This is a template for spinning up a REST server in Flask for API first development. Use this repo as a template repo.
The server is tested in our travis account for following versions of Python
- 3.7
The server dependencies specified in Pipfile
The image is pushed to dockerhub {$LINK}, every push to git repository triggers a new build at the dockerhub.
- To build the image after modifications, run
$ docker build -t {$IMAGE}:{$TAG} .
- To run the container after the image has build successfully, run
$ docker run -it -d -p {$EXTERNAL_PORT}:8000 {$IMAGE}:{$TAG}
To setup the dev env use the following commands.
$ python3 -m venv env
$ source env/bin/activate
(env) $ pip install --cache-dir .pip.cache/ --progress-bar emoji --upgrade pip setuptools
(env) $ pip install --cache-dir .pip.cache/ --progress-bar emoji --requirement requirements/dev.txt
(env) $ cp .env.example .env
To setup the db use the following commands.
(env) $ python db init
To make a migration run the folowing commands
(env) $ python db migrate -m $MESSAGE
(env) $ python db upgrade