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Accessing the Migration Console

Peter Nied edited this page Jul 29, 2024 · 26 revisions

Access the migration console

AWS Solutions bootstrap

Following the AWS solutions deployment the bootstrap box contains a script that makes it easier to access the migration console through that instance.

export STAGE=dev
export AWS_REGION=us-west-2
./deployment/cdk/opensearch-service-migration/ migration-console ${STAGE} ${AWS_REGION}

Typically STAGE is dev, check the parameters of the Solution SO0290 bootstrap stack

Manually via AWS CLI

On a machine with the AWS command line interface and session manager you can directly connect to the migration console. Note; you'll need to run aws configure with credentials that have access to the environment.

export STAGE=dev
export SERVICE_NAME=migration-console
export TASK_ARN=$(aws ecs list-tasks --cluster migration-${STAGE}-ecs-cluster --family "migration-${STAGE}-${SERVICE_NAME}" | jq --raw-output '.taskArns[0]')
aws ecs execute-command --cluster "migration-${STAGE}-ecs-cluster" --task "${TASK_ARN}" --container "${SERVICE_NAME}" --interactive --command "/bin/bash"
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