Repository for theming the 'old UI' of openEQUELLA (6.5).
Uses a Javascript script in the language pack to enhance the stability of the theme.
- Clone this repo
- Contribute a resource that is viewable by
that contains thecustomer.js
file - Setup a shortcut URL that references the resource's
- Update the language pack's
to reference thecustom-scripts
com.tle.web.itemlist.footer.thankyou=Thank you for using <a href\="https\://">openEQUELLA</a><script type="text/javascript" src="s/custom-scripts"></script>
com.tle.web.myresources.label.myresources.action=My resources<script type="text/javascript" src="s/custom-scripts"></script>
com.tle.web.sections.equella.footer.thankyou=Thank you for using <a href\="https\://">openEQUELLA</a><script type="text/javascript" src="s/custom-scripts"></script>
com.tle.web.selection.home.label.home.action=Home<script type="text/javascript" src="s/custom-scripts"></script>
- Run
npm install
, andnpm run zip-css
- Take the resulting
and upload it as the theme
The aim of this project is to make theming Equella more streamlined. This project uses node-sass-chokidar and node-zip.
git clone
To use the Sass builder, change directory into the standard-theme/src folder and:
npm install
npm run watch-css
The standard-theme/src folder provides a structure in which to help theme Equella projects. These files are not exhaustive, but an example to show how to streamline theming. Directory explanation:
- variables - for app-wide Sass variables - like colors
- extends - these are utility classes that can be extended inside other classes
- mixins - for more advance features
- libs - for overrides of third-party libraries
- partials - this folder holds styles broken up according to elements
- sections - these are the main sections of the Equella app, according to the navigation menu
All of the above imported partials feed into the customer.scss file, which in turn is watched and built into the dest > css > customer.css file.
NOTE The styles in all of the Sass files are optional only - all contents can be deleted. However it is recommended to keep and add to the existing Sass modular file structure.
All Commands:
npm run watch-css
npm run build-css
npm run clean-css
npm run zip-css
Development: This command watches the Sass files and rebuilds them into a compact customer.css file along with sourcemap in the standard-theme/dist/css directory.
npm run watch-css
Build: This command builds a minified version of customer.css and generates a sourcemap, outputting to the standard-theme/dist/css folder.
npm run build-css
Output Zip File: This command creates an updated minifed css build and sourcemap, outputting a file in the standard-theme/dist/ folder.
npm run zip-css
- Use of Sass variables for color theming for project consistency
- Increased contrast of background vs. color text for readability
- WCAG suggests used of 14px for minimum font size. Though this would require much more rework, the font sizes have been boosted for readability
- Override of set pixel widths for containers to allow responsive reflow in use of percentage units
- Override of float layouts in favor of Flexbox API for document flow to secure predictable DOM layout
- Use of box-shadows over borders to maintain predictable box-model layout
- Root-level box-sizing of border box to maintain box-model layout
- Addition of hover, focus, and active achor, button, and button image classes for keyboard tabbing and accessible
- CSS class view separation (via jQuery on this project) to add different classes on the body according to window location pathname
- Use of !important ONLY to override inline styles, otherwise use of cascade targetting or class or id duplication (.container.container.container) to increase specificity in overrides
Inside the custom-resources folder is currently the customer.js file. This file uses jQuery to recognize the route the user is on and alter the class name of the body tag. This body tag class is referenced inside of the Sass theme.