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Releases: openshift-eng/doozer

Release v2.1.0

09 Jun 11:52
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a90a784 tag-rpms: fix json output if rpm_deliveries is not defined
a54c90f build-sync: permit released rpms without ship-ok tag
16f93b8 reformat help
54ac74a ART-6099: Add a command to support weekly kernel ingestion
fab6270 Fix assembly streams parsing
aa8b080 image build method should default to osbs2 now (#771)
55a9652 [ART-4558] Use repoquery to detect non-latest rpms
12f8aa6 Do not fail jobs when db connection is not alive
9def38f Remove non-existing osbs1 build method
68220e4 rhcos buildfinder: Find valid releases (#768)
9c3751a Add unit test workflow (#767)
38bb577 Warn when logger is available (#766)
e96a3b5 Comment on pr - restrict to stream assembly (#765)
9cbf532 comment on pr
1c29025 gen-payload: Support weekly kernel tagging convention
f1502a9 gen-assembly reuse advisories fix (#763)
f4e5a90 ART-6621 Try to reuse advisories for candidate assembly (#760)
0ec0a0f tweak canonical_builders logic for parser
5098cea Increase max timeout for builds Installer images can regularly take > 4 hours.
aad9795 Covscan: Fix the command and add RHEL 9 support
6513c48 gen-payload: Bump wait between mirror and tag
cc6ceb4 fix snyk errors
bb53c11 Update snyk_security.yaml
d0ff189 update snyk github action
2227332 Fix dev container
2fb47e0 Update snyk_security.yaml
f4a4ae8 bump github checkout version
d3cab3d add --all-projects flag
08578bb use pull_request_target instead of pull_request
5434545 Pin Synk workflow action to 3.8 (#747)
a061310 Transition srpm acquisition to brewroot
18432c0 attempted srpm approach with repotrack
0dec3d2 Setup snyk github workflow ( (#746)
61ab7bc Allow extra_options to disable gpgcheck by repo
5d1e959 sync-ci-images: images_streams_prs: Retry jira search
ab0f5c2 Prevent "Ready" from being interpreted as a stand-in for "Accepted"
b2467ae revert dir change
d67508b revert codecov change
743751e Initial search and replace
1d23d88 RHCOSBuildInspector did not have its own logger
88b043c Update doozerlib/
3775085 Update doozerlib/
4cd669a Fix Python 3.11 compatibility
abcb312 Fix version detection error on pip installations
9921821 rhcos: ignore RPMs missing from brew
0d914ff rpms:build: Fix hotfix tagging for multiple targets
4f65a79 Purge occurrences of loop.run_until_complete()
5e71055 fix snyk import error (#734)
e3cfdd5 [Snyk] Security upgrade pin setuptools to 65.5.1 (#733)
461e15a gen-payload: Add sleep between image sync and tagging (#731)
05788f4 update internal copr repo
1b57968 update coverity url
6047bea [ART-3324] Ignore disabled dependents
65ee67a Ensure two accepted payloads remain in multi release controller Unlike single arch release controllers, which prune nightly release payloads themselves, ART is responsible for pruning heterogeneous nightlies. This is due to the historical lack of manifest list support in imagestreams and in oc (this should improve over time). Until then, ART prunes nightlies and our logic should ensure that at least two accepted release payloads remain in the final list (if there were accepted payloads to begin with). These accepted payloads allow new payloads to have baselines from which to execute upgrade tests.
d7c49fd gen-payload: Detect RHCOS kernel version inconsistencies
bf5fbf0 Migrate away from prodsec data for jira
29fc1c0 Fix unit test
da7bfdd Raise an exception when trying to query the DB without needed env vars
f97c289 not match slash characters (#723)
ce8ff9c Treat the CSV as pure YAML We used to treat the CSV as an unknown text format, but this has grown cumbersome and is violated later in the bundle building process where the file is read / rewrite by yaml.dump. Changing to do the same thing here.
1229322 Add skips versions to CSV during rebase
9e45812 Ensure project/component exists If a Jira project or component identified by prodsec data, open against OCPBUGS and warn, in the ticket, that the prodsec data should be updated.
63345a9 Only open jira tickets for 4.13 reconciliation The window to drive behavior change for 4.12 has passed. Moving to 4.13.
9e2945f Remove command 'images:update-dockerfile'
a5c5058 Open JIRA issues when reconciliation PR is open
fb1cd13 Remove reference to removed get_maintainer_info (#718)
91d52a9 scan-sources: Detect member in from.builder
6cb4149 enable PayloadGenerator to validate RHCOS<->member consistency requirements
8f73834 comment each code
0d55159 rhcos: include RPMs from extensions in content list
5604f3c Fix async imagestream updates Image mirroring and imagestream updates were being performed simultaneously -- leading to a race condition where the imagestream could not find all the images being referenced in a update.
958f2b0 Fix flake8
2d52575 Use builtin 'unittest.mock' instead of 'mock'
a5e7a59 Use asynctest.TestCase when needed
1eecef0 Expose jira information from components
e590d85 cgit_atom_feed: Better exception handling
48c9fff Log the assembly report instead of printing it
25d3f92 Fix AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'component'
6979c4f Cosmetic changes
1965f8d Disable SSL verify for CI injected repos We have migrated plashets to ocp-artifacts which has an SSL certificate from the Red Hat CA. In order for localdev repos to work, the CA must be trusted OR we can simply disable its verification.
8b52cab Add unit test docstrings
09fb720 Send stderror in error message when command fails (#705)
5fbedc3 Fix "task failed, build succeeded" situation in osbs2
31216ef olm: Fail with non declared dependencies
78ef274 Fix flake8
d409c98 Add unit tests
11271b6 Refactor release:gen-assembly
30c8f14 Make sure all rhcos arch builds are complete (#699)
6909d58 Fix flake8
b391f8a Fix unit tests
84180ec Optimize get_nightlies with asyncio
9a6570c Update unit tests
d0d3908 Make file I/O operations async
efd1cf8 Fix unit tests
5c79cc7 Make functions async: - create_multi_manifest_list - build_multi_istag - sync_heterogeneous_payloads - sync_payloads - run - _check_nightly_consistency - check_nightlies_consistency - generate_assembly_issues_report - generate_assembly_report - create_multi_release_image - sync_heterogeneous_payloads - mirror_payload_content - create_multi_release_manifest_list - util.find_manifest_list_sha
2065e6b Show rhcos build_id if available in exception (#693)
3f17335 Fix unit test warning
e5edce5 plashet: don't fail on --include-previous for a pinned package
475b997 error if multiple urls are defined
60b3da9 Initial commit
2b2678f Calculate previous for EC release payloads
ddf0057 Use art-latest imagestream only for assembly 'stream'
1173279 get-nightlies: honor --arches global option
53514ac config:print - fix bug in definition
57721c7 [ART-4755] mangle dockerfile (micro)dnf cmds like yum
b97c2d6 Assembly: allow to pin rpm dependencies in any assembly
727a3fa Remove hardcoded permits (#684)
1213091 Support patch_version defined in assembly config
c315ec5 Fix RHCOS base URL
eb1d525 pin pygit2 version
4be71ce Define release_name when initing Runtime
f15f3a3 Fix race condition in ReleaseSchedule
a0f5e80 Handle 'ReleaseSchedule' object has no attribute 'schedule_data'
4e618c4 Add back "viable" in gen-payload report
6fc137c Don't tag builds for test assembly into -hotfix tag
3f61afd Make ReleaseSchedule singleton class thread safe
5bb97c7 Add pipeline metadata to art imagestreams
9b919ec Revert "[ART-4753]: Complain when rhcos-es are from different openshift/os commits"
65f70fa rpms:rebase: support rebase rpm with ~ in version string
356ac4e Do not fail on split
5d29bb5 Allow list for io.openshift labels (#668)
662e0f0 [ART-4753]: gen-payload: Disallow divergent openshift/os commits in RHCOS
2a07efb Fallback to default when GITLAB_TOKEN env var is not defined
58051fd Fix test failures
2f96468 OSBS2: Fix build record and logging
5765e55 Handle failures in reaching gitlab
73c39cd [ART-4977] Write build failures to db with osbs2
0ae59b2 Take abps namespace into account
4b5b746 Imagestream fixes (#665)
f4f7f0e images:streams direct to @release-artists
fb2a7c2 Handle canonical_builders_from_upstream (on, off, auto) and invalid values
7b25335 Rebase Dockerfiles according to release schedule
43c2a0c Fix flake8
8c00693 Handle exceptions during upstream equivalent rebase
02a699e dev.Dockerfile: use golang yq
6ca2109 Fix "missing 1 required positional argument: 'anchor'"
496cd5e Improve Dockerfile comments when trying to match upstream during rebase This change will insert the comment at the beginning of the Dockerfile, instead of adding it after the last build stage
026d7b5 rpms:rebase: Allow to use ~ in rpm version
5575d3b Update doozerlib/
159d9c6 Fix nvrs name in OSBS2
161b667 [ART-2617] use upstream-equivalent FROM images when a flag is set in group.yaml (#646)
41bddcc [ART-4681] improve rpm modification scripts support
b2a8f7d Fix missing task info from failed record.log
7c22b92 Shave off another few seconds in testing
77cfed8 Make tests 2 seconds faster
545ce87 fix error message (#650)
bc9aa3f Revert "Revert "[ART-4751] update valid-subscription in csv"" (#643)
2fe165f OSBS 2: Improve exception handling
f6ca9d8 Fix "Unknown error loading Dockerfile information" error
9979876 Fix unit tests
c60bd20 gen-payload: remove old tags from multi imagestream for non-stream assembly
f89c8d0 Bump dependencies
4064fb3 release:gen-payload: try to improve names/comments around multi
3242904 release:gen-payload disallow multi with limited images
16483cb release:gen-payload write assembly report to yaml file
7b2bf27 release:gen-payload refactor huge cli method
33b2a58 ART-4807: Add OSBS 2 builder
e0fc3d6 Revert "[ART-4751] update valid-subscription in csv"
e740bf3 Fix 'multiple' is not valid with 'is_flag'
b3446e4 remove invalid ut
5fadc9f update valid-subscription in csv
d847e2e Fix Unexpected value type error
df8d1e7 Remove r...

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02 Mar 05:09
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Prepare for release v2.0.10

6b65eaf Allow PRs to be opened even if upstream_image is defined This was preventing PRs from being opened against for openshift-enterprise-base. We need this image kept in sync for CI to promote appropriate base images. ART publishes the base images normally, but when a PR merges in openshift/images, the image produced by CI can't be widly off.
5f1d5e6 Cachito: configure relative path if source is in subdirectory


25 Feb 07:10
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Prepare for release v2.0.9

b8c7161 Add options to config Cachito flags


18 Feb 06:53
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Prepare for release v2.0.8

e13e189 gen-assembly: Set type to candidate for rc's and fc's
c9f3d1a Enhance Cachito integration
ed78fac Prevent component manifest list garbage collection
296e810 Delete payload istags when they are no longer built The previous implementation removed old imagestream tags from the imagestream monitored by the release controller. However, the release controller considers tags in the status field. Removing tags from the status field requires an explicit deletion operation.
b288147 Remove trailing slash from data_path to prevent GitDataBranchException
e9b3715 Handle bootstrapping imagestreams for named assemblies
0e5edd5 Enable gen_payload to apply directly and update multi release controller This change also enables gen_payload to directly apply changes to the CI cluster imagestreams. The build_sync job should no longer try to run a mirroring operation or update the imagestreams itself.
2703683 Revert "Permit errors from start-build"
2a21c51 Permit errors from start-build In some situations, start-build returns an error immediately if images don't exist. The intention of this flow was to try the build and eventually things will reconcile. It is ok for images to be missing on the first runs of reconciliation.
38233bf [ART-3429] gen-assembly: include upgrades field


26 Jan 06:11
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Prepare for release v2.0.7

1e6e826 [ART-3665] flatten out settings file extensions iteration to avoid redundant cycles (#548)
1a5a3cf Prevent private check on git commit target branch
a127d62 Reduce disk usage during covscan run
bf1d84e images-health: limit to assembly


29 Nov 04:57
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170f4a5 Merge pull request #539 from joepvd/fix-tags-3.11
34c0b77 container.yml: Add PATCH to tags
ea01a16 check ratelimit


19 Nov 02:00
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Prepare for release v2.0.2

e810dcb Permit assemblies to use custom rhcos builds The RHCOS pipeline, when configured for a custom build, will bucket the resulting metadata files in s3 in a directory suffixed with `-custom`. In order to for assemblies to use custom RHCOS builds, we must try to find metadata in either the standard location or `-custom` location.
0a4d5ca [ART-3109] Use container.yaml to apply floating tags (#524)
e3e6315 ART-3437: Make bundle tag names configurable
36b3291 Prevent leading zero in semver (#527)
57af5c8 Revert "make bundle tag names configurable (#532)" (#533)
3a14f91 make bundle tag names configurable (#532)
3c16d82 Allow olm-bundle:print to skip when builds are missing
b3cc4c3 We are in the future
69e613e Update code to work with flexmock 0.11
4107d82 ART-2519 add check upstreampulls function (#488)
56325c6 bump-doozer: add annotated tag


03 Sep 02:19
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Prepare for release v1.3.19

00db566 scan-sources: Request a rebuild if parent image is newer (#507)
9ecc076 Improve bundle build error message (#508)
49d831c permits should be a list
8dba7b0 Don't constrain bundle build search by basis event
0c318a4 Ensure merger primitive check
e6e26f4 gen-payload: raise an error if assembly is not explicitly defined (#502)
270721d [ART-3088] Remove obsolete operator-metadata commands


25 Aug 07:00
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Prepare for release v1.3.18

b556b1e ART-3278: Request a rebuild if its dependency is newer (#501)
0ad8bbe Fix image build error when assembly has a basis event (#500)
e61eb0c [ART-3069] olm-bundle assembly awareness (#498)
99ff3fc [ART-3249] Log ineffective search-and-replace
6ce4cd5 Dockerfile: set workdir


13 Aug 01:59
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Prepare for release v1.3.17

fb8d2fa Bundles: Ensure search-and-replace is effective (#496)
bddbd85 Update for cachito changes