Java library for the opsmatters suite including a data cache for New Relic Monitoring and Alerting, models, and reporting utilities.
To obtain a New Relic cache instance containing all the static configuration:
NewRelicCache cache = NewRelicCache.builder()
Next, create a manager to synchronise the cache with New Relic by importing all resources for the enabled products:
ProviderManager manager = ProviderFactory.getManager(Provider.NEW_RELIC);
boolean success = manager.sync(cache);
Once the cache has been populated, it can be queried for the resources and collections it contains. Here are some examples:
- To query the alert channels:
Collection<AlertChannel> channels = cache.alertChannels().list();
- To query the alert policies:
Collection<AlertPolicy> policies = cache.alertPolicies().list();
- To query the APM alert conditions for a particular alert policy:
Collection<AlertCondition> conditions = cache.alertPolicies().alertConditions(policy.getId()).list()
- To query the Infrastructure alert conditions for a particular alert policy:
Collection<InfraAlertCondition> infraConditions = cache.alertPolicies().infraAlertConditions(policy.getId()).list()
- To query the dashboards:
Collection<Dashboard> dashboards = cache.dashboards().list();
A New Relic account with an Admin user. The user needs to generate an Admin API Key to provide read-write access via the New Relic REST APIs. The Admin API Key is referenced in the documentation as the parameter "YOUR_API_KEY".
First clone the repository using:
>$ git clone
>$ cd opsmatters-core
To compile the source code, run all tests, and generate all artefacts (including sources, javadoc, etc):
mvn package
To execute the unit tests:
mvn clean test
The following tests are included:
- ProviderTest: Creates a full NewRelicCache with all the available configuration items and then creates some test reports for the objects in a variety of formats.
The build artefacts are hosted in The Maven Central Repository.
Add the following dependency to include the artefact within your project:
- newrelic-api - Java client library for the New Relic Monitoring and Alerting REST APIs
- docx4j - Java library for creating and manipulating Microsoft Open XML files
- jxl - Java API enabling developers to read, write, and modify Excel spreadsheets
- opencsv - CSV parser library for Java
- Maven - Dependency Management
- JUnit - Unit testing framework
Please read for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.
This project use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.
- Gerald Curley - Initial work - opsmatters
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
This project is licensed under the terms of the Apache license 2.0.
Copyright (c) 2018 opsmatters