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pagerduty-operator, and its associated PagerdutyService CRD can manage Pagerduty services and routing rules, in a fairly simplistic way, by bridging declarative Kubernetes resources with the Pagerduty REST API.

An instance of pagerduty-operator is configured to manage a single pager duty global ruleset (specified by the PAGERDUTY_RULESET_ID environment variable or the -ruleset runtime flag). For each PagerdutyService resource the operator sees, it will create a corresponding service via the pagerduty API, and a ruleset rule that routes to that service based on alert labels.

Operator Runtime Flags

  -api-key string (Default: $PAGERDUTY_API_KEY)
    	Authorization key for the pagerduty API.
    	Enable leader election for controller manager. Enabling this will ensure there is only one active controller manager.
  -kubeconfig string
    	Paths to a kubeconfig. Only required if out-of-cluster.
  -metrics-addr string (Default: $METRICS_ADDR or ":8080")
    	The address the metric endpoint binds to.
  -ruleset string (Default: $PAGERDUTY_RULESET_ID)
    	ID of the ruleset to append routing rules to.
  -service-prefix string (Default: $PAGERDUTY_SERVICE_PREFIX)
    	Prefix to be added to Pagerduty Service names


kind: PagerdutyService
  name: turboencabulator
  description: Instead of power being generated by the relative motion of conductors and fluxes, it is produced by the modial interaction of magneto-reluctance and capacitive diractance
  escalationPolicy: PDAVWNR # ID of an escalation policy that must already exist in pagerduty
      - key: pdService
        value: turboencabulator

If the operator is running with -service-prefix foo, the above resource manifest will cause it to create a service named foo-turboencabulator and route to it any incoming alerts with the label pdService: turboencabulator.

If the manifest is deleted, the operator will clean up both the service and the routing rule.