The Movie's Time is a web application specially designed for movie lovers. Powered by React and Redux, this application categorizes the top trending movies into four sections: Popular, Top Rated, Now Playing, and Upcoming.
Upon accessing the Movie's Time App, users can explore dedicated data for each category:
- 📽️ Popular: Displays the vote average, with feedback from hundreds and even thousands of movie lovers.
- 🔝 Top Rated: Provides an overview of the all-time highest-rated movies.
- 🍿 Now Playing: Enables users to keep track of movies currently being shown in theaters.
- 🎉 Upcoming: Provides release dates for upcoming movies.
This application utilizes information from The Movie DB.
- Javascript
- Use of React documentation.
- Use of React components.
- Use of React props.
- Use of React Router.
- Connect of React and Redux.
- Handle events in a React app.
- Write integration tests with a React testing library.
- Use of styles in a React app.
- Use of React life cycle methods.
- Apply React best practices and language style guides in code.
- Use of store, actions and reducers in React.
- Here is the live demo version.
- Here you can walking through my app.
To get a local copy up and running, follow these steps:
clone this repository into your machine
npm start
In order to run this project you need:
- Create a repo on your repositores files.
- Clone or make a copy of this repo on your local machine.
- Follow GitHub flow.
- A carefully reading of this is required.
Clone this repository to your desired folder:
cd my-folder
git clone
Install this project with:
npm install
To run the project, you can use your favorite browser.
To run tests, execute the following command:
npm test
- N/A
👤 Oscar Villagran
- GitHub: @oovillagran
- Twitter: @oovillagran
- LinkedIn: Oscar Villagran
- User Logging.
- User Authentication
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.
If you like this project feel free to make any comment, all contributions are welcome!.
I would like to thank Microverse comunity. I thank our learning, morning session and standup partners for supporting me.
Thanks to the Creative Commons and Nelson Sakwa on Behance for provided the main UI design.
This project is MIT licensed.