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Fix golang image build #454

merged 1 commit into from
Jun 29, 2021


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@vfreex vfreex commented Jun 29, 2021

Use tag based get_latest_build because golang builder images don't
follow the version numbering scheme like normal OCP images.

@vfreex vfreex requested review from thegreyd and jupierce June 29, 2021 07:00
@openshift-ci openshift-ci bot requested review from sosiouxme and Ximinhan June 29, 2021 07:00
Use tag based `get_latest_build` because golang builder images don't
follow the version numbering scheme like normal OCP images.
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Build #1

GLOB sdist-make: /mnt/workspace/jenkins/working/art-tools_doozer_PR-454/
py3 create: /mnt/workspace/jenkins/working/art-tools_doozer_PR-454/.tox/py3
py3 installdeps: -rrequirements-dev.txt
py3 inst: /mnt/workspace/jenkins/working/art-tools_doozer_PR-454/.tox/.tmp/package/1/
py3 installed: aiofiles==0.7.0,appdirs==1.4.4,astroid==2.5.6,attrs==21.2.0,autopep8==1.5.7,bashlex==0.15,cached-property==1.5.2,certifi==2021.5.30,cffi==1.14.5,chardet==4.0.0,click==8.0.1,contextvars==2.4,coverage==5.5,cryptography==3.4.7,decorator==5.0.9,Deprecated==1.2.12,distlib==0.3.2,dockerfile-parse==1.2.0,filelock==3.0.12,flake8==3.9.2,flexmock==0.10.4,future==0.18.2,gssapi==1.6.12,idna==2.10,immutables==0.15,importlib-metadata==4.6.0,importlib-resources==5.2.0,iniconfig==1.1.1,isort==5.9.1,kobo==0.19.0,koji==1.25.0,lazy-object-proxy==1.6.0,mccabe==0.6.1,mock==4.0.3,mysql-connector-python==8.0.25,packaging==20.9,pluggy==0.13.1,protobuf==3.17.3,py==1.10.0,pycodestyle==2.7.0,pycparser==2.20,pyflakes==2.3.1,pygit2==1.6.1,PyGithub==1.55,PyJWT==2.1.0,pykerberos==1.2.1,pylint==2.8.3,PyNaCl==1.4.0,pyparsing==2.4.7,pytest==6.2.4,python-dateutil==2.8.1,PyYAML==5.4.1,requests==2.25.1,requests-gssapi==1.2.3,requests-kerberos==0.12.0,rh-doozer @ file:///mnt/workspace/jenkins/working/art-tools_doozer_PR-454/.tox/.tmp/package/1/,rpm==4.14.3,rpm-py-installer==1.1.0,semver==2.13.0,six==1.16.0,tenacity==7.0.0,toml==0.10.2,tox==3.23.1,typed-ast==1.4.3,typing==,typing-extensions==,urllib3==1.26.6,virtualenv==20.4.7,wrapt==1.12.1,zipp==3.4.1
py3 run-test-pre: PYTHONHASHSEED='3615468006'
py3 run-test: commands[0] | flake8
py3 run-test: commands[1] | coverage run --branch --source doozerlib -m unittest discover -t . -s tests/
..............................Environment variables required for db operation missing. Doozer will be runningin no DB use mode.
.Environment variables required for db operation missing. Doozer will be runningin no DB use mode.
.Environment variables required for db operation missing. Doozer will be runningin no DB use mode.
.Environment variables required for db operation missing. Doozer will be runningin no DB use mode.
.........................................s.s....................................s.s...s.s.s..s.s.s.............................................................................................ERROR:doozer.tests.test_runtime:Unable to check if target branch branch exists: whatever
Ran 231 tests in 1.425s

OK (skipped=10)
py3 run-test: commands[2] | coverage report
Name                                   Stmts   Miss Branch BrPart  Cover
doozerlib/                     11      4      2      1    62%
doozerlib/                     76      6     48      5    91%
doozerlib/                    22      0      6      0   100%
doozerlib/                        329    193    146      3    39%
doozerlib/        76      4     46      2    93%
doozerlib/cli/                100     45     20      0    46%
doozerlib/cli/               1156   1156    478      0     0%
doozerlib/cli/                 16      3      6      0    86%
doozerlib/cli/          533    533    240      0     0%
doozerlib/cli/          163     35     70      8    75%
doozerlib/cli/            79     28     24      2    61%
doozerlib/cli/          556    556    232      0     0%
doozerlib/cli/     304    212    141      2    26%
doozerlib/cli/              160     55     54      7    58%
doozerlib/cli/            152    122     80      2    16%
doozerlib/                       98     98     44      0     0%
doozerlib/                     9      0      0      0   100%
doozerlib/                    237    209     74      0     9%
doozerlib/                       248    152     68      4    35%
doozerlib/                    1346    892    618     13    31%
doozerlib/                    56     44     32      0    14%
doozerlib/                    3      0      0      0   100%
doozerlib/                   194     75     76     17    56%
doozerlib/                     168    133     76      0    14%
doozerlib/                       257    214    128      2    12%
doozerlib/                      10      1      2      1    83%
doozerlib/                    414    167    186     26    54%
doozerlib/                       111     21     36      2    82%
doozerlib/olm/                  0      0      0      0   100%
doozerlib/olm/                  217    217     36      0     0%
doozerlib/           364     65     66      6    79%
doozerlib/                     117      7     76     12    90%
doozerlib/                        21      2      2      0    91%
doozerlib/                       207    105    113     17    44%
doozerlib/                        36      9      6      0    74%
doozerlib/                 214     30    111     30    80%
doozerlib/                      148     59     60      8    55%
doozerlib/                     828    601    336      6    22%
doozerlib/         89     28     18      3    65%
doozerlib/                        24     12      8      0    38%
doozerlib/                        289    135    102      4    50%
TOTAL                                   9438   6228   3867    183    31%
___________________________________ summary ____________________________________
  py3: commands succeeded
  congratulations :)

@vfreex vfreex force-pushed the fix-golang-build branch from fcae317 to 70271e6 Compare June 29, 2021 07:03
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codecov-commenter commented Jun 29, 2021

Codecov Report

Merging #454 (70271e6) into master (e9e24fc) will increase coverage by 32.07%.
The diff coverage is 14.28%.

Impacted file tree graph

@@             Coverage Diff             @@
##           master     #454       +/-   ##
+ Coverage        0   32.07%   +32.07%     
  Files           0       40       +40     
  Lines           0     9438     +9438     
  Branches        0     1931     +1931     
+ Hits            0     3027     +3027     
- Misses          0     6228     +6228     
- Partials        0      183      +183     
Impacted Files Coverage Δ
doozerlib/ 32.76% <0.00%> (ø)
doozerlib/ 53.38% <66.66%> (ø)
doozerlib/cli/ 0.00% <0.00%> (ø)
doozerlib/ 85.52% <0.00%> (ø)
doozerlib/ 90.47% <0.00%> (ø)
doozerlib/cli/ 0.00% <0.00%> (ø)
doozerlib/ 26.69% <0.00%> (ø)
doozerlib/ 41.06% <0.00%> (ø)
doozerlib/cli/ 61.25% <0.00%> (ø)
doozerlib/ 100.00% <0.00%> (ø)
... and 32 more

Continue to review full report at Codecov.

Legend - Click here to learn more
Δ = absolute <relative> (impact), ø = not affected, ? = missing data
Powered by Codecov. Last update e9e24fc...70271e6. Read the comment docs.

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Build #2

GLOB sdist-make: /mnt/workspace/jenkins/working/art-tools_doozer_PR-454/
py3 inst-nodeps: /mnt/workspace/jenkins/working/art-tools_doozer_PR-454/.tox/.tmp/package/1/
py3 installed: aiofiles==0.7.0,appdirs==1.4.4,astroid==2.5.6,attrs==21.2.0,autopep8==1.5.7,bashlex==0.15,cached-property==1.5.2,certifi==2021.5.30,cffi==1.14.5,chardet==4.0.0,click==8.0.1,contextvars==2.4,coverage==5.5,cryptography==3.4.7,decorator==5.0.9,Deprecated==1.2.12,distlib==0.3.2,dockerfile-parse==1.2.0,filelock==3.0.12,flake8==3.9.2,flexmock==0.10.4,future==0.18.2,gssapi==1.6.12,idna==2.10,immutables==0.15,importlib-metadata==4.6.0,importlib-resources==5.2.0,iniconfig==1.1.1,isort==5.9.1,kobo==0.19.0,koji==1.25.0,lazy-object-proxy==1.6.0,mccabe==0.6.1,mock==4.0.3,mysql-connector-python==8.0.25,packaging==20.9,pluggy==0.13.1,protobuf==3.17.3,py==1.10.0,pycodestyle==2.7.0,pycparser==2.20,pyflakes==2.3.1,pygit2==1.6.1,PyGithub==1.55,PyJWT==2.1.0,pykerberos==1.2.1,pylint==2.8.3,PyNaCl==1.4.0,pyparsing==2.4.7,pytest==6.2.4,python-dateutil==2.8.1,PyYAML==5.4.1,requests==2.25.1,requests-gssapi==1.2.3,requests-kerberos==0.12.0,rh-doozer @ file:///mnt/workspace/jenkins/working/art-tools_doozer_PR-454/.tox/.tmp/package/1/,rpm==4.14.3,rpm-py-installer==1.1.0,semver==2.13.0,six==1.16.0,tenacity==7.0.0,toml==0.10.2,tox==3.23.1,typed-ast==1.4.3,typing==,typing-extensions==,urllib3==1.26.6,virtualenv==20.4.7,wrapt==1.12.1,zipp==3.4.1
py3 run-test-pre: PYTHONHASHSEED='1636124483'
py3 run-test: commands[0] | flake8
py3 run-test: commands[1] | coverage run --branch --source doozerlib -m unittest discover -t . -s tests/
..............................Environment variables required for db operation missing. Doozer will be runningin no DB use mode.
.Environment variables required for db operation missing. Doozer will be runningin no DB use mode.
.Environment variables required for db operation missing. Doozer will be runningin no DB use mode.
.Environment variables required for db operation missing. Doozer will be runningin no DB use mode.
.........................................s.s....................................s.s...s.s.s..s.s.s.............................................................................................ERROR:doozer.tests.test_runtime:Unable to check if target branch branch exists: whatever
Ran 231 tests in 1.337s

OK (skipped=10)
py3 run-test: commands[2] | coverage report
Name                                   Stmts   Miss Branch BrPart  Cover
doozerlib/                     11      4      2      1    62%
doozerlib/                     76      6     48      5    91%
doozerlib/                    22      0      6      0   100%
doozerlib/                        329    193    146      3    39%
doozerlib/        76      4     46      2    93%
doozerlib/cli/                100     45     20      0    46%
doozerlib/cli/               1156   1156    478      0     0%
doozerlib/cli/                 16      3      6      0    86%
doozerlib/cli/          533    533    240      0     0%
doozerlib/cli/          163     35     70      8    75%
doozerlib/cli/            79     28     24      2    61%
doozerlib/cli/          556    556    232      0     0%
doozerlib/cli/     304    212    141      2    26%
doozerlib/cli/              160     55     54      7    58%
doozerlib/cli/            152    122     80      2    16%
doozerlib/                       98     98     44      0     0%
doozerlib/                     9      0      0      0   100%
doozerlib/                    237    209     74      0     9%
doozerlib/                       248    152     68      4    35%
doozerlib/                    1346    892    618     13    31%
doozerlib/                    56     44     32      0    14%
doozerlib/                    3      0      0      0   100%
doozerlib/                   194     75     76     17    56%
doozerlib/                     168    133     76      0    14%
doozerlib/                       257    214    128      2    12%
doozerlib/                      10      1      2      1    83%
doozerlib/                    414    167    186     26    54%
doozerlib/                       111     21     36      2    82%
doozerlib/olm/                  0      0      0      0   100%
doozerlib/olm/                  217    217     36      0     0%
doozerlib/           364     65     66      6    79%
doozerlib/                     117      7     76     12    90%
doozerlib/                        21      2      2      0    91%
doozerlib/                       207    105    113     17    44%
doozerlib/                        36      9      6      0    74%
doozerlib/                 214     30    111     30    80%
doozerlib/                      148     59     60      8    55%
doozerlib/                     828    601    336      6    22%
doozerlib/         89     28     18      3    65%
doozerlib/                        24     12      8      0    38%
doozerlib/                        289    135    102      4    50%
TOTAL                                   9438   6228   3867    183    31%
___________________________________ summary ____________________________________
  py3: commands succeeded
  congratulations :)

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@joepvd joepvd left a comment

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@openshift-ci openshift-ci bot added the lgtm Indicates that a PR is ready to be merged. label Jun 29, 2021
@joepvd joepvd merged commit eb3f34d into openshift-eng:master Jun 29, 2021
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4 participants