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openfoodfacts-php - Official PHP package for Open Food Facts

PHP API Wrapper for Open Food Facts, the open database about food.

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With Composer:

composer require openfoodfacts/openfoodfacts-php


This is the most basic way of creating the API:

$api = new OpenFoodFacts\Api('food','fr');
$product = $api->getProduct('3057640385148');

In the example above you access the "food" database, limited to the French language/country scope. The first parameter is either

  • "food"
  • "beauty" or
  • "pet"

to decide which product database you want to use.

The second parameter decides the language/country scope of the chosen database: f.e. "world" or "de" or "fr".

For more details on this topic: see the API Documentation

These are all the parameters you really need for basic usage.

As return types for $api->getProduct you get an Document::class Object. This may also be an Object of Type FoodProduct::class,PetProduct::class, BeautyProduct::class depending on which API you are creating. These objects inherit from the more generic Document::class

In the example above, we use the 'food' API and there will get a FoodProduct::class

For getting a first overview the Document::class has a function to return an array representation(sorted) for a first start.

$product = $api->getProduct('3057640385148');
$productDataAsArray = $product->getData();

Optional Parameters

The other parameters are optional and for a more sophisticated use of the api (from a software development point of view):

An example in code is found here: cached_example.php

LoggerInterface: A logger which decieds where to log errors to (file, console , etc)

see: PSR-3 Loggerinterface

ClientInterface: The HTTP Client - to adjust the connection configs to your needs and more

see: Guzzle HTTP Client

CacheInterface: To temporarily save the results of API request to improve the performance and to reduce the load on the API- Server

see: PSR-16 Simple Cache



  1. Fork it ( )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Launch test vendor/bin/phpunit && cs-fixer vendor/bin/php-cs-fixer fix
  4. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  5. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  6. Create a new Pull Request

Third party applications

If you use this SDK, feel free to open a PR to add your application in this list.
