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tooling: add downstream merge script
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The goal for this script is to enable easy importing of upstream code,
which has to be done on a regular basis. The script is intentionally
not placed in the hack/ directory to avoid any conflicts with origin
tooling rebases.
  • Loading branch information
Jeff Peeler committed Jul 27, 2018
1 parent ccebad3 commit b3c8750
Showing 1 changed file with 97 additions and 0 deletions.
97 changes: 97 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
# This script takes as arguments:
# $1 - [REQUIRED] upstream version as the first argument to merge
# $2 - [optional] branch to update, defaults to master. could be a versioned release branch, e.g., release-3.10
# $3 - [optional] non-openshift remote to pull code from, defaults to upstream
# Warning: this script resolves all conflicts by overwritting the conflict with
# the upstream version. If a catalog specific patch was made downstream that is
# not in the incoming upstream code, the changes will be lost.
# Origin remote is assumed to point to openshift/service-catalog.


# sanity checks
if [[ -z "$version" ]]; then
echo "Version argument must be defined."
exit 1

catalog_repo=$(git remote get-url "$upstream_remote")
if [[ $catalog_repo != "" ]]; then
echo "Upstream remote url should be set to kubernetes-incubator repo."
exit 1

# check state of working directory
git diff-index --quiet HEAD || { printf "!! Git status not clean, aborting !!\\n\\n%s" "$(git status)"; exit 1; }

# update remote, including tags (-t)
git fetch -t "$upstream_remote"

# do work on the correct branch
git checkout "$rebase_branch"
remote_branch=$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref --symbolic-full-name @{u})
if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then
echo "Your branch is not properly tracking upstream as required, aborting."
exit 1
git merge "$remote_branch"
git checkout -b "$version"-rebase-"$rebase_branch" || { echo "Expected branch $version-rebase-$rebase_branch to not exist, delete and retry."; exit 1; }

# do the merge, but don't commit so tweaks below are included in commit
git merge --no-commit tags/"$version"

# get rid of upstream OWNERS, but leave the top level one alone
find . -mindepth 2 -name OWNERS -exec git rm -f '{}' +

# preserve our version of these files
git checkout HEAD -- OWNERS Makefile .gitignore

# unmerged files are overwritten with the upstream copy
unmerged_files=$(git diff --name-only --diff-filter=U --exit-code)
if [[ $differences -eq 1 ]]; then
unmerged_files_oneline=$(echo "$unmerged_files" | paste -s -d ' ')
git checkout --theirs -- $unmerged_files_oneline
if [[ $(git diff --check) ]]; then
echo "All conflict markers should have been taken care of, aborting."
exit 1
git add -- $unmerged_files_oneline

# update upstream Makefile changes, but don't overwrite build patch
# script executor must manually decline the build patch change, the diff may
# contain other changes that need accepting
git show tags/"$version":Makefile >
git add --patch --interactive
git checkout

echo "$version" > UPSTREAM-VERSION

# just to make sure an old version merge is not being made
git diff --staged --quiet && { echo "No changed files in merge?! Aborting."; exit 1; }

# make local commit
git commit -m "Merge upstream tag $version" -m "Merge executed via ./ $version $upstream_remote $rebase_branch" -m "$(printf "Overwritten conflicts:\\n%s" "$unmerged_files")"

# verify merge is correct
git --no-pager log --oneline "$(git merge-base origin/"$rebase_branch" tags/"$version")"..tags/"$version"

printf "\\n** Upstream merge complete! **\\n"
echo "View the above incoming commits to verify all is well"
echo "(mirrors the commit listing the PR will show)"
echo ""
echo "Now make a pull request, after it's LGTMed make the tag:"
echo "$ git checkout $rebase_branch
$ git pull
$ git tag <origin version>-$version
$ git push origin <origin version>-$version"

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