Go binary deployed as an AWS lambda. Determines who is the funniest member of a channel, by totalling the number of amused reactions each member's comments received and publicising the victor back on the channel.
- add this to a CI system - currently all automated but run from a local laptop.
- triggered to build then run tests on commits to an open pull request
- triggered to build->test->deploy on merges to master.
- add sufficient tests that we can reliably deploy to the environment. (i.e. continuous deployment)
- use a centralised secrets manager to store the slack api key e.g. AWS Secrets Manager or Vault or SSM parameter store (at the moment it is manually configured as an env var to the lambda, after deployment.
(shippable does build the binary but does not deploy to AWS lambda yet)
To build manually:
# ... assuming you are set up for go1.x
# - if not consider using docker golang:alpine
export __REPO=github.com/opsgang/slack-api-lambda-example
export GOPATH=/go GOBIN=/usr/local/go/bin;
export __WD=$GOPATH/src/$__REPO
go get $__REPO
cd $__WD
fl="-w -extldflags \"-static\"";
export CGO_ENABLED=0;
go build --ldflags "$fl" -o $GOBIN/pupkin .
cd $__WD/tf
cp -a $GOBIN/pupkin .
zip pupkin.zip pupkin
rm pupkin
# export your AWS creds and then ...
# ... export terraform vars - see tf/main.tf for variable descriptions.
export TF_VAR_channel_id=my-channel-id # replace val with your channel's id
export TF_VAR_results_posted_by="Rupert Pupkin Speaks! "
export TF_VAR_icon_url="http://blog.edtechie.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/kingofcomedy.jpg"
terraform init
terraform plan -input=false
terraform apply -input=false -auto-approve
Find the lambda and add the environment var API_KEY
, with the value of an api token
you've created in your slack org. As this is a secret we don't hard code it in to the terraform.