PAX-WICKET is a small framework which helps to integrate Apache Wicket into the OSGi component framework.
PAX-WICKET provides the following features:
- Full integration at HttpService Level
- Bean and Service injection on bundle level from Spring and Blueprint
- A delegating classloader and injection model.
For a full list of features and a more detailed documentation see the PAX-WICKET wiki.
Since the code is always moving faster than the documentation it is well possible that your use-case is possible with PAX-WICKET although not documented by now. Feel free to jump on to our mailing-lists or IRC channels and ask your questions there.
The easiest way to get in contact with PaxWicket is to read the quickstart documentation at the PAX-WICKET wiki.
If you prefer to read code instead of manuals there are various samples available.
- mvn clean install
- cd samples
- mvn pax:provision
- point the browser to http://localhost:8080/navigation/. From here on you'll find links and (short) explanations to the available examples.
- If you're not firm with the gogo command line the following commands might help:
- stop 0 (kills the samples)
- bundles (shows all bundles)
- bundle BUNDLEID (shows more details to a bundle)
- stop BUNDLEID (stops a bundle)
- start BUNDLEID (starts a bundle again)
- help (for a full list of possible commands)
- help COMMANDNAME (full description of a command)
PAX-WICKET uses Apache Maven as its build system. Simply checkout the sources and run "mvn clean install". This will build PAX-WICKET, the samples and run all integration tests.
PAX-WICKET is developed using Intellij and Eclipse. Either use the plugins in the IDEs or simply run "mvn idea:idea" or "mvn eclipse:eclipse" before and import them into your IDE.