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Existing Data Migration Quick Start Guide

Mikayla Thompson edited this page Oct 21, 2024 · 18 revisions

This document outlines how to deploy the Migration Assistant and execute an existing data migration using Reindex-from-Snapshot (RFS). Note that this does not include steps for deploying and capturing live traffic, which is necessary for a zero-downtime migration. Please refer to the "Phases of a Migration" section in the wiki navigation bar for a complete end-to-end migration process, including metadata migration, live capture, Reindex-from-Snapshot, and replay.

Prerequisites and Assumptions

  • Verify your migration path is supported. Note that we test with the exact versions specified, but you should be able to migrate data on alternative minor versions as long as the major version is supported.
  • Source cluster must be deployed with the S3 plugin.
  • Target cluster must be deployed.
  • A snapshot will be taken and stored in S3 in this guide, and the following assumptions are made about this snapshot:
    • The _source flag is enabled on all indices to be migrated.
    • The snapshot includes the global cluster state (include_global_state is true).
    • Shard sizes up to approximately 80GB are supported. Larger shards will not be able to migrate. If this is a blocker, please consult the migrations team.
  • Migration Assistant will be installed in the same region and have access to both the source snapshot and target cluster.

Step 1 - Installing Bootstrap EC2 Instance (~10 mins)

  1. Log into the target AWS account where you want to deploy the Migration Assistant.
  2. From the browser where you are logged into your target AWS account right-click here ↗ to load the CloudFormation (Cfn) template from a new browser tab.
  3. Follow the CloudFormation stack wizard:
    • Stack Name: MigrationBootstrap
    • Stage Name: dev
    • Hit Next on each step, acknowledge on the fourth screen, and hit Submit.
  4. Verify that the bootstrap stack exists and is set to CREATE_COMPLETE. This process takes around 10 minutes.

Step 2 - Setup Bootstrap Instance Access (~5 mins)

  1. After deployment, find the EC2 instance ID for the bootstrap-dev-instance.
  2. Create an IAM policy using the snippet below, replacing <aws-region>, <aws-account>, <stage>, and <ec2-instance-id>:
    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": "ssm:StartSession",
            "Resource": [
  1. Name the policy, e.g., SSM-OSMigrationBootstrapAccess, and create the policy.

Step 3 - Login to Bootstrap and Build (~15 mins)


  • AWS CLI and AWS Session Manager Plugin installed.
  • AWS credentials configured (aws configure).
  1. Load AWS credentials into your terminal.
  2. Login to the instance using the command below, replacing <instance-id> and <aws-region>:
aws ssm start-session --document-name SSM-dev-BootstrapShell --target <instance-id> --region <aws-region> [--profile <profile-name>]
  1. Once logged in, run the following command from the shell of the bootstrap instance (within the /opensearch-migrations directory):
./ && cd deployment/cdk/opensearch-service-migration
  1. After a successful build, remember the path for infrastructure deployment in the next step.

Step 4 - Configuring and Deploying for RFS Use Case (~20 mins)

  1. Add the target cluster password to AWS Secrets Manager as an unstructured string. Be sure to copy the secret ARN for use during deployment.
  2. From the same shell on the bootstrap instance, modify the cdk.context.json file located in the /opensearch-migrations/deployment/cdk/opensearch-service-migration directory:
  "migration-assistant": {
    "vpcId": "<TARGET CLUSTER VPC ID>",
    "targetCluster": {
        "endpoint": "<TARGET CLUSTER ENDPOINT>",
        "auth": {
            "type": "basic",
            "username": "<TARGET CLUSTER USERNAME>",
            "passwordFromSecretArn": "<TARGET CLUSTER PASSWORD SECRET>"
    "sourceCluster": {
        "endpoint": "<SOURCE CLUSTER ENDPOINT>",
        "auth": {
            "type": "basic",
            "username": "<TARGET CLUSTER USERNAME>",
            "passwordFromSecretArn": "<TARGET CLUSTER PASSWORD SECRET>"
    "reindexFromSnapshotExtraArgs": "<RFS PARAMETERS (see below)>",
    "stage": "dev",
    "otelCollectorEnabled": true,
    "migrationConsoleServiceEnabled": true,
    "reindexFromSnapshotServiceEnabled": true,
    "migrationAssistanceEnabled": true

The source and target cluster authorization can be configured to have none, basic with a username and password, or sigv4. There are examples of each available here.

  1. Bootstrap the account with the following command:
cdk bootstrap --c contextId=migration-assistant --require-approval never 
  1. Deploy the stacks:
cdk deploy "*" --c contextId=migration-assistant --require-approval never --concurrency 5
  1. Verify that all CloudFormation stacks were installed successfully.

ReindexFromSnapshot Parameters

  • If you're creating a snapshot using migration tooling, these parameters are auto-configured. If you're using an existing snapshot, modify reindexFromSnapshotExtraArgs with the following values:
--s3-repo-uri s3://<bucket-name>/<repo> --s3-region <region> --snapshot-name <name>

Note, you will also need to give access to the migrationconsole and reindexFromSnapshot taskRole permissions to the bucket

Step 5 - Deploying the Migration Assistant

  1. Bootstrap the account:
cdk bootstrap --c contextId=migration-assistant --require-approval never --concurrency 5
  1. Deploy the stacks when cdk.context.json is fully configured:
cdk deploy "*" --c contextId=migration-assistant --require-approval never --concurrency 3

Stacks Deployed:

  • Migration Assistant Network stack
  • Reindex From Snapshot stack
  • Migration Console stack

Step 6 - Accessing the Migration Console

Run the following command to access the migration console:

./ migration-console dev <region>

Note is located in /opensearch-migrations/deployment/cdk/opensearch-service-migration/ on the bootstrap instance.

Learn more Accessing the Migration Console

Step 7 - Checking Connection to Source & Target Clusters

To verify the connection to the clusters, run:

console clusters connection-check

Expected Output:

  • Source Cluster: Successfully connected!
  • Target Cluster: Successfully connected!

Learn more Console commands reference

Step 8 - Snapshot Creation

Run the following to initiate creating a snapshot from the source cluster

console snapshot create [...]

To check on the progress,

console snapshot status [...]

or, for more detail,

console snapshot status --deep-check [...]

Wait for the snapshot to complete before moving to the next step.

Learn more Snapshot Creation Verification Snapshot Creation

Step 9 - Metadata Migration

Run the following command to migrate metadata:

console metadata migrate [...]

Learn more Metadata Migration

Step 10 - RFS Document Migration

Start the backfill process:

console backfill start

Scale up the number of workers:

console backfill scale <NUM_WORKERS>

Check the status:

console backfill status

To stop the workers:

console backfill stop

Learn more Backfill Execution

Step 11 - Monitoring

Use the following command for detailed monitoring:

console backfill status --deep-check

Example Output:

Shards total: 62
Shards completed: 46
Shards incomplete: 16
Shards in progress: 11
Shards unclaimed: 5

Logs and metrics are available in CloudWatch in the OpenSearchMigrations log group.

Step 12 - Verify all documents were migrated

Use the following query in CloudWatch Logs Insights to identify failed documents:

fields @message
| filter @message like "Bulk request succeeded, but some operations failed."
| sort @timestamp desc
| limit 10000

Learn more Backfill Result Validation

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