A C implementation of the Parus language
The language is named after Paridae bird family (Tits, Titmices and Chickadees).
Members of the Paridae family are small and highly intelligent birds.
This interpreter is built around simplicity, It doesn't use any bytecode compliation, as a result programs won't run as quickly as they could run if they were compiled.
Nevertheless it optimize the last call in a macro (a re-call) and it "compiles" usermacro to an intermediate representation instead of evaluating it as string.
Further more, for sake of simplicity this implementation doesn't support strings and arrays.
CParus can also be used as a library, for details refer to repl.c
if token is self evaluating: push it to the stack
elseif token is pre-fixed with a ' (quoted form) : quotate it and push it the stack
elseif symbol: apply the token's binding
Please refer to the parus manual, for more comprehensive explanation:
; Inspect the memory using ?stk and ?lex.
3 2 + outln
; ==> 5
(dpl *) '^2 define
5 ^2 outln
; ==> 25
''a 'b define
3 'a define
b ! outln
; ==> 3
; CParus also supports non-english characters
''𐤔𐤋𐤅𐤌 'שלום define
3.14159 'π define
See examples at examples/ folder