Program allows you to control the cursor with moving your head and blinking.
The project was created by Ondřej Soukeník, Pavel Vaněk and Zdeňka Varmužová as the final project in Computer programming 2 2020/2021.
Developed and tested on Windows, Mac OS and GNU/Linux with X server.
Prerequisites: webcam, python 3, virtualenv and pip
Python dependencies: opencv-python, imutils, pyautogui, scipy
Create and activate virtual environment (for GNU/Linux):
virtualenv ./env
source env/bin/activate
For Windows:
python3 -m venv ./env
Install pip packages:
pip install opencv-python pyautogui imutils scipy
Clone repository and run the project:
git clone
cd face-recognition-project
Q - Quit script
R - New reference point
E - Enable/disable mouse movements