A lightweight TypeScript library for writing URLs in a type-safe manner.
- Supports path parameters and query parameters
- Automatic URL encoding
- Works on both browsers and Node.js
- Tiny bundle size and 0 dependencies
With an IDE, you can list URL references and rename URL components 👍.
Here is an example of how to define a URL structure and write corresponding URLs.
import { createRootPathObject, urlOf } from 'type-safe-url'
// Define your URL structure
const root = createRootPathObject<{
company: { // '/company'
access: {} // '/company/access'
history: {} // '/company/history'
// Create URL strings
urlOf(root), // '/'
urlOf(root.company.access), // '/company/access'
Path parameters are represented using function types as follows:
const root = createRootPathObject<{
user: (name: string) => { // 👈️ Path parameter
profile: {}
posts: (id: number) => {} // 👈️ Nested path parameter
urlOf(root.user), // '/user'
urlOf(root.user('alice')), // '/user/alice'
urlOf(root.user('alice').posts), // '/user/alice/posts'
urlOf(root.user('alice').posts(1)) // '/user/alice/posts/1'
Query parameters are represented as follows:
const root = createRootPathObject<{
items: {
'?': { page: number; limit: number }
urlOf(root.items), // '/items'
urlOf(root.items, { page: 2 }), // '/items?page=2'
urlOf(root.items, { page: 2, limit: 30 }), // '/items?page=2&limit=30'
You can configure the base URL and slashes at both ends.
const root = createRootPathObject<{
about: {}
baseUrl: 'https://example.com/',
autoAddLeadingSlash: false,
autoAddTrailingSlash: true,
console.log(urlOf(root.about)) // 'https://example.com/about/'
You can define query parameters that accept multiple values.
Simply use array types as below.
const root = createRootPathObject<{
articles: {
'?': { tags: string[] } // 👈️ Multi-value as an array
urlOf(root.articles, { tags: ['css', 'html'] }), // '/articles?tags=css&tags=html'