This is a demo project that contains schemas built in both GraphQL 3 (stable) and GraphQL 4 (in development). It aims to reveal the performance gains of the GraphQL 4 rewrite through apples-to-apples comparison testing.
There are two schemas included:
- Simple schema: 5 dataobjects, unversioned, read operations only
- Complex schema: 50 dataobjects, versioned, all operations exposed
All dataobjects have 15 fields of varying types.
Half the dataobjects have relations defined, of varying size.
$ vendor/bin/sake dev/tasks/build-schema schema=simple
$ vendor/bin/sake dev/tasks/build-schema schema=complex
(Choose from either simple/graphql or complex/graphql in the UI)
Use the included, hacked up PopulateTask
or just download a snapshot from the
internal testing instance on Silverstripe Cloud.