text_position': 17,
'emoji_sentiment_rank': {'unicode_codepoint': '0x1f601',
'occurrences': 2189,
'position': 0.796151187,
'negative': 278.0,
'neutral': 648.0,
'positive': 1263.0,
'unicode_block': 'Emoticons',
'sentiment_score': 0.45}},
{'text_position': 18,
'emoji_sentiment_rank': {'unicode_codepoint': '0x1f44f',
'occurrences': 2336,
'position': 0.787130164,
'negative': 243.0,
'neutral': 634.0,
'positive': 1459.0,
'unicode_name': 'CLAPPING HANDS SIGN',
'unicode_block': 'Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs',
'sentiment_score': 0.521}}]
We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.txt file for more details.