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0.2.0 release: PARIS updates

Past due by 4 months 100% complete

This release will contain the following changes based on work on the PARIS project:

  • "Minimum model error" is implemented as a true minimum, rather than a constant addition to the likelihood's uncertainty
  • The model error from scaled pollution events can use pollution event size calculated as (obs Y) - (baseline H_bc * xbc), or as (modelled pollution event…

This release will contain the following changes based on work on the PARIS project:

  • "Minimum model error" is implemented as a true minimum, rather than a constant addition to the likelihood's uncertainty
  • The model error from scaled pollution events can use pollution event size calculated as (obs Y) - (baseline H_bc * xbc), or as (modelled pollution event H * x)
  • Filtering updates:
    • PBLH filter now filters obs whenever the PBL is below (inlet height) + 50m.
    • There is a new filter for times when the PBL is below a fixed threshold (200m?)
    • Filters can be specified by site using a dictionary in the ini file
  • Log normal priors can specified via mean (default = 1) and stdev, rather than the mu and sigma parameters from PyMC
  • Log normal priors can be "reparameterised" as np.exp(mu + sigma * Z) where Z is a standard normal variable. This can help with divergences.
  • numpyro can be used for sampling
  • the model can be run without model error (i.e. only obs error), for comparison with InTEM and Elris

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