Python tools for working with ORACC/C-ATF files
Depends on PLY, Mako and Pytest
If you don't use pip
, you're missing out.
Here are installation instructions.
Simply run:
$ cd pyoracc
$ git pull origin master
$ pip install .
Or you can just do
$ pip install git+git://
Or you can also do
$ pip install git+
If you already have installed it and want to upgrade the tool:
$ cd pyoracc
$ git pull origin master
$ pip install . --upgrade
Or you can just do
$ pip install git+git:// --upgrade
Or you can also do
$ pip install git+ --upgrade
To use it:
$ pyoracc --help
*Only files with the .atf extension can be processed. *
To run it on file:
$ pyoracc -i ./pyoracc/test/data/cdli_atf_20180104.atf -f cdli
For a fresh copy of CDLI ATF, download the data bundle here :
To run it on oracc file:
$ pyoracc -i ./pyoracc/test/data/cdli_atf_20180104.atf -f oracc
To run it on folder:
$ pyoracc -i ./pyoracc/test/data -f cdli
To see the console messages of the tool, use --verbose switch
$ pyoracc -i ./pyoracc/test/data -f cdli --verbose
Note that using the verbose option will also create a parselog.txt file, containing the log output along with displaying it on command line. The verbose output contains the lexical symbols, the parse grammer table and the LR parsing table states.
Also note that, first time usage with any atf format will always display the parse tables irrespective of verbose switch.
If you don't give arguments, it will prompt for the path and atf file type.
$ pyoracc --help
Usage: pyoracc [OPTIONS]
My Tool does one work, and one work well.
-i, --input_path PATH Input the file/folder name. [required]
-f, --atf_type [cdli|atf] Input the atf file type. [required]
-v, --verbose Enables verbose mode
--version Show the version and exit.
--help Show this message and exit.
- ORACC atf based changes will go in pyoracc/atf/oracc
- CDLI atf based changes will go in pyoracc/atf/cdli
- Common atf based changes will go in pyoracc/atf/common
$ python -m pyoracc.model.corpus ./pyoracc/test/data cdli
$ python -m pyoracc.atf.common.atffile ./pyoracc/test/data/cdli_atf_20180104.atf cdli True
Before running pytest and coverage, install py.test and pytest-cov.
$ py.test --cov=pyoracc --cov-report xml --cov-report html --cov-report annotate
Before running pycodestyle, install pycodestyle.
$ pycodestyle
from pyoracc.atf.common.atffile import file_process
file_process(pathname, atftype, verbose)