The Doμ Player (domu player) is a web-based player for SWF files.
It is part of the Open Flash project.
It is intended as a successor to Mozilla's Shumway.
See the demo page.
This project is still a prototype. There are no stability or feature guarantees.
The player can currently play simple animation and has initial support for Actionscript 2 bytecode.
The simplest way to use the Doμ Player is through the <x-swf>
custom tag. Add the lib script to
your page and use the following code:
<x-swf src="movie.swf" width="550" height="400"></x-swf>
The will create a custom element mimicking the behavior of <embed>
The custom tag approach uses the default renderer, scheduler, etc. You can gain greater control
over how you create your player by instanciating it manually with the createDomuPlayer