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A rewrite of in cleaner Python. Forked from due to unmaintained status and rewritten to use the Requests module.


sudo pip install -U pyunifi

API Example

from pyunifi.controller import Controller
c = Controller('', 'admin', 'p4ssw0rd')
for ap in c.get_aps():
	print 'AP named %s with MAC %s' % (ap.get('name'), ap['mac'])

See also the scripts unifi-ls-clients and unifi-low-rssi-reconnect for more examples of how to use the API.


class Controller

Interact with a UniFi controller.

Uses the JSON interface on port 8443 (HTTPS) to communicate with a UniFi controller. Operations will raise unifi.controller.APIError on obvious problems (such as login failure), but many errors (such as disconnecting a nonexistant client) will go unreported.

__init__(self, host, username, password)

Create a Controller object.

  • host -- the address of the controller host; IP or name
  • username -- the username to log in with
  • password -- the password to log in with
  • port -- the port of the controller host
  • version -- the base version of the controller API [v4|v5]
  • site_id -- the site ID to access
  • ssl_verify -- Verify the controllers SSL certificate, default=True, can also be False or "path/to/custom_cert.pem"

block_client(self, mac)

Add a client to the block list.

  • mac -- the MAC address of the client to block.

disconnect_client(self, mac)

Disconnects a client, forcing them to reassociate. Useful when the connection is of bad quality to force a rescan.

  • mac -- the MAC address of the client to disconnect.


Return a list of Alerts.


Return a list of unarchived Alerts.


Return a list of Events.


Return a list of all AP:s, with significant information about each.


Return a list of all active clients, with significant information about each.


Return statistical data of the last 24h

get_statistics_24h(self, endtime)

Return statistical data last 24h from endtime

  • endtime -- the last time of statistics.


Return a list of all known clients, with significant information about each.


Return a list of user groups with its rate limiting settings.

update_user_group(self, group_id, down_kbps=-1, up_kbps=-1)

Update user group bandwidth settings.

  • group_id -- Group ID to modify.
  • down_kbps -- New bandwidth in KBPS for download.
  • up_kbps -- New bandwidth in KBPS for upload.


Return high level health information on status of the setup


Return a list of configured WLANs with their configuration parameters.

restart_ap(self, mac)

Restart an access point (by MAC).

  • mac -- the MAC address of the AP to restart.

restart_ap_name(self, name)

Restart an access point (by name).

  • name -- the name address of the AP to restart.

unblock_client(self, mac)

Remove a client from the block list.

  • mac -- the MAC address of the client to unblock.


Archive all alerts of site.


Tells the controller to create a backup archive that can be downloaded with download_backup() and then be used to restore a controller on another machine.

Remember that this puts significant load on a controller for some time (depending on the amount of users and managed APs).

get_backup(self, targetfile)

Tells the controller to create a backup archive and downloads it to a file. It should have a .unf extension for later restore.

  • targetfile -- the target file name, you can also use a full path. Default creates unifi-backup.unf in the current directoy.

authorize_guest(self, guest_mac, minutes, up_bandwidth=None, down_bandwidth=None, byte_quota=None, ap_mac=None)

Authorize a guest based on his MAC address.

  • guest_mac -- the guest MAC address : aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff
  • minutes -- duration of the authorization in minutes
  • up_bandwith -- up speed allowed in kbps (optional)
  • down_bandwith -- down speed allowed in kbps (optional)
  • byte_quota -- quantity of bytes allowed in MB (optional)
  • ap_mac -- access point MAC address (UniFi >= 3.x) (optional)

unauthorize_guest(self, guest_mac)

Unauthorize a guest based on his MAC address.

  • guest_mac -- the guest MAC address : aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff

set_client_alias(self, mac, alias)

Set client alias. Use "" to reset to the default.

  • mac: The target MAC: aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff
  • alias: The alias to set


The following small utilities are bundled with the API:


Lists the currently active clients on the networks. Takes parameters for controller, username, password, controller version and site ID (UniFi >= 3.x)

jb@unifi:~ % unifi-ls-clients -c localhost -u admin -p p4ssw0rd -v v3 -s default
NAME                             MAC  AP            CHAN  RSSI   RX   TX
client-kitchen     00:24:36:9a:0d:ab  Study          100    51  300  216
jborg-mbp          28:cf:da:d6:46:20  Study          100    45  300  300
jb-iphone          48:60:bc:44:36:a4  Living Room      1    45   65   65
jb-ipad            1c:ab:a7:af:05:65  Living Room      1    22   52   65


Periodically checks all clients for low SNR values, and disconnects those who fall below the limit. The point being that these clients will then try to reassociate, hopefully finding a closer AP. Take the same parameters as above, plus settings for intervals and SNR threshold. Use unifi-low-snr-reconnect -h for an option summary.

A good source of understanding for RSSI/SNR values is this article. According to that, an SNR of 15 dB seems like a good cutoff, and that's also the default value in the script. You can set a higher value for testing:

jb@unifi:~ % unifi-low-snr-reconnect -c localhost -u admin -p p4ssw0rd -v v3 -s default --minsnr 30
2012-11-15 11:23:01 INFO unifi-low-snr-reconnect: Disconnecting jb-ipad/1c:ab:a7:af:05:65@Study (SNR 22 dB < 30 dB)
2012-11-15 11:23:01 INFO unifi-low-snr-reconnect: Disconnecting Annas-Iphone/74:e2:f5:97:da:7e@Living Room (SNR 29 dB < 30 dB)

For production use, launching the script into the background is recommended...


Get a csv file with statistics

unifi-save-statistics -c localhost -u admin -p p4ssw0rd -v v3 -s default -f filename.csv
