BIRDCAGE is a distributed framework for generating event codings with geolocation. It reads CoreNLP’s output stored in SQLite DB. Biriyani processes raw news articles, generates JSON outputs, and stores them into SQLite DB. Each JSON output of a news article contains date, sentences along with parse tree, etc. BIRDCAGE integrates both PETRARCH for event coding and Mordecai for extracting Geolocation for those event and stores them as JSON in MongoDB. It has an efficient distributed asynchronous system using Celery and RabbitMQ to address the scalability.
- Required Python version: Python 2.7.X
- Biryani
git clone -b kalman_filter_all_anno
- Mordecai
git clone
pip install git+
- Celery
pip install -U Celery
- Birdcage
git clone
Install MongoDB from
Install RabbitMQ from
- Running Biryani & generating CoreNLP output Install all dependencies mentioned in and follow the procedure of running it.
Step 1: Processing and sending news articles/documents to Biryani
Biryani processes raw news articles and uses CoreNLP to generate annotated text. It uses RabbitMQ for messaging. It has a producer ( that reads news articles and sends it to RabbitMQ. A news article may be in raw text format or xml format (e.g., Gigaword Dataset). Biryani expects the following JSON format for a news article/document:
{"news_source": doc['news_source'],
"article_title": doc['article_title'],
"publication_date": doc['publication_date'],
"date_added": datetime.datetime.utcnow(),
"article_body": doc['article_body'],
"stanford": 0,
"language": doc['language'],
"doc_id": doc['doc_id'],
'word_count': doc['word_count'],
'dateline': doc['dateline'],
'type': doc['type']
We have to write our own document parsing logic if they are not in XML or JSON format in
. You will find a sample producer
which processes Gigaword AFP dataset (XML format).
Step 2: Running docker and generating output file
Biryani comes with docker where CoreNLP runs with multi-threading (details are in
It reads JSON messages from RabbitMQ and generates output in a SQLiteDB. Each news article/document has texts with annotated parse trees generated by CoreNLP.
Running Mordecai as a standalone server Follow the instruction of running Morecai in
Note: Both Mordecai and Biryani use ELK (Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana). So, if you install them on a same machine, you might have port conflict for ELK. Change elasticserch port in Mordecai's
file and use the following commands while starting it.
geonames_host = localhost
geonames_port = 9202
sudo docker run -d -p 9202:9202 --name=elastic11 openeventdata/es-geonames
sudo docker build -t modecai .
sudo docker run -d -p 5001:5000 -v <FULL PATH of mordecai data>:<FULL PATH of your src data> --link elastic11:elastic mordecai
e.g., `sudo docker run -d -p 5001:5000 -v /home/ahalt/mordecai/data:/usr/src/data --link elastic11:elastic mordecai`
Running Celery task in background
Go to birdcage folder. Change MongoDB parameter in In, change RabbitMQ and MongoDB connection parameter and run following:
celery -A tasks worker --loglevel=info
The above command runs celery task where each task will be executed by a worker independently.
- Running Birdcase and store events in MongoDB
file and change the appropriate location of CoreNLP output SQLiteDB file (generated by Biryani).
You will see asynchronous jobs are performing in Celery commandline console (it starts when you run celery tasks). Finally all output will be stored in MongoDB. You will find it in your MongoDB's 'Article' collection. Each news article in MongoDB has encoded event with their Geolocation, actors, etc.
How Celery works?
Celery has two components. First, A worker logic, where we write the processing code.
celery -A tasks worker --loglevel=info
Second, A driver program, from where we decide the number of workers with their processing logic.
In, we call how many workers will be run asynchronously in background.
How to read CoreNLP output if they are not stored in MongoDB?
Birdcase reads CoreNLP output (generated by Biryani) from SQLiteDB. Sometimes user may not use Biryani because they have already CoreNLP parsed data. As Birdcase uses SQLiteDB, data can be exported from other DB to SQLiteDB. For example, If a user stores parsed data to MongoDB, it should be converted to SQLiteDB. A sample converter ( is included in the project.