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[CS2] Auto-Rotate-Maps-GoldKingZ (1.0.2)

Auto Rotate Maps Depend Players In Server



.:[ Dependencies ]:.

Metamod:Source (2.x)



.:[ Configuration ]:.


Config Located In ..\addons\counterstrikesharp\plugins\Auto-Rotate-Maps-GoldKingZ\config\config.json

Map Config Located In ..\addons\counterstrikesharp\plugins\Auto-Rotate-Maps-GoldKingZ\config\RotationServerMapList.txt

Map Schedule Config Located In ..\addons\counterstrikesharp\plugins\Auto-Rotate-Maps-GoldKingZ\config\RotationServerMapListSchedule.txt

  //Load Map List Path 
  "Load_MapList_Path": "csgo/addons/counterstrikesharp/plugins/Auto-Rotate-Maps-GoldKingZ/config/RotationServerMapList.txt",

  //Prefix Of ds_workshop_changelevel
  "Prefix_For_Ds_Workshop_Changelevel": "ds:",

  //Prefix Of host_workshop_map
  "Prefix_For_Host_Workshop_Map": "host:",

  // (0) = Disable
  // (1) = Get Maps From Top To Bottom
  // (2) = Get Random + Not Duplicated Maps
  "RotateMode": 1,

  //Wait X Mins Before You Do RotateMode 
  "RotateXTimerInMins": 5,

  //Do RotateMode When X Players In Server OR Less
  "RotateWhenXPlayersInServerORLess": 0,

  //Force Change Map When mp_timelimit End Or Reach mp_maxrounds
  "ForceRotateMapsOnTimelimitEndOrMaxRoundEnd": false,

  //If ForceRotateMapsOnTimelimitEndOrMaxRoundEnd Enabled And mp_timelimit End How Much Delay Would You Like (In Secs)
  "DelayXInSecsChangeMapOnTimelimitEnd": 2,

  //If ForceRotateMapsOnTimelimitEndOrMaxRoundEnd Enabled And mp_maxrounds Reach How Much Delay Would You Like (In Secs)
  "DelayXInSecsChangeMapOnRoundEnd": 0,

  //Enable Schedule?
  "EnableSchedule": false,

  //If EnableSchedule Enabled Which Time Would You Like
  "ScheduleFromTime": "01:00",
  "ScheduleToTime": "06:00",

  //Load Map List Path For Schedule
  "Schedule_MapList_Path": "csgo/addons/counterstrikesharp/plugins/Auto-Rotate-Maps-GoldKingZ/config/RotationServerMapListSchedule.txt",


  //Enable Logging Text Located In Auto-Rotate-Maps-GoldKingZ/logs/ ?
  "TextLog_Enable": false,

  //Log Message Format
  //{TIME} == Time
  //{DATE} == Date
  //{MAP} == Which Map Name Has Changed To
  "TextLog_MessageFormat": "[{DATE} - {TIME}] Server Has Less Players Changing Map To [{MAP}]",

  //Date and Time Formate
  "TextLog_DateFormat": "MM-dd-yyyy",
  "TextLog_TimeFormat": "HH:mm:ss",

  //Auto Delete Logs If More Than X (Days) Old
  "TextLog_AutoDeleteLogsMoreThanXdaysOld": 0,


  //Send Log To Discord Via WebHookURL
  // (0) = Disable
  // (1) = Text Only (Result Image :
  // (2) = Text With Saparate Date And Time From Message (Result Image :
  // (3) = Text With Saparate Date And Time From Message + Server Ip In Footer (Result Image :
  "DiscordLog_EnableMode": 0,

  //Discord Log Message Format
  //{TIME} == Time
  //{DATE} == Date
  //{MODE} == Which Method Did It Used
  "DiscordLog_MessageFormat": "[{DATE} - {TIME}] Server Has Less Players Changing Map To [{MAP}]",

  //Date and Time Formate
  "DiscordLog_DateFormat": "MM-dd-yyyy",
  "DiscordLog_TimeFormat": "HH:mm:ss",

  //If DiscordLog_EnableMode (2) or (3) How Would You Side Color Message To Be Check ( For Colors
  "DiscordLog_SideColor": "00FFFF",

  //Discord WebHookURL
  "DiscordLog_WebHookURL": "",

  //If DiscordLog_EnableMode (3) Image Url Footer
  "DiscordLog_FooterImage": "",


.:[ Change Log ]:.

-Fix Reset Timer On Players Connect / Disconnect
-Removed Warning sv_hibernate_when_empty
-Added Lang (Time Left/Change Map)
-Added ForceRotateMapsOnTimelimitEndOrMaxRoundEnd
-Added DelayXInSecsChangeMapOnTimelimitEnd
-Added DelayXInSecsChangeMapOnRoundEnd
-Added Map Name Will Be Last <Prefix>:<MAP>:<Map Name>

-Added Load_MapList_Path
-Added Prefix_For_Ds_Workshop_Changelevel
-Added Prefix_For_Host_Workshop_Map
-Added EnableSchedule
-Added ScheduleFromTime
-Added ScheduleToTime
-Added Schedule_MapList_Path

-Initial Release

.:[ Donation ]:.

If this project help you reduce time to develop, you can give me a cup of coffee :)
