Unified Collective Communication, Version 0.1.0
This is an early release of the UCC API and its implementation. Major features in this release are detailed below.
- UCC API to support library, contexts, teams, collective operations, execution
engine, memory types, and triggered operations
- Added implementation for UCC abstractions - library, context, team,
collective operations, execution engine, memory types, and triggered
operations - Added support for memory types - CUDA, and CPU
- Added support for configuring UCC library and contexts
- Added support for collectives, while the source and destination is either in
CPU or device (GPU) - Added support for UCC_THREAD_MULTIPLE
- Added support for CUDA stream-based collectives
- Added support for send/receive based collectives using UCX/UCP as a transport
layer - Support for basic collectives types including barrier, alltoall, alltoallv,
broadcast, allgather, allgatherv, allreduce was added in the UCP TL - Added support using NCCL as a transport layer
- Support for collectives types including alltoall, alltoallv, allgather,
allgatherv, allreduce, and broadcast
- Added support for unit testing (gtest) infrastructure
- Added support for MPI tests