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Christopher Dunn edited this page Aug 27, 2017 · 10 revisions


(For detailed release notes, see Releases page.)

We have introduced CharReader and StreamWriter, generated by CharReaderBuilder and StreamWriterBuilder. Those builders are configured via our own Json::Value, so new features are always binary-compatible. Also, the configuration can be read and written as normal JSON.

Also, there is an important security fix, preventing a seg-fault on stack-overflow for deeply-nested JSON objects.


We now require C++11!

(Note: Travis CI does not yet have g++-4.8, required for -std=c++11, so we actually use -std=c++0x with gcc, but -std=c++11 with clang.)

Also, we have changed how removeMember() should be called. The old calls are deprecated.


Changed operator=() to copy (and over-write) comments. This was probably expected by most users and is thus more like a bug-fix, but it could break some unit-tests. There is no performance penalty because the comments were already copied into an intermediate Value.


Improved round-trip robustness, namely for doubles. Unfortunately, this can break existing round-trip tests, but those tests were more unlikely to exist because of this bug. (See pull #109 for interesting stackoverflow links.)


With this release, we no longer guarantee pre-C++11 compatibility, though it might still work for some time. If you require something older, try 0.7.*.

Binary-compatible with 0.6.0-rc2, this release is based on 1.4.0, so it includes various bug-fixes and enhancements. As it remains the primary source for anyone who cannot use C++11, we will continue to maintain this branch.

Last Sourceforge updates

  • Updated the type system's behavior, in order to better support backwards compatibility with code that was written before 64-bit integer support was introduced. Here's how it works now:

    • isInt, isInt64, isUInt, and isUInt64 return true if and only if the value can be exactly represented as that type. In particular, a value constructed with a double like 17.0 will now return true for all of these methods.

    • isDouble and isFloat now return true for all numeric values, since all numeric values can be converted to a double or float without truncation. Note however that the conversion may not be exact -- for example, doubles cannot exactly represent all integers above 2^53 + 1.

    • isBool, isNull, isString, isArray, and isObject now return true if and only if the value is of that type.

    • isConvertibleTo(fooValue) indicates that it is safe to call asFoo. (For each type foo, isFoo always implies isConvertibleTo(fooValue).) asFoo returns an approximate or exact representation as appropriate. For example, a double value may be truncated when asInt is called.

    • For backwards compatibility with old code, isConvertibleTo(intValue) may return false even if type() == intValue. This is because the value may have been constructed with a 64-bit integer larger than maxInt, and calling asInt() would cause an exception. If you're writing new code, use isInt64 to find out whether the value is exactly representable using an Int64, or asDouble() combined with minInt64 and maxInt64 to figure out whether it is approximately representable.

  • Value

    • Patch #10: BOOST_FOREACH compatibility. Made Json::iterator more standard compliant, added missing iterator_category and value_type typedefs (contribued by Robert A. Iannucci).
  • Compilation

    • New CMake based build system. Based in part on contribution from Igor Okulist and Damien Buhl (Patch #14).
    • New header json/version.h now contains version number macros (JSONCPP_VERSION_MAJOR, JSONCPP_VERSION_MINOR, JSONCPP_VERSION_PATCH and JSONCPP_VERSION_HEXA).
    • Patch #11: added missing JSON_API on some classes causing link issues when building as a dynamic library on Windows (contributed by Francis Bolduc).
    • Visual Studio DLL: suppressed warning "C4251: : needs to have dll-interface to be used by..." via pragma push/pop in json-cpp headers.
    • Added Travis CI intregration:
  • Bug fixes

    • Patch #15: Copy constructor does not initialize allocated_ for stringValue (contributed by rmongia).
    • Patch #16: Missing field copy in Json::Value::iterator causing infinite loop when using experimental internal map (#define JSON_VALUE_USE_INTERNAL_MAP) (contributed by Ming-Lin Kao).

Now in GitHub!

New in JsonCpp 0.6.0:

  • Compilation

    • LD_LIBRARY_PATH and LIBRARY_PATH environment variables are now propagated to the build environment as this is required for some compiler installation.

    • Added support for Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 (bug #2930462): The platform "msvc90" has been added.

      Notes: you need to setup the environment by running vcvars32.bat (e.g. MSVC 2008 command prompt in start menu) before running scons.

    • Added support for amalgamated source and header generation (a la sqlite). Refer to README.txt section "Generating amalgamated source and header" for detail.

  • Value

    • Removed experimental ValueAllocator, it caused static initialization/destruction order issues (bug #2934500). The DefaultValueAllocator has been inlined in code.

    • Added support for 64 bits integer:

      Types Json::Int64 and Json::UInt64 have been added. They are aliased to 64 bits integers on system that support them (based on __int64 on Microsoft Visual Studio platform, and long long on other platforms).

      Types Json::LargestInt and Json::LargestUInt have been added. They are aliased to the largest integer type supported: either Json::Int/Json::UInt or Json::Int64/Json::UInt64 respectively.

      Json::Value::asInt() and Json::Value::asUInt() still returns plain "int" based types, but asserts if an attempt is made to retrieve a 64 bits value that can not represented as the return type.

      Json::Value::asInt64() and Json::Value::asUInt64() have been added to obtain the 64 bits integer value.

      Json::Value::asLargestInt() and Json::Value::asLargestUInt() returns the integer as a LargestInt/LargestUInt respectively. Those functions functions are typically used when implementing writer.

      The reader attempts to read number as 64 bits integer, and fall back to reading a double if the number is not in the range of 64 bits integer.

      Warning: Json::Value::asInt() and Json::Value::asUInt() now returns long long. This changes break code that was passing the return value to *printf() function.

      Support for 64 bits integer can be disabled by defining the macro JSON_NO_INT64 (uncomment it in json/config.h for example), though it should have no impact on existing usage.

    • The type Json::ArrayIndex is used for indexes of a JSON value array. It is an unsigned int (typically 32 bits).

    • Array index can be passed as int to operator[], allowing use of literal:

      Json::Value array;
      array.append( 1234 );
      int value = array[0].asInt();  // did not compile previously
    • Added float Json::Value::asFloat() to obtain a floating point value as a float (avoid lost of precision warning caused by used of asDouble() to initialize a float).

  • Reader

    • Renamed Reader::getFormatedErrorMessages() to getFormattedErrorMessages. Bug #3023708 (Formatted has 2 't'). The old member function is deprecated but still present for backward compatibility.
  • Tests

    • Added test to ensure that the escape sequence "/" is corrected handled by the parser.
  • Bug fixes

    • Bug #3139677: JSON [1 2 3] was incorrectly parsed as [1, 3]. Error is now correctly detected.
    • Bug #3139678: stack buffer overflow when parsing a double with a length of 32 characters.
    • Fixed Value::operator <= implementation (had the semantic of operator >=). Found when adding unit tests for comparison operators.
    • Value::compare() is now const and has an actual implementation with unit tests.
    • Bug #2407932: strpbrk() can fail for NULL pointer.
    • Bug #3306345: Fixed minor typo in Path::resolve().
    • Bug #3314841/#3306896: errors in
    • Fixed some Coverity warnings and line-endings.
  • License

    • See file LICENSE for details. Basically JsonCpp is now licensed under MIT license, or public domain if desired and recognized in your jurisdiction. Thanks to Stephan G. Beal []) who helped figuring out the solution to the public domain issue.
  • See also NEWS.txt (no longer available, except in git history).