Answers from the Singapore Government
- Front-end Framework:
- Styling:
switching to Chakra UI
- For handling server requests:
Node.js with Express.js Framework
- Database:
Optionally VSCode with extension ESLint
Optionally DBeaver to view database with GUI
Make a copy of
and name it.env
Hook direnv onto your appropriate shell. Load the environment variables:
direnv allow .
Install and audit node dependencies
npm install npm run audit-dep
Spin up docker containers (this will create the
database):docker-compose up
Create tables in database:
npm run seq-cli db:migrate
Seed the database with a sample dataset:
npm run seq-cli db:seed:all
Run search_entries index backfill script for OpenSearch integration:
cd server/src/bootstrap && npx ts-node search-backfill-trigger.ts
To verify that the search_entries index has been successfully built, run
curl -HEAD 'https://localhost:9200/search_entries' --insecure -u 'admin:admin'
Optional: Use Dbeaver to connect to the local MySQL server at
, using the username and password in.env
Check that your Database ER Diagram looks like this:
- Stop docker compose (
npm run dev
will spin it up again):
docker-compose stop
Start running frontend, backend, maildev, localstack and mysql simultaneously (requires Docker)
npm run dev
Alternatively, to run individually:
# for supporting services docker-compose up # for backend server only npm run build-shared && npm run server # for frontend server only npm run client
Frontend server accessible on
Backend server accessible on
Local mail server
accessible onlocalhost:1080
Default home page is not authorised. To become authorised user, login via
. Then go to the mail server to obtain the OTP -
To view UI components on storybook (accessible on
):npm run storybook
Password Auth Error
is correct and check it is sourced by eitherdirenv
or dosource .env
Public Key Retrieval Not Allowed
Client does not support authentication protocol requested by server; consider upgrading MySQL client
Execute the following query in your database GUI
ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY 'password'
Where root as your user, localhost as your URL and password as your password
Then run this query to refresh privileges:
flush privileges;
Try connecting using node after you do so.
If that doesn't work, try it without @'localhost' part.
Error: error:0308010C:digital envelope routines::unsupported
Try using Node.js 16.
- If you need to delete search_entries index, run
curl -XDELETE 'https://localhost:9200/search_entries' --insecure -u 'admin:admin'
npm ERR! command failed
npm ERR! command sh -c node-pre-gyp install --fallback-to-build
npm ERR! CC(target) Release/
npm ERR! LIBTOOL-STATIC Release/nothing.a
npm ERR! ACTION deps_sqlite3_gyp_action_before_build_target_unpack_sqlite_dep Release/obj/gen/sqlite-autoconf-3340000/sqlite3.c
npm ERR! Failed to execute
- SQLite error during
npm i
. Since macOS 12.3, python2 is not supported anymore but the bundled sqlite3 tar file contains calls to a hardcodedpython
command. Simplest fix is to run:npm config set python python3
GET /agencies?<longname, shortname>
GET /agencies/:agencyId
GET /auth
POST /auth/verifyotp
POST /auth/sendotp
POST /auth/logout
POST /users/:id
GET /users/:id
GET /posts
GET /posts/top
GET /posts/tag/:tagname
GET /posts/:id
POST /posts/
DELETE /posts/:id
GET /posts/answers/:id
POST /posts/answers/:id
PUT /posts/answers/:id
DELETE /posts/answers/:id
GET /tags
GET /tags/user
GET /tags/agency/:agencyId
GET /tags/:tagname